[Top 5] Warframe Best Early Warframes You Should Get
Warframe is a horde action shooter game with grind and rng as its core mechanics; and, as with most games, contains early, mid, and late game progressions. In this article, we will discuss the warframes that can help you progress better in the early game.
5. Volt
Sharing is caring, so why not share the electrical loads with the buddies around you.
Make your enemies convulse as you tickle them to death from the inside with electricity. Volt is an electricity-themed warframe that has good utility-based abilities. He can stun multiple enemies, buff the speed of his allies, and block incoming gunfire while increasing his teams’ firepower.
He can be chosen as a starting frame; alternatively, the blueprints can be acquired from the Teeno Lab (assuming you have joined one) or from Tenshin from the Conclave.
What Volt excels in:
- Good crowd control abilities.
- Defending key points with shield ability.
- Increasing speed and damage output.
Warframe: Everything You Need To Know About Volt/Volt Prime
4. Frost
You're gonna shatter, T-1000 style.
Snowball fighting is now more exciting and fun as ever. Not only can you turn ground and areas around you to ice, but you can now also turn mobs into ice (then to smaller bits of ice later on). Frost is an Ice themed warframe that has great crowd control abilities. All his abilities, including his protection globe, have a form of crowd control from slowing to completely freezing the area around him.
The main blueprint can be acquired from the market, while the component blueprints can be acquired from the twin bosses on Ceres.
What Frost excels in:
- Good survivability.
- Multiple crowd control abilities.
- Defending multiple open areas.
Warframe: How to get Frost 2019
3. Equinox
She has bipolar disorder, making you bleed to death then lull you to sleep.
Send your enemies to sleep so they can wake up in their faction’s equivalent of afterlife when they wake up. Equinox is a duality (day and night) themed warframe that has great offensive and defensive team buffing abilities. This, coupled with her decent crowd control abilities that make her a great addition to any team.
The main blueprint can be acquired from the market; however, rather than the usual 3, 8 component blueprints are to be acquired by defeating the boss on Uranus making it more difficult than most of the other warframes.
What Equinox excels in:
- Good crowd control abilities.
- Multiple abilities that do offensive and defensive buffs.
- Supporting abilities that provide great survivability.
Warframe: How to get Equinox
2. Rhino
In the far future, body mass is now weaponized.
Everyone calling Rhino fat and slow until he gets fatter glows, and gets charges at you in a blink of an eye. Rhino is a rhinoceros themed warframe that has a good mix of survivability, team buff, and crowd control making him an all-around decent warframe. He can provide himself a buffer (that scales from his armor and health), buff his team for more damage output, and stun enemies in an area in front of him or around him.
The main blueprint can be acquired from the market, while the component blueprints can be acquired by defeating the boss on Venus.
What Rhino excels in:
- Good survivability
- Adequate crowd control abilities.
- Squad weapon buff.
- Easy to obtain parts.
Where to farm Rhino! (Warframe)
1. Limbo
These performances are worth DYING for; it is a good thing I never run out of volunteers.
For my next magic trick, I’ll show you how to make this lot of enemies DISAPPEAR. Limbo is a rift plane magician themed warframe that has excellent crowd control abilities and survivability. With his rift plane abilities, he can provide invulnerability to himself and his team and at the same time slowly regenerate their energy. Additionally, he can create a bubble of rift plane, where he can freeze enemy movements and ignore outside sources of damage.
The main blueprint can be acquired from the market, while the component blueprints can be acquired from the Limbo Theorem Quest (which requires archwing) or from Cephalon Simaris at the Relays.
What Limbo excels in:
- Excellent survivability.
- Excellent crowd control abilities.
- Supporting abilities that provide near invulnerability with energy regeneration.
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