[Top 5] Tower of God Best Girls
5. Anaak Zahard
Anaak is an orphan of the original Anaak Zahard and one of the cutest nonhuman race of princesses with a sad past that drives her rage towards all Zahard Princesses.
- Annak is extremely powerful and it’s great to watch her and Endorsi as they climb the tower together getting stronger along the way.
- SIU said that Anaak Zahard was one of the characters who appeared in the black and white version of Tower of God, even though she was human then.
- She is placed as a fisherman but is also a capable spear bearer as well as being able to reinforce herself with shinzu to be faster and stronger.
What Makes Anaak Zahard Awesome
- Even though she only has half of Zahard blood in her Annak is extremely powerful and physically resilient to pain as well as has incredible willpower
4. Endorsi Zahard
Endorsi is a true princess of Zahard and is extremely powerful for a regular and is extremely manipulative but starts to change after knowing Baam.
- Endorsi is an interesting character, she’s very aggressive but still very caring and would do anything to protect her friends and Annak specifically.
- Endorsi or Androssi are fake names and aliases that she uses SIU has said that her real name will be revealed in the future.
What Makes Endorsi Zahard Awesome
- Endorsi is beautiful and powerful and easily a fan favorite in Tower of God, among the regulars she is unmatched in physical power.
3. Ha Yuri Zahard
The first real love interest to Baam Yuri is a ranker and a Princess of Zahard making a deadly combo who shows up much later in the show and will be great to see.
- Yuri is an amazing character and easily one of my favorite female characters strong enough to take out an assassin rather easily without a weapon.
- Owning both the Black March and the Green April, Yuri Zahard is the first princess to own two of the 13-month series weapons since Garam Zahard.
What Makes Ha Yuri Zahard Awesome
- Yuri is such an amazing person that even though she doesn’t directly know Anaak or Endorsi she still fights to protect them against an assassin.
- I’m quoting this directly from the Tower of God wiki because I can’t word it better. “It is recently revealed that Yuri is obsessed with a virtual boy simulation game called 'raising cute boys', which was introduced to her by Jaina Repellista Zahard. She hasn't stopped playing it since because it features a character that resembles Baam.”
2. Yeon Yihwa
Yeon Yihwa is going to be in the second season of the show but at the moment she hasn’t shown up in the anime and sadly doesn’t get much screen time.
- A great character I wish Yeon was able to get more screen time but we understand that SIU has a hard time drawing flames.
- Yeon is a bad cook and is often joked about because of it because she more often than not burns everything she cooks so she is never allowed to cook.
- It’s been said through the series, even though it is seen as a joke, it’s been shown that she’s begun to develop romantic feelings for Viole. (Like many women have)
What Makes Yeon Yihwa Awesome
- The flame of Yeon and her power is unrivaled to regulars stated by SIU with her power level being much like Androssi from season one.
1. Hwa Ryun
A scarlet witch Hwa Ryun is a guide able to climb the tower even though she failed the test for the second floor and wouldn’t be allowed to if she wasn’t a guide.
- Hwa Ryun according to SIU is the most beautiful woman in the series and I agree she is gorgeous and powerful as a scout and wave controller.
- Even though she called Viole “MY God” she says it is more of a playful manner instead of him being seen as the god of Fug meant to change the tower.
What Makes Yeon Yihwa Awesome
- She is the first ally to the new awakened Viole being his guide no matter what even when Viole decides to leave Fug and get reunited with his friends.