What makes a great Spider-Man story? The answer to that question can be answered in two words: personal conflict.
Every great Spider-Man story involves Peter Parker trying to stop a bad guy personally connected to him in some way.
The story in Spider-Man: Miles Morales does exactly that. This game may be on the short side, but thanks to the personal conflict presented, this story can easily be put up there with the best Spider-Man stories you can find.
Our Hero: Miles Morales

Miles should definitely keep a case on his phone
Our hero in this game is New York’s brand-new Spider-Man, Miles Morales.
After getting bit by a radioactive spider in the last Spider-Man game, Miles takes center stage in his own game. And this time, Peter Parker’s not there to help him out.
Miles is a seventeen-year-old kid who juggles school, works at the F.E.A.S.T shelter, deals with his father’s death, and hides his true identity from his Mom, and the rest of the world as the second Spider-Man.
In this game in particular, he has to deal with the pressure of being the only Spider-Man in New York, as Peter Parker leaves the country early on in the game. Can Miles step it up and be as good of a hero as the original Spider-Man?
See Him In Action:
Spider Man Miles Morales - High Action Combat & Crazy Finishing Moves
The Villians
You can’t find a bigger creep than Simon Krieger
Just like most Spider-Man stories, Miles has to deal with not just one villain but multiple villains.
Simon Krieger
Simon Krieger, the nefarious head of research and development at Roxxon Corporation, is the main antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. He appears friendly at first, but it doesn’t take long to spot how evil he is.
Krieger spends most of the game pushing “Nuform” - a clean energy solution by Roxxon - despite warnings from its creators about potential risks. In reality, however, he is driven solely by greed and will do anything possible to pad his own pockets.
He’s also known to not get his hands dirty. Preferring to hire other bad guys like The Rhino and The Prowler to do his dirty work.
See Him In Action:
Spider-Man Miles Morales - Miles And Phin Captured By Simon Krieger
The Tinkerer
Did you guess who The Tinkerer was?
The Tinkerer is the second biggest bad guy in this game and the one you’ll run into more than Krieger.
The Tinkerer’s real name is Phin Mason. A formidable engineer with technical prowess, she leads a terrorist group called the Underground - a group dead set on destroying Simon Krieger and the Roxxon company.
Her impressive capabilities extend to using powerful programmable matter that she uses for herself and her allies' weapons in battle.
But the most important thing about The Tinkerer:
She’s Miles’ best friend from childhood.
See Her In Action:
Miles Reveals His Identity to the Tinkerer - Spider-Man: Miles Morales
The Main Conflict
During good times. Good times that don’t last.
The core of this story is Miles Morales’ struggle with loyalty.
Miles grew up with Phin and thinks of her as more than a best friend; she’s a sister.
So when Miles finds out that the Tinkerer is actually Phin, he’s instantly torn. He must choose to be loyal to Phin or be loyal to his new job as Spider-Man.
This is what creates the personal conflict for Miles in this game.
It’s not an easy choice for Miles, either. Once he finds out that Simon Krieger killed Phin’s brother, he feels like he needs to help Phin. But when Miles learns that Phin might end up blowing up the city with Nuform, he realizes there’s no choice but to stop her.
See The Conflict In Action:
Spider-Man Miles Morales - ALL Miles and Phin Cutscenes - The Sad Love Story of Miles and Phin FULL
How You Win
The Tinkerer is one of the few people who can brush off a spider-kick to the face
To roll credits on this game, you must stop The Thinkerer from setting off a Nuform bomb that will level the city.
This is not an easy task. You’ll have to face classic Spider-Man villains like The Rhino, beat-up thugs from the Underground, and the Roxxon corporation, plus withstand endless criticism from J Jonah Jameson!
See The Conflict In Action:
Miles Morales vs Phin
Supporting Characters
Such a cool duo
The good news is, Miles doesn’t have to take down the Tinkerer alone. He has some friends and family who are willing to help him out.
Peter Parker
The original Spider-Man. It’s true that Peter goes on vacation for most of the game, but he still manages to help you out using AI programs.
Peter sets up computers all over the city to help you learn new abilities. Plus, the AI inside the suit Peter gives you will teach you the ropes on how to be a better Spider-Man.
See Them In Action:
Miles Morales and Peter Parker vs Rhino
Rio Morales
It’s hard not to like Miles’ mom
The mother of Miles Morales is Miles’ main support system. She doesn’t know his secret identity, so Miles has to tiptoe around her.
She’s running for public office in the game but always has time for her son. Anytime Miles feels lost, he can always turn to his mom.
All Rio Morales Cutscenes - Spider Man Miles Morales
Hopefully, we’ll see more of Ganke in the sequel
Miles’ best friend. He’s one of the few people who knows that Miles is Spider-Man, and he’s always excited to build a new gadget or suit.
During the game, Ganke will provide support remotely by monitoring your actions and warning you of threats your spider sense can’t catch.
See Him In Action:
All Ganke Cutscenes - Spider Man Miles Morales
Aaron Davis / The Prowler
Is this the best version of the Prowler?
Aaron Davis is Miles Morales’ uncle. He’s also a thief for hire.
As the Prowler, Aaron uses his advanced tech suit and athletic ability to steal for some of the most infamous villains in Spider-Man history. Villians like Kingpin, and in this game, Simon Kriger.
Aaron figures out that Miles is the new Spider-Man early in the game. This creates a small dilemma for him, as he must pick between being loyal between Miles and his boss Kriger.
At the end of the day, Aaron’s got Miles’ back. You can’t beat this game without him.
The Prowler is a character to keep an eye on in future Spider-Man games.
See Him In Action:
Spiderman: Miles Morales - Prowler Boss Fight
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