[Top 10] Tower of God Best Fights Worth Watching Again
10. Hide & Seek Test
This scene shows how smart Khun is and how far he is willing to go to help Bam when he might now pass the position exam and get the chance to take the next test to go to the next floor.
- We get to see how intelligent and conniving Khun is going as far as tricking a ranker and making it so his team can easily win but still trick his entire team to help Bam.
- Khun is the reason why this scene is epic, he not only tricks a ranker but he tricks his entire team while leaving plenty of tips for Bam’s team to pass.
What's great about this scene
- Everything goes according to Khun’s plan and gives plenty of tips for Bam’s team to win and pass the test so that they can climb the tower together.
9. Ran vs Arie Inieta
Even though we haven’t seen this fight in the anime yet but it’ll be great to see this epic clash happen between two amazing fighters.
- Every fight that Ran does is amazing he uses shinzu to strengthen his body with lightning making him incredibly fast as well as powerful.
- Aerie Inieta is a master with the blade and Ran is a master at shinzu reinforcement able to make himself conduct lightning through himself.
What's great about this scene
- This epic fight is during the name hunt station arc and is filled with some great fights but this one shows the limits of Ran as he faces Arie Inieta.
- SIU outdid himself with this fight it’s beautifully done and a must-see that I can’t wait to see animated in the anime series.
8. White vs Kallavan
White has gained back all of his power and has to face Kallavan an extremely powerful and high ranked ranker who is part of King Zahard’s army.
- This fight is great because we see two of the strongest antagonist in the series face off against each other with new abilities and amazing artwork.
- Kallavan ends up losing his arm in this battle and then just regrows it back with shinzu which we haven’t seen before now and it’s beautifully done.
What's great about this scene
- The side events that are happening at the same time are what bring this fight together, White tells Bam he can teach him to use the souls he now has.
7. Bam vs Kaiser
This takes place at the name hunt station where Bam is required to face Kaiser so that he can get to the floor of death because Yuri told him he wouldn’t be allowed until defeating Kaiser.
- This fight is quite a sad event, Kaiser is a sad character thrown away by her parents and is being used to pay a debt that’s been paid many times over.
- Kaiser isn’t exactly a powerful person but has many high tier weapons and gear that make her a formidable enemy and the rules of the name hunt station make it next to impossible to battle her again a second time.
What's great about this scene
- There are such few characters who have anima and it’s great to see Kaiser use hers as she fights Bam while they go all out against each other.
- Kaiser has an invisible weapon in the form of a needle and string that she can control freely, against others this was all she needed but Bam is just built differently.
6. Lero Ro vs. Unnamed Ranker
This fight hasn’t been shown yet but it shows us the real power behind a ranker like Lero Ro against an unnamed enemy ranker
- It was great to see Lero Ro appear again in the workshop battle to help Viole and his friends escape from a Fug Ranker saying he went there to “Help his Students”.
- Lero Ro is an extremely bright ranker for his young age and incredibly powerful even being praised by Quant because of it.
What's great about this scene
- This fight shows us the power of two rankers when they clash as Lero Ro is making it possible for Viole, Bam, and his friends to escape.
5. Wangnan & Khun vs. Teebo & Leebo
Most fights haven’t been put in the show yet because the anime is a new project and will take time to adapt from the comic series on Webtoons.
- This fight isn’t one of my favorites because it isn’t filled with as much excitement as other fights but it’s still a great fight during the Workshop arc.
- Teebo & Leebo are technically the same person and even though Wangnan isn’t exceptionally powerful he was still able to take them out himself with some helpful information from our favorite strategist Khun.
What's great about this scene
- We get to see Wangnan fight basically on his own with very little help from Khun besides information against a somewhat powerful and tricky enemy.
4. Kallavan vs Ha Jinsung
Kallavan is on a mission to kill Bam at the Last Station of the Hell Train and Ha Jinsung isn’t going to allow him, this makes one of the most epic fights of student vs teacher.
- This fight is amazing because we haven’t seen Ha Jinsung go all out and against his old student Kallavan, who is now in Zahard’s army, is a great sight to see.
- Kallavan has joined King Zahard’s army to create a perfect utopia through power and believes this wholeheartedly while Ha Jinsung wants to turn Bam into some kind of god able to change the tower.
What's great about this scene
- This fight was bound to happen because of the opposing sides these two fight for and SIU doesn’t disappoint and I can’t wait to see it in the anime.
3. 25th Baam vs Kallavan
After the fight against Ha Jinsung, Kallavan was injured but still went after Baam to kill him, and when he sees Androssi he tries to capture her alive.
- Baam gets mad when he hears the Ha Jinsung, his master, is possibly dead even though Bamm tries his best to fight he still isn’t strong enough and karaka steps in to help with his escape so Ha Jinsung’s death wasn’t in vain.
- Baam has grown in power and it’s great to see his growth but he still wasn’t powerful enough to stop him so Karaka had to step in.
What's great about this scene
- This fight is beautifully done and even though it’s not in the anime it has been animated by fans so we can see it in action.
2. Baam vs Hoaqin
This fight takes place in the hell train, Hoaqin and Bamm’s allies are used as chips in the test of the hell train having to save them as they fall into the lava, the rules are much more specific and is worth reading when possible and will be great to see in the anime.
- Baam is the best part of this fight and scene, he goes past his limit so that he’s able to save everyone because Hoaqin was more than willing to let them die.
- This fight is great to see because it shows that Baam isn’t completely gone even though as a Viole he was distant to keep his friends safe.
What's great about this scene
- The test is specific and is ruinous for Baam because he decides to save everyone since Hoaqin is willing to let everyone even his allies die.
- We get to see Baam go past his limit with the thorn as he learns of the new power he has while saves not only his allies but his enemies as well.
1. Anaak vs. Ran Round 2
Anaak and Ran are friendly rivals and are similar in power levels and after the first fight that they weren’t able to finish that fight so this is the real fight between these two.
- This fight is amazing and we get to see Anaak and Ran, go all out as they fight at full strength with Ran using his lightning pill while Anaak reinforces herself.
- These two are extremely powerful for their ages and both grow as the series goes on and it’ll be great when we see it in the anime.
What's great about this scene
- Ran and Anaak are both great characters and are extremely powerful for their ages because of the families they were born into and it makes for a great fight.
- The ending of this fight is hilarious and unexpected because Paraquil pops up from under them as their timers end making it impossible for them to fight so pickle man wins because he’s the last one able to move.