World of Tanks Blitz is known for its wide variety of tanks coming from more than 8 nations. While this diverse selection of tanks is great, it comes with its problems, not every player has the time and resources to grind and play every tank in every tier. Couple that with the fact that some tanks are stronger than others for a multitude of reasons.
That is why it is very important that you know which tanks are the best for every tier and will not burn you out from progressing further into the game. Luckily the Russian tech tree is home to some of the best and beginner-friendly tanks in the game.
For tiers 1-3 you have no choice on which tanks to play and players typically breeze through these earlier tiers with no problems so we will start with Tier 4.
WoT Blitz Best Russian Tier 4 Tanks
Tier 4 is when you will be presented with a choice, either go for an agile light tank or a sneaky tank destroyer. Both of which will teach you different play styles.
Best Tier 4 Tank: A-20
Large caliber gun a light tank
- The A-20 has a good amount of Hit Points despite being a light tank.
- The top gun is a large caliber gun for its tier and deals up to 140 damage which is a quarter of the health of most tanks in tier 4.
- You can easily relocate and flank enemies due to the mobility of the tank
- It leads to both the Russian Heavy Tank line and Medium Tank line that later branches further into medium and light tanks.
Second Best Tier 4 Tank: SU-85B
The stealthy SU-85B
- This tank destroyer encapsulates the saying small but terrible. Despite its size, this tier 4 tank can make any opponent go back to the garage in a hurry.
- The gun on the SU-85B is great. It has good damage per minute at over 900 even when stock, high shell penetration value, and high hit point damage.
- It has good concealment, allowing you to snipe without being seen by the enemy as long as you keep your distance, hide behind the brush or a combination of both!
WoT Blitz Best Russian Tier 5 Tanks
Tier 5 is home to two historically famous Russian Tanks that are also great in World of Tanks Blitz.
Best Tier 5 Tank: KV-1
The community favorite KV-1
- The KV-1 is a tier 5 heavy tank known for its armor and is a go-to tank for many beginners and veterans alike in tier 5. It is very beginner-friendly and will teach some of the basic tactics when playing heavy tanks such as angling your armor, side scraping, and positioning early in battles.
- The KV-1 also has a good gun that deals 200 points of damage every shot and is precise enough for you to aim for weak spots and fast-moving tanks.
- This tank is also reasonably mobile, able to reach up to 34 KM/H and with fairly decent traverse speed.
- Having fun with this tank and playing it a lot will also pay a lot of dividends aside from teaching you the aforementioned basics of heavy tanks. It also leads to two Russian Heavy Tank lines.
Second Best Tier 5 Tank: T34
The historically iconic T34 Medium Tank
- The T34 is a good all-rounder medium tank
- With good mobility, you can practice and do a “circle of deaths” around heavy and tank destroyers to avoid getting damaged while dishing out the damage.
- The gun is pretty accurate with decent shell penetration and hit point damage.
- The armor is not the best but because of the sloped angle, it can still bounce some shots.
WoT Blitz Best Tier 6 Russian Tanks
In tier 6 you will be introduced to a very infamous gun of the Russian tech tree, the 122mm gun that deals around 400 hit point damage on average!
Best Tier 6 Tank: KV-1S
The large-caliber 122mm gun on the Tier 6 KV-1S
- The KV-1S packs a punch with its 122mm big caliber gun that can take away more than half of some tank's hit points in a matter of seconds. Shell penetration is also not a problem, the gun can go through most tanks' frontal armor.
- It is very mobile for the armor at firepower it packs, it has a decent traverse speed and top at 43km/h thanks to its powerful engine.
- While it is not the most armored tank at tier VI, the KV-1S’ armor can still give enemies a headache.
Second Best Tier VI Tank: T-34-85
The fun T-34-85
- The T-34-85 is more than an upgraded version of the T-34 it is one of the best medium tanks in Tier VI.
- It has a relatively low damage per minute gun but the gun makes up for it by having good shell penetration and damage per shot. The T-34-85 on average can deal 200 points of damage per shot which is more than the 160 average points of damage dealt by other medium tanks.
- It has decent armor, the turret is heavily armored for a medium tank and the slope on its hull armor allows the T-34-85 to bounce some shots.
- Like the T-34 it is very mobile.
WoT Blitz Best Tier 7 Russian Tanks
Tier 7 is a tier known for having so many tanks to choose from it hurts. Aside from the wide selection of tanks in this tier, there are also countless great vehicles to drive and master, luckily some of those great tanks are found in the Russian Tank Line.
Best Tier 7 Tank: IS
The mobile 122mm gun platform, the IS Tank!
- The IS tank is a mobile heavy tank that can deal a lot of damage. Its mobility will allow you to brawl with medium and light tanks as they will have a hard time circling your tank. This gives the option of assisting medium and light tanks head-on when the situation calls for it.
- It is reasonably armored. The IS tank’s armor profile is suitable for the front line, knowing how and when to wiggle your tank around when an enemy is aiming at you and there is no time to get into cover can allow you to bounce a lot of shots
- Like the KV-1S, you will be able to use a 122mm gun but with better shell penetration, reload speed, and accuracy.
Second Best Tier 7 Tank: T-43
T-43 the damage per minute monster
The T-43 is known for its high damage per minute and above-average hit point damage for a medium tank at 200 average damage.
It is a well-armored medium tank that is a characteristic of Russian Medium tanks down the line.
It has great mobility that can allow you to position, reposition and flank with ease.
WoT Blitz Best Russian Tier 8 Tanks
In tier 8 you will start to see some of the behemoths in the game as you can be matched up with tier IX tanks, some of which are considered the most formidable tanks in the game.
Best Tier 8 Tank: KV-4
Heavily armored KV-4
- A literal behemoth in Tier VIII.
- It is one of the most well-armored tanks tiers for tier in the game. Tier 7 tanks especially medium and light tanks will have a very rough time going through your frontal armor. Even the spots which are considered weak can be impenetrable for some opponents.
- The KV-4 has a great 107mm gun. Despite a drop in average hit point damage, the 107mm gun makes up for it with a lot better shell penetration, reload speed, and especially accuracy.
- It has a good amount of hit points.
Second Best Tier 8 tank: ISU-152
The hard-hitting ISU-152
- Do you want to use a Tier X gun on a Tier VIII tank? Well, the ISU-152 is here for you!
- As the name suggests you can play this tank destroyer with a 152mm gun equipped that can deal on average, 640 damage.
- The ISU-152 can do this at a consistent rate with a great damage per minute of more than 2,800.
- While it is not the most well-armored tank destroyer in the game, the gun mantlet is very thick and opponents who make the mistake of not aiming properly may find themselves not penetrating your armor.
WoT Blitz Best Tier 9 Russian Tanks
In Tier IX you will be given the chance of playing some of the best tanks in the game.
Best Tier 9 Tank: ST-1
The formidable ST-1
- The ST-1 is known for its great turret armor and gun. The turret is almost impenetrable, even tier X tank destroyers cannot reliably penetrate the ST-1’s turret.
- While the highlight of the tank is its strong turret, the hull armor is also no slouch. It has a great combination of being reasonably thick and being sloped.
- The ST-1 can lower its gun 8 degrees, meaning you can reliably use hills, ridges, and terrain to your advantage to hide your weaker hull.
- The gun on the ST-1 is the game gun the IS-4 uses in tier IX. It has great shell penetration, damage, and accuracy.
Second Best Tier IX Tank: Object 84
low profile and mobile, the annoying Object 84
- This low profile and the fast light tank is currently annoying opponents left and right due to many reasons aside from its mobility
- The angles of the armor on the Object 84 allow it to bounce shots even from tank destroyers in Tier X! You can imagine the frustration of Tier X tank destroyers when their shots don't do damage to a tier IX light tank.
- The Object 84 also has a good gun with an average damage per minute, good shell penetration, and average hit point damage.
WoT Blitz Best Tier 10 Russian Tanks
Tier X is home to some of the best tanks in the game, including some of the most armored tanks in the game that don’t sacrifice too much in terms of mobility and accuracy.
Best Tier X Tank: IS-4
Heavily armored, great gun, and mobility. What else is there to ask for?
- The IS-4 is the king when it comes to frontal armor as well as side armor! You might be surprised how many times you won’t get damaged when you expose your side armor or even the behind of your tank.
- The gun is the same as ST-1 but with better stats on a better tank. It is more accurate, has a faster reload time, and better aiming time.
- Despite being a king in terms of armor, the IS-4 is no turtle, it can still go up to 43 km/h going forward.
- It is not a massive tank, you can easily hide behind the cover without exposing weak points.
Second Best Tier X Tank: T-100LT
Troll armor, one of the strengths of the T100LT
- The T-100LT is a fantastic tier X light tank with great mobility and even armor!
- It has a great gun. With more than 3200 damage per minute, this light tank is on par with the Vickers Light and slightly behind its medium counterparts like the T-62A
- Despite being a light tank, the T-100LT can still bounce shells because of the shape of its armor. It is also very small so opponents will have a hard time hitting you if they do not aim properly
- It is very fast, capable of going up to 68 km/h