Which Career Path is Right for You?
From melee wizards to archer soldiers, Fatshark have really delivered on the sequel to a beloved game in the PC gaming community. In Vermintide 2, there are 15 different career paths/classes that you can play. Here are the 15 classes from worst to best to help you in your fight against the Ratmen.
15. Slayer (Bardin)
Bardin Goreksson's Slayer weilds two axes and no ranged weapons.
In the Slayer class for Bardin, you play with 2 melee weapons and do not have the option to play with a ranged weapon. This career path for Bardin is unlocked at level 12. This opens you up for difficulty with slaying specials because you cannot kill them from a distance. His active ability is to leap in the area and have increased speed for a brief period of time which is supposed to help offset this melee only class. With so little versatility, Slayer is a very difficult class to play. That being said, if you are looking for a way to improve your overall game play by getting better at your melee skills this would be a fun way to do it.
14. Mercenary (Kruber)
Marcus Kruber's Mercenary lends his hand in battle using a halberd.
The Mercenary class for Kruber is a good starting class to get used to Kruber's movements. He is the only class that has a passive ability to allow attacks to cleave through more enemies. Overall though, this class doesn't have any extraordinary abilities to really set him apart. He is a balanced character with good bones making him a great starting point for really learning how to play the other Kruber classes.
13. Shade (Kerillian)
Kerillian's Shade uses the shadows as her friend.
Kerillian's Shade class is an up close and personal melee class. She is excellent for defeating more difficult enemies by using her active ability to become undetectable and can pass through them. If she hits them from behind with a critical hit they are instantly slayed. The problem with this ability though is that she has to in the 100% exact position or this will fail and leave her vulnerable. This can be a fun class to play but there are better melee classes that you can play instead. It doesn’t really make sense to have a melee version of an archer.
12. Ranger Veteran (Bardin)
Bardin Goreksson's Ranger Veteran is a formidable opponent with a crossbow.
The Ranger Veteran class for Bardin is a pretty basic class. He has double ammo capacity and increased reload speed. His active ability drops a smoke bomb to conceal him from enemy sight. His other passive ability drops an ammo pickup when a special dies with only has a couple of rounds in it. This seems pretty useful in concept but isn't useful to all of the other players or even to himself if he is using the drake fire pistols.
11. Huntsman (Kruber)
Marcus Kruber's Huntsman will shoot any special in sight.
If you are looking to use a bow and arrow but don’t want to play as Kerillian, this is the class for you. This is the only other class in the game that lets you use a bow and arrow; unfortunately for Kruber though, this is a more vulnerable class because he is not as heavily armored. While the bow and arrow option is fun to play if Kerillian is already taken, it is simply not as strong of an archer as Kerillian.
10. Witch Hunter Captain (Saltzpyre)
Victor Saltzpyre's Witch Hunter Captain is deadly with his expertise of a rapier.
The Witch Hunter Captain is decent at both melee and ranged combat. His main focus is to tag enemies so they take additional damage from his passive ability. This is especially useful for specials and stormvermin. Unfortunately, not every enemy in the game is taggable though. It is true that you would want to use this for a more powerful foe but having an ability without limitations on what enemies it affects can be pretty crucial. Saltzpyre is a very fun character to play and is pretty versatile. Personally, I think it is more fun to play the Zealot and it is hard to compete with the Bounty Hunter class as far as talents go.
09. Battle Wizard (Sienna)
Sienna Fuegonasus' Battle Wizard embraces the flames.
The Battle Wizard is all about controlling large groups by blinking forward and leaving a trail of flames. This can be very useful if the rest of your team is dedicated to other things. Overall, Sienna is probably the most powerful character in the game when played correctly. The Battle Wizard is a great introduction to the Unchained class which is a lot of fun to play.
08. Zealot (Saltzpyre)
Victor Saltzpyre's Zealot lends a hand in battle with his mastery of a flail.
The Zealot is a very fun tank class. He resists death on lethal damage which can be very entertaining to see just how many hits he can take with one sliver of health left. His power increases as his health decreases which can give that extra push of power needed to finish out a waive or more likely a mini-boss. When in a pinch, he can utilize his active ability to charge forward giving him increased attack speed for 5 seconds.
07. Pyromancer (Sienna)
Sienna Fuegonasus' Pyromancer lends a helping hand in any battle with her expertise of fire.
Pyromancer Sienna is great for eliminating specials that spawn throughout the level with ease by using her active skill to seek out targets with a quick cool down period. This class is also ridiculous for critical hits. A very popular combination for this class is to use the beam staff. You can stand on higher ground clearing out a wave of enemies and every couple of seconds fire off your active ability to take out a special that spawned in. Be careful with this strategy though, your teammates might not find it very fun to just stand around watching you kill everything.
06. Foot Knight (Kruber)
Marcus Kruber's Foot Knight is the ultimate soldier.
Foot Knight Kruber is heavily armored with increased stamina and reduced damage taken. His charge forward is very useful to knock enemies back and to create some space between enemies and players. When another member of your team goes down, the Foot Knight can easily push enemies off the fallen player in order to revive them. Overall this is a pretty fun soldier class to play and the increased armor can be key in some sticky situations on higher difficulties.
05. Waystalker (Kerillian)
Kerillian's Waystalker is deadly with a bow and arrow.
This is the ultimate ranged class. Waystalker has double ammo capacity, zoom on ranged weapons, auto-seeking arrows for her active ability, and has a talent that allows her to regenerate ammo over time with no extra effort. The auto-seeking arrows are a throwback to the true flight bows from the first game. Her ability to regenerate ammunition makes this archer very valuable on levels with fewer ammo drops. This is such a fun class to play and can be very fast-paced.
04. Iron Breaker (Bardin)
Bardin Goreksson's Iron Breaker will hold down any fort.
The Iron Breaker is the ultimate tank with increased stamina, reduced damage taken, and the ability to taunt all man sized enemies for 10 seconds at a time. The Iron Breaker is the perfect melee combatant and rounds out almost any team nicely. During a wave of enemies, the Iron Breaker can taunt all the man sized enemies allowing the other players on the team to get into a better position. The Iron Breaker will typically be the player that takes the least amount of damage and on average is the last one standing.
03. Bounty Hunter (Saltzpyre)
Victor Saltzpyre's Bounty Hunter is unstopable with his repeater pistol.
This class for Saltzpyre is perfect for ranged attacks and controlling specials. He has double ammo capacity with a faster reload speed. Combined with the right strategy of unlockable talents you can have almost unlimited ammo. Saltzpyre overall is a pretty good character for rounding out a team. He is good at both melee and ranged combat with a pretty good variety of weapons to choose from.
02. Unchained (Sienna)
Sienna Fuegonasus' Unchained is one with the flames.
The Unchained class is difficult to play but is perfect for both melee and ranged attacks. When played correctly, the Unchained can perform ranged attacks to help with controlling hordes at further distances until they get close enough for melee combat. By then, she will most likely be on high overcharge and can use her active skill to burst into a flame clearing out the closest enemies. Since she takes 50% of her damage as overcharge instead she can take more attacks in a horde without taking as much actual damage. Finding the perfect balance for this class is what makes it a very fun and ultimately powerful class.
01. Handmaiden (Kerillian)
Kerillian's Handmaiden slays enemies with her mastery of a spear.
The Handmaiden class is highly mobile with increased dodge distance. This allows her more ease with melee combat while having the ability to easily create distance between her and her enemies to switch to ranged combat when necessary. She also does not get interrupted while reviving a fallen teammate. This in combination with her dash possibly makes her the perfect reviver on the team. In my opinion, the versatility, overall speed of this class, and the ability to quickly revive teammates is what makes this class the best class.
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