10 Witcher 4 Rumors That Could Come True
If you’re like me, The Witcher series rocked your world, too. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings took my love of the RPG genre to the next level, and I’ve totally immersed myself in the books and lore since then. When I finally got my hands on the third installment, The Wild Hunt, I spent weeks absorbing every detail, not passing by even the smallest of quests.
While the tale of the White Wolf seems to have come to a perfectly well-rounded conclusion, the prospect of a fourth game is too good to ignore. With such a vast world saturated with detailed culture, there is no limit to the possibilities a fourth game can hold.
10. We’re in for a Wait
The first thing to keep in mind if you’ve been getting your hopes up for a continuation of this amazing series is that it is not going to happen any time soon, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The Witcher 3 took three and a half years of active development and wasn’t actually released until after the fourth anniversary of The Witcher 2, and all of the time and dedication put into it truly paid off. The bar has been set pretty high for this series, and with the release of CD Projekt RED’s Cyberpunk 2077 still on its way, any talks for a new Witcher game have been put on the backburner. That isn’t to say they won’t happen at all, but we’re in for a true test of patience before receiving anything solid.
9. Geralt’s Story is Retired
No matter which path you followed, which partner you chose, or which ending you received, they all pointed toward one conclusion: the story of Geralt of Rivia has ended. From the very first game, his story revolved around the prophecy of Ithlinne and the proposed end of humanity, and whether he liked it or not, it guided his every step towards its fulfillment. Now, he’s successfully played his part as well as solved the mystery of his past with The Wild Hunt, undoubtedly earning his passage into retirement, or at least as much of retirement as a witcher can have. Geralt has officially hung up his boots, and for the series to continue without feeling like we’re beating a dead horse, it’s time to let someone else take the reins and usher in a new era of adventure.
8. A New Witcher
One of the ideas being thrown around for a new protagonist is an unnamed, possibly unrelated witcher in training. The Witcher 3 brought a fair amount of new information as to how a witcher becomes an emotionless monster killing machine, but the history of witcher training is still shrouded in mystery. An excellent way to keep ties with the original allure of the series would be to experience a new witcher being put through the trial of the grasses and the mutations that make this unique breed of hunter.
7. Will Not Be Named The Witcher 4
As it’s been decided that Geralt is no longer the hero of the northern realms, and that the tale of The Witcher has ended, it’s only fitting that any new installment comes with a new name to signify the start of a fresh adventure. This also opens up the possibility of a future protagonist who stands apart from the monster hunting profession, and in a world filled with such fascinating stories from all walks of life, the possibilities are endless.
6. An Expanding World
For those of us who are all about the fully immersive experience and deep dives into lore and culture, one of the most exciting prospects about a fourth game in the series is what new expansions and spin-offs we can hope to see. We’ve been absolutely spoiled with the release of Gwent and its standalone single-player companion, Thronebreaker, and while the star of the show will always be the Witcher world itself, it’s these incredibly detailed tie-in experiences that add a whole new level of realism.
5. The Sorceresses
One thing that we fans would certainly love to see more of is the society of femme fatales, the Lodge of Sorceresses. While the end of the third game left the Lodge’s fate open-ended and uncertain, we know for a fact the surviving members are already plotting for the future, and their plans never fail to make a scene.
4. A Different Time
When moving forward in a series without getting caught in a rut of rehashing the same character stories over and over, the best approach is to set the new story in a different timeline. As the Witcher series has already built up such a detailed world history, one point of interest which would make the perfect setting for a continuation is the time surrounding the Conjunction of the Spheres, the time when the monsters and magical creatures first arrived in the world. It’s a decent step away from the story of Geralt, as developers have indicated is their intention, and there is surely no shortage of adventure to be had during the cataclysm.
3. A New World
A very distinct possibility for the fourth game has been laid out before us thanks to The Witcher 3’s DLC, Blood and Wine. Venturing out into the distant land of Toussaint hints at what awaits us beyond the northern realms, and in moving forward with the series it would be interesting to witness areas which come with new casts of characters, additions to the ever-growing bestiary, and a fresh political climate far from the Redanian-Nilfgaardian war.
2. Cyberpunk Easter Eggs
Keep a close watch on the upcoming release from CD Projekt RED—a brief but memorable scene from The Witcher 3 confirmed that the two games exist within the same universe. Our favorite lady of time and space recounted to Geralt how she has been to the setting of Cyberpunk 2077, and fingers crossed, we may get to catch a glimpse of her in the game. True to the developer’s style, if there are any plans set in motion for the fourth game, we’re sure to find a few hints along the way.
1. Ciri as the Protagonist
This will come as no surprise to fans of the third Witcher, but the frontrunner for the possible new protagonist for future games is Ciri, the time-and-space jumping, monster-slaying heir to the Nilfgaardian throne. We already got a taste of this scenario through the quests where we the players were able to step out of Geralt’s boots and into Ciri’s heels where we experienced the same familiar style of swordplay with the aid of the elder blood powers so unique to her. With Ciri taking the lead, we could experience new worlds, time travel, and take a deeper look into this exciting character who we’ve come to love through her father’s eyes.
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