PC vs Console. Are these ten reasons well enough proof that "PC is the Master Race?"
I am a fan of gaming consoles. I love grabbing my controller and turning on my PlayStation or Xbox. There is just something about playing a PC game that has me more hooked than its Console counterpart. Playing Assassin’s creed Rogue on my Xbox 360 is fun, but when I play it on a PC I am more into it. I do not know if it’s because of the faster frame rate or the higher graphics, but I play it longer and I enjoy it more. Here is my list for the top ten things PC gamers can do that console gamers cannot
10. Achieve Faster Frame Rates
Fallout 3 59fps? how is that possible?
In the world of Console gaming you are stuck with two frame rates, 30fps or 60fps. The developers do this on purpose due to the limitations of the console’s hardware. Even the PS4 and Xbox One has these limitations in place. With a PC you are limited by your hardware. If you have a PC with more than enough hardware to run your game you can run them at a faster frame rate. Imagine playing Assassin’s Creed at 60 fps instead of 30fps as the console versions are locked at 30fps.
I played Assassin’s Creed Rogue at 60fps and believe me you can see the difference.
Assassin's Creed Rogue 62fps? I thought 30fps was the limit?
9. Larger Resolutions
OMG i can see his eyes
We heard of 720p and 1080p. The Xbox 360 and PS3 ran games at 720p 1280x720. Xbox One and PS4 run their games at 1080p. What if you want to play games on a higher resolution? With a console you cannot, you are stuck with what they give you. With the right hardware and software, your pc can play games at higher resolutions. What resolutions are we are talking about? I am talking, playing a game on 1440p, 4K, 5K, 8K, or even 12K (yes it is possible right now to play games on 12K).
I am talking a triple 4K setup three GTX Titan X SLI Bridged together. I am sorry PS4 and Xbox One but that is high resolution.
8. Emulators
Ever wanted to play your old NES game, but your NES died a few months ago and now you just have your game cartridges. How about your SNES or Sega? With Consoles installing Game console emulators requires you to change your Game console's firmware or Operating System and that can lead to being Banned or fine. With a PC it’s as simple as just installing one.
With your PC you can emulate almost any Gaming Console out there. NES, SNES, SEGA, N64, PS1, PS2, GB, GBC, GBA, Nintendo DS, Atari, and Nintendo Wii. The best part is emulators are so advance you can play the games on a higher resolution with improvements.
7. Larger controller support
So many choices so little money
With Gaming Consoles you are limited by what controller to buy. PC doesn't have that big of restrictions when it comes to gamepads and other controller types.
You can even connect your game console controller and use it on a PC. Windows has drivers for Xbox 360 Controllers and a few PC games have a native Xbox 360 Controller support.
6. Easy to Fix
We can rebuild it
I remember the first time my Xbox 360 broke, it was a nightmare. I remember when my PC broke it was an easy fix. If a physical piece on your PC gets broken it can be an easy fix and a less expensive one. When a game console breaks, prey it’s an easy fix. PCs are easy to fix if you know how. PCs were made to be taken apart and upgradeable. Consoles are not made to be taken apart and their pieces are not so easy to find.
I am sorry we could not fix you
5. PC’s are Upgrade able
it's so shiny and new
Say you wanted to play the new Batman Arkham Knight game that is going to come out or the new Star Wars Battlefront. If you only have a PS3 or Xbox 360 you are out of luck. You have to spend over $400 American dollars and buy a PS4 or Xbox One. If you have a PC it’s as simple as seeing if your PC can run the game at a good frame rate and make the proper upgrades.
Sometimes a simple RAM upgrade or a new Graphics card is all you need. Sometimes $100 or $200 Dollars is all it takes to play your new game and many more in the future. Consoles cannot be upgraded. The newer consoles lets you upgrade the HDD, but that is it and sometimes not even that.
4. Always backward compatible
Star Wars KOTOR System Requirements. I can still play this on my Windows 8.1 machine
Ever tried to play a PS2 game on a PS4 or PS3? There is a problem with that as in you cannot. PS4 and PS3 are not backward compatible with PS2 games. It's a business tactic by console companies to make by their new console. With PC you will never have that problem older PC games will run on newer PCs. Even old DOS games will run on new PCs. You do not have to worry paying more money playing your old games again.
Sorry PS3 Owners no Backward Compatibility for you
3. Game Mods
Consoles do not get snow but we do
Ever seen a video of a person Playing GTA V and Shooting chickens out of their gun or dress up as Jason or Freddy? These are what you call Game Mods. Game Mods is when you rewrite the games coding to add or change things in the game itself. Want to make it rain pigs? Go right ahead and change the game.
That is something you do not see in consoles
2. Free online gaming unless the game has a subscription
I bought the game and still need to pay to play online. I am going to PC
You pay $65 American dollars for your game, now the console wants you to pay a monthly or yearly subscription to play online. This is what has made people jump to PC gaming. Online gaming is free unless the game has a subscription. A few games are online only, so if you bought a game that is online only but cannot pay for PlayStation Plus or Xbox live then you can play the game.
1. Best hardware for your Money
I Swear it's an Alien Mothership
OMG $1,500 I am going to die
With Consoles what you see if what you get. What if you want more? With a PC you are limited by how much you can spend. If you want to play games at 4K, then you need hardware that makes those games play at 4K. You cannot make a console play the game the way you want to play because the hardware is not there. If you want to play at higher frame rates you need the hardware and the hardware cost money. With that hardware you are getting the peace of mind that you are buying the best hardware for your money. With consoles you do not know what is inside that console.