In War Thunder, you’ve got a few skills to add to the crew of the plane that you’re flying. There are 5 of them in total and today in this article, I will quickly explain how they work, which one of them is the best and why you should choose them. Let’s start!
5. Keen Vision
The least useful.
Keen Vision is a skill that allows you to see enemy tags from a greater distance. This is kinda useful if you want to predict the moves of your enemies, whether they want to bomb bunkers, bases, or friendly vehicle convoys. The maximum distance that you can see the enemy from is 8 kilometers.
Why this skill is useful:
Useful against bombers
Also useful for predicting the moves of your enemies
Basically, this skill is responsible for detecting enemy planes from 400-800 meters from all angles, it doesn’t matter whether the target is behind, next, or in front of you. This allows you to shoot your targets quicker because the hit point appears sooner. ‘Nuff said!
What it does though is that it makes your crew more resistant to fatigue, aka the amount of pressure your pilot has received from g-forces. It basically makes your plane a tiny bit more maneuvrable before your pilot vomits all over the cockpit or faints!
This skill makes your crew die later instead of sooner. Lower caliber weapons will make your crew a little bit more bullet spongy. Higher caliber weapons are usually hard to survive but this skill still comes in handy as it can help you survive a shot from the .50 cal. It’s always a shame to get killed in a plane that didn’t sustain any serious damage!
Why this skill is useful:
Makes your crew more resistant to lower caliber weapons
Can also protect you from higher caliber weapons under very lucky circumstances
G-Tolerance is useful if you’re constantly accelerating while conducting maneuvers, eventually, your pilot will reach a critical amount of G’s and make him pass out, and lose control of the plane for a small amount of time. These kinds of situations are dangerous while flying at low altitudes or in heavy planes which are kinda harder to maneuver!
Why this skill is useful:
Can save your plane a few times from crashing or getting shot down
No-life from a cold land, been playing video games since the age of 7, from FPS to MOBA's, Spent thousands of hours on PC/Console video games. No regrets.