To kill the Crooked Man? Or to not kill the Crooked Man? 'Tis the Question.
The Wolf Among is a graphic novel game based off of the Fable Comic Books. The premise of the game is to track a murderer, the Crooked Man, who has been wreaking havoc upon Fabletown. as Bigby Wolf, you begin to unravel the plotline with choices, which eventually lead to enormous consequences.
In the game, Bigby is challenged by many decisions, which you as the player must decide to make. Each decision impacts how the story unfolds. You must choose wisely.
Here, I am going to run you through the important decisions you will face, as well as their outcomes and how they all link together impacting Bigby and the town of Fabletown.
Ending 1: Throw The Crooked Man Down The Well
The Crooked Man tries to strangle Bigby, but Bigby is able to free himself. Bigby holds the Crooked Man over the well and then proceeds to throw him down.
How to get this ending?
- Choose the option to throw the Crooked Man down the well.
This is the happy medium between the 2 other options below. Bigby takes out the Crooked Man in a somewhat humane way without the town fearing him. Although not all the townsfolk are happy with this choice. Bigby is still able to maintain his intimidation factor while still being just.
Ending 2: Lock Him Up
(1:35- 2:30)
All the same occurs expect Bigby spares the Crooked Man from certain death.
How to get this ending?
- Choose the lock him up option
Sending the Crooked Man to jail is not my favorite choice, and the townsfolk seem to agree. Snow might be the biggest fan of this option, so if you’re trying to impress her. Maybe go with sparing him.
Ending 3: Rip His Head Off
(2:35- end)
All of the above is the same, except you rip the Crooked Man’s head off. Ouch.
How to get this ending?
- Choose the option to rip off his head
This is a gruesome option, but definitely the most satisfying. The whole town will fear you if you go through with it. By ripping off the head of the Crooked Man, Bigby lives up to his fearsome role as the Big Bad Wolf.
Ending 4: Face to Face Kill
This isn’t exactly a completely different ending, but you have the option to kill the Crooked Man sooner.
How to get this ending?
- Kill the Crooked Man sooner
Killing the Crooked Man sooner leads you to the same conclusion, except Bigby will present the corpse of the Crooked Man to the town people. This isn’t the best option if you want to appease Snow since she wants to see him alive. If Bigby wants to make his woman happy, bring him in alive. But with all honesty, she will probably still friendzone you anyway.
Well, that’s a wrap! These are all the possible outcomes for The Wolf Among Us. Choose with care, because all of your choices will follow you into the next game.
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