10 Exciting Things To Expect From Next-Gen Gaming Consoles

05 Dec 2023

#1 More Internal Storage (2TB)

Internal Storage Image

With more internal storage comes more room for your favorite games. Future gen-consoles will be coming out with the feature of having more internal storage than the consoles before them. 

With more storage available for players. Next-gen consoles will ensure compatibility and provide a seamless experience for users. 


#2 Graphic Processors 

Graphic Processor Image

A graphic processor is an electronic circuit that is designed to accelerate the processing of images and videos. When it comes to gaming it is a crucial component that is responsible for rendering visuals and other graphical performance in applications. 

This will allow players to be able to play games with detailed graphics. Making video games a more realistic and enjoyable experience. Never having to deal with messy pixels on the screen again. 


#3 Wi-Fi 6E support

Wifi Icon Image

Microsoft is adding Wi-Fi 6E support for the new Xbox Series X design. This support will provide additional and improved performance, reducing congestion in your internet traffic. 

This will enable gamers to be able to take up all the bandwidth when playing video games. Transferring data dramatically faster. Supporting consoles in a new way for both games and hi-res movie streaming.


#4 Cloud Hybrid Technology

Cloud Hybrid Technology Image

Hybrid Cloud is a mixed computing environment. It is where applications are run using a combination of computing, storage, and services in different environments. 

It will enable players to migrate and manage things between various cloud environments. Allowing them to create more versatile setups based on their needs.


#5 VR Integration 

VR Integration Image

Gaming is going more towards VR integration every single day. At the rate that technology is going, next-gen consoles are going to be featuring VR as a way to connect with more users. 

Right now as it is, for players to be able to play VR they have to have separate devices to hook up to existing computers and consoles to be able to truly benefit from VR. However, new consoles are beginning to involve motion controllers and headsets. All into the same box as the console. 


#6 Updated UI

User Interface Image

A user interface is a point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device. Examples of this can vary from screens to keyboards, even to the mouse players use. Not only that but it is also the way users  interact with applications or websites. 

Updated UI is not a surprise, but it is  something to be looking forward to. As more updates are released, it can make products easier to use. As well as intuitive and visually pleasing. Updates can be as simple as changing an icon, but it can also lead to a complete overhaul of the user interface. 


#7 Smaller Console Design

Console Design Image

Consoles in general are huge, having to be plugged in while also making sure that they are in a safe space. Since  the consoles are so big and heavy, it can risk them falling and possibly breaking. 

Of course, newer consoles will still be somewhat large. But as new consoles are released the designs can become smaller and smaller. For example; look at the Xbox 360 compared to the newer one that’s been released, the Xbox series S. There is a significant size difference. 


#8 Digital-Only Consoles

Digital Only Xbox Console Image

Just like how newer phones don’t need an actual charging port or headphone jack. Next-gen consoles may become disc-less altogether. 

Players who like to collect physical games or movies may not be very happy. However, as newer consoles go in this direction, it can mean faster internet speed. Moving towards better gaming and streaming quality. 


#9 Ray Tracing 

Ray Tracing Enabled Image

Ray tracing is one of the most important features graphic-wise. It is a lighting technique that brings an extra level of realism to games. It has an impact on the way light reflects and refracts in games, making scenes more comparable to real life. 

It is not only considered one of the biggest leaps in 3D game graphics. It can lead to improved immersion. Helping players to truly feel like they are actually in the game. 


#10 8K Resolution 

Resolution Capture Image

8K resolution is a huge jump from the 4K that gamers are used to. Increasing pixel count allows players to see a huge difference in picture quality when comparing side-by-side with 4K. 

8K Ulta HD TV is the newest TV format. Nearly quadrupling the solution that 4K has. Soon, it won’t only be TV that we will be able to receive this high resolution on. As next-gen consoles plan to improve their graphics by attempting to improve the current resolutions for gaming. 

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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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The Walking Dead, Undertale, Life is Strange