Explore the best virtual world games, where limits are only challenges
Does your imagination feel trapped by pesky physical limits and the absence of awesome technology? Who says you can only live once? Embark into adventure, and explore the borders of carefully designed maps and worlds that exist to awe and amaze, where you can be anything you want and limits are just challenges to your inventive. Let’s explore the best virtual world, for adventure is waiting.
Remember, though, that many of these aren’t actually “games”, as they don’t have an objective and some of them are actually virtual social spaces. However, we’ll just slap the “game” tag to everything because that’s how we roll, ok? So let’s start.
15) Second Life
Second Life - The Largest-Ever 3D Virtual World Created By Users
Maybe silliness is fine for you, but you’re a little more hardcore when it comes to choosing a virtual life. Self-defined as “not a game, but a virtual world”, Second Life offers exactly that, as it allows users to create and develop in an entirely virtual society, with 3D graphics and no other mission or objective than to live and enjoy.
And by enjoy, we’re obviously talking about hooking up.
Most of the world is user-created, as the environments, buildings and items are the contribution of users who design and create new objects to use within the world, so it’s truly a customizable platform. The interesting thing is that you can almost do anything you would in the real world, from studying, screwing around, traveling, creating art, doing business, hooking up after a fun evening dancing in a club, and even working in virtual offices, if that’s your thing. All this while chatting, meeting and sharing with real people around the world, with a dash of fantasy that lets you fly, go to space, learn magic and thousands of other features that just keep coming.
Please be responsible with your rune magic. Only you can prevent pixelated forest fires.
Even real world universities and enterprises have started to have a virtual presence in Second Life, and real life romantic relationships have been started with one avatar staring deeply into the eyes of another. Not only has it been thought as an extension of the user’s life, but it has actually succeeded in it. There’s even an embassy for the Maldives where you can ask for a passport and be answered by the real, legal representatives of the country. The possibilities are endless, and the true potential of this virtual world lies on its user-base, so it’s not likely to run out of ideas. Give it a try, and I might even buy you a virtual drink or two.
A Year in the Life - Second Life
14) IMVU
Your IMVU Mobile Experience Now in 3D
An instant message service with a twist, IMVU is a free service that offers the opportunity to spice up the concept of the chatroom, replacing the boring text on white background conversations with something more enjoyable. Create your avatar, fluff her/him up, and let the party start.
Everyone can dance! I mean, literally, it’s just a click and wham, you’re the best dancer ever.
Creating your avatar is only the beginning, as you can start customizing it with the millions of items and clothing that are available at IMVU’s store. After making it look just right, you can then proceed into one of the several chatrooms (or even create one yourself) to talk and connect with people. And what makes it better than your average instant messaging, is that you actually have a 3D representation of yourself, and you aren’t just staring blankly at some weird username. You can see people and what they chose to share with the in-game items and animations, making the whole affair a lot more immersive.
For those who are afraid of commitment it can get TOO immersive.
With fun little activities like casual games that have you feed fish and look at photos together, the main strength of this virtual platform is the endless customization opportunities that let you express yourself exactly as you would like. As of now, the virtual shop boasts it is the largest of its kind, hosting more than 30 million items. Not bad for a company that chose “IMVU”, a name that has been confirmed by the developer to be utterly meaningless, by complete chance. It has also support for mobile devices, so you don’t have an excuse to not try it out.
IMVU Overview
13) Moviestar Planet
MovieStarPlanet Rich & Famous
Have you felt that these virtual worlds need a little more… “bling”? As in “I need to accumulate and flaunt my fame and fortune, but in a family friendly environment”? Then Moviestar Planet is everything you’ve ever wanted, as it lets you become a moviestar, starring in your own productions, meeting friends and becoming famous.
You know she’s famous because even the money bag dude is lining up to meet her.
This game is more simple than other entries, but that doesn’t mean it cannot bring fun and enjoyment to players, with its unique and fancy appeal. The objective is to level up and make movies so you can share them with friends, but this is only an excuse for the users to actually just start talking and making friends in the various chatrooms and minigames that Moviestar Planet offers. The catalog for items, activities and backdrops for your movies is quite big, so you can find a standard house interior or quiz game, but you can also unlock haunted houses and a minigame that has you launch a pig into the air and collect coins.
You know, Wikipedia is not only for homework, but for browser games too.
Developed for children between 8 and 15 years, its colorful nature and policy of keeping a friendly and family friendly environment might be just the thing for any age. The developers are constantly updating and monitoring the content, and even with its Adobe-Flash graphics, the game manages to have a charm of its own for those who are looking for a simple yet entertaining virtual world.
MovieStarPlanet - Official Gameplay Trailer
12) Gaia Online
Introducing Gaia Online
You want your avatar to be anime-style? Well, Gaia Online has you covered. And because you are sure to like your little character so very much, this platform allows you to discover virtual spaces where you can interact and hang out, but will also let you use the same username and avatar in forums, chats and anything inside the Gaia community. So you can let everyone know how cool you are, even if they are not inside the virtual world at the same time.
And lots of options to cosplay, obviously.
In fact, Gaia Online isn’t exactly a game, and its core feature are the forums, where users can interact and discuss with one another. Users register for free and customize an avatar, who will be their representation not only when posting replies on a thread but also in the Towns and Shops, which are the truly virtual spaces where you can use your character move around, interact with others, shake some trees and catch some butterflies. Along with these these activities, you can also play minigames with other users, such as fishing, trivia, racing cars and jigsaws, among others. All these give out gold, which in turn you can use to buy items for your avatar or even a house, where you will be able to entertain other guests and show them how cool you are.
This is way classier than my real-life apartment.
Originally starting out as an anime-listing site (a site where there are many links to other places where you can find anime), this community grew so much that it got a life of its own. You can find storylines explained in the various mangas the site hosts, or you could even go to one of the real-world gatherings they usually sponsor. A fun and customizable environment for like-minded people, Gaia Online is an ever-evolving social world that might interest more than a couple of you, dear readers.
(Gaia online gameplay)
11) Club Cooee
Club Cooee - Chat. Experience. Explore.
Another 3D fun chatroom to explore and dance, Club Cooee doesn’t only surprises by its many vowels in the name, but also because it allows dynamic “space” creation, where you can choose from lots of items and backgrounds to create an entertaining environment where you can chat and meet with new people, as well as fulfilling your DJ fantasies.
Or just creepily watch everyone else having fun. Like that guy with the orange hoodie on the second floor.
As per usual with virtual worlds, you’re going to need an avatar. Of course you can just select one of the plain presets, but what’s the fun in that? Customize and make your avatar just how you like it, and you will soon find expressing yourself is great. Once there, you can walk around and just strike a conversation, expressing different emotions with animations and having a good time. You can also share your music with the in-game music sharing system, that will play your tunes as background music inside these chatrooms, and either attend to someone’s party or throw your own, where you can select the playlist and entertain your guests with your awesome taste in music.
I listen to a lot of Death Metal... What? I refuse to follow stereotypes.
With a lot of 3D spaces to explore, from a busy club to a relaxing beach, you can also create and customize your own chatrooms, so you’ll have precisely the backdrop you want, down to the soundtrack. Free to join and fun to play, it is one quick fun online world to visit once in a while. Especially because you can now have pets and I totally want a Siberian tiger.
Club Cooee - Dance Party In English Lobby
10) Chit Chat City
Chit Chat City - Online Virtual Chat World
So, you’re all for having a 3D space to chat with people, and having all these little activities you can share with friends (or enemies, if that’s your thing), but you still feel you are a little… constricted? Limited? What about directly drawing and creating your own avatars and items, and owning an entire freaking city if you want? Well, Chit Chat City might just be your thing.
So the Pony is selling the humans… poetic justice, I suppose?
Chit Chat City gives you the usual options of customizing an avatar. You know, like virtual worlds tend to do. And along these features, you can also have a space of your own in order to design and decorate however you want, showing your more artistic side. However, what truly comes through as a huge difference with Chit Chat City, is that you can actually take a blank avatar and directly draw its features, as well as designing and literally drawing items that are fighting to exit your imagination and be displayed on a virtual shelf.
Or you can go kill Zombies. Seriously, that’s an actual option.
Even without that key feature, Chit Chat City offers different activities such as zombie killing mini games, fishing, contests and the opportunity to sell your creations for in-game currency. And I wasn’t kidding about having a whole city. You can choose to have a house, but Chit Chat City actually gives you the option to get a huge amount of space to create a literal virtual city, with buildings and parks and whatever you can. And best of all, you can choose to only allow your friends to visit. So have fun in your own hand drawn city-state.
9) Habbo
Habbo Promo
With simple but great pixel graphics, Habbo brings not a town or a city, but huge virtual hotels to allow players to interact and have fun together, designing their own rooms and games with an easy to use interface that can create some rather interesting, original and complex virtual spaces you can share with friends or random people.
Small talk has never been so engaging.
After creating an avatar using the big catalog of different items, hairstyles, features and clothing, you can start interacting with the other members of the community. But the fun part are the other users. They have assembled into groups that have their own “guest-rooms”, with soccer fans wearing their favorite jersey, ice-rink enthusiasts having skates and parkas, and anything you can imagine. With options ranging from battle arenas to ice-rinks and more, every room in this virtual hotel is teeming with creativity and fun.
You can even have a freaking stadium inside your room, to the chagrin of mothers everywhere.
If you’re a fan of role-playing, there are numerous RP dedicated rooms that not only welcome like-minded people, but also have on-going friendships and rivalries. You have to be ready to get starstruck, too, as the “hotels” are also visited by musicians such as Gorillaz, Tokyo Hotel, and the finalists for American Idol, in sponsored in-game events. So pack your bags and visit Habbo, as you’re not going to regret it.
Freeze Room Bundle
8) Meez
Self-described as a virtual nation, Meez is an 3D social network. With virtual areas and chatrooms divided by a wide arrange of interests, such as casual chatting, dance clubs or TV shows, it offers an opportunity to interact with other people in simple and friendly virtual environments.
Guys, has anyone noticed the pool has no water? No? Too busy dancing? Ok then.
The avatars of the users are not only used in the virtual spaces, but they are also their representation in the community’s forums and can be used in other non-affiliated sites as an avatar image. The “hangouts” or chatrooms are divided by “hoods”, which include urban settings, business backgrounds, celebrity themed areas, and many more. People can create their own hangouts or join an existing one, but are limited by the number of users allowed at each location. So don’t expect huge crowds of people in one place, but rather many smaller groups chatting about their interests or whatever they want to share with friends and players.
That girl on the foreground might be a little too enthusiastic for this party.
Having been launched on 2006, Meez boasts a 3 million user base, so this is one big online network. With an age requirement of 13, the site has a focus on a PG13 classification. There are rules and moderation that aim to make it as friendly as possible, weeding out inappropriate or offensive content. Over the years, it has partnered with sports leagues such as the MLB, and is always looking for sponsored content to give its users more and more options in order to improve and expand the Meez Nation.
7) 3DxChat
Just a heads-up. The next two entries are adult themed.
3DXChat Gameplay Preview 4K Now With VR Support
You might have noticed that the majority of these virtual worlds often have some limitations when it comes to adult themes. Maybe you are looking for an interactive and 3D rendered world to meet and explore. But you might also like to experience the full “hooking up” scenario down to the sex and pillow talk. If that’s the case, then 3DXChat is for you.
Love how there’s a guy in the middle saying “screw interaction, this chair is too comfy”.
Placing more emphasis on realistic avatars, 3DxChat customization options allow for different body parts to be altered, so you can actually change the size of breasts and the build of the buttocks, to name a few. Once created, this avatar may visit beaches, clubs, apartments, strip clubs or any other virtual spaces available (and there are quite a few). They can meet, dance, flirt and even hook up with other players. Being an adult game, you can have casual or intimate sex, in many positions and with as many partners as you want. The animations are quite complete, and you can choose where, when and if you want to have fun with a partner, or just cuddle on the sandy beach. Your choice.
That’s one club that is exactly as what the name implies, I’d say.
Being the first adult game with support for oculus rift, this might appeal our 18+ year old audience who truly want an interactive experience. So, if you had felt left out with so many bright colored games with PG13 themes, here’s one option so you can bring online relationships to the next level.
3DXChat World Tour
6) Red Light Center
MAKE IT RAIN in Red Light Center 2.0
Following the adult-only theme, we have a virtual world that lets you hook up, chat, design clothes, run a small business and have a virtual beer with your buddies or love conquests. Join events, organize parties or unwind in your own ideal apartment. Welcome to Red Light Center.
Notice that while shirtless, guy in the foreground has a mask. Because he’s classy as heck, that’s why.
Creating your avatar is quite detailed, as you will choose body and face features, as well as items and clothing. Of course, you can later buy new stuff, so there’s always some way to freshen up your appearance. Once inside the world, you can dance and chat, and even literally fly around, if that’s your fancy. Apart from that last part, the game tries to feel realistic with smooth animations that let you hug, slow dance, kiss, lap-dance, strip, have sex and more. Although the erotic content is the emphasis, you can also design clothing, start a business, attend virtual classes and even recreate TV shows in studios. You can play and interact as you like, and be whomever you want to be with plenty of items and spaces to choose from.
I don’t understand why you wouldn’t create your character with the skin color you wanted, but there you go.
You can actually click on several ads and sponsored content around the world, and that will open videos or webpages inside the game. Overall, it is a game that tries to give you a realistic take on meeting and interacting with other adults, while still maintaining the appeal of letting you do and build stuff you could not attempt in real life. So give it a go, and you may find it quite fun.
5) Our World
ourWorld Official Game Trailer
Sure, you can play casual flash games online, but it’s mostly a single player experience. What if we merged your favorite browser games with a virtual world? We’d have Our World, where you can chat and play with friends, create lasting relationships and even marry or adopt other players, if you want. Quite flexible and engaging, to be honest.
If angel and demons come to this dinner, it must really be good.
Players use an avatar that may chat, move around virtual chatrooms, dress up, strike friendships, give away stuff… There are many options to interact with your fellow players. And when I was talking about having many games, it wasn’t a joke: ranging from Puzzle and Strategy to Action and Arcade, there are hundreds of little games you can play with other people. Each game gives you in-game currency you can then use to buy more cool-looking clothes, virtual houses of furniture. So you play and then build, all while chatting and making friends. Sounds good, huh?
Good thing is there are plenty of other games, so the stench of failure isn’t permanent.
As with many other games, the Our World community has expanded to many blogs and forums run by fans, where they post information about events, tricks and even tutorials for beginners. As for the game itself, the company has partnered with other websites like Miniclip.com to provide more content for their users, and have reported they’ve had more than 600,000 registrations. So if you want to play some quick and casual games with your friends, Our World is a great option.
OURWORLD | RATINGS - YOU'RE A 10! w/ Lampdee
4) Woozworld
Woozworld - Commercial #2
A colorful and friendly world, Woozworld is a social network that lets you create a 2D avatar in a rather safe (more on that later) and fun environment where you can create your own spaces, movies, games and chatrooms to meet and share with friends. You can even establish your own in-game business or creative project, holding auditions or just killing time.
You only need to tell me there’s going to be a Bigfoot in a pumpkin costume, and I’ll be right there.
In this world you can create your avatar, your “unitz” (customized space) and even create games or movies, with auditions and groups appearing constantly inside the virtual world. There are hundreds of events, and the schedule for them can be easily accessed on their webpage. These range from book clubs to quiz games, and offer an opportunity to interact and play with other users. You can even design clothes or even books to sell for in-game currency, establishing your own little business.
Or you can frustrate the heck out of me with mazes. I have a lousy sense of direction.
Woozworld is geared so that kids as young as 6 years can safely interact and meet friends online, with no upper age limit. It’s a family friendly game that you may enjoy playing with your kids, little brother, or by your own. This doesn’t mean it is over-simplified or lacks features, but only that there is a big concern for content moderation and server security. It has even been nominated for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Best Website award, and keeps trying to improve both security measures and update content. Check it out, as it is one little gem of a game.
Auditioning for a MOVIE on WoozWorld! (Mystery Gaming!)
3) Kaneva
Kaneva - Club Entice - PC
Looking to provide an easy way to build and visit virtual spaces, Kaneva is a browser-based game that will let you connect with people and create your own spaces. So if you want to build your own personal world, and customize every little aspect of your appearance and your creations while sharing videos and photos with friends, you’ll probably like Kaneva.
The fact they have a little description over the name also helps to break the ice.
Your avatar has plenty of clothes and features to choose from. Everything is “modern-day”, so don’t go expecting any flaming swords or eagle wings. You can chat in user-created rooms, or you can build your own, either from scratch (using the items from the catalog) or starting from one of the many templates (like “Club” or “Mansion”). People can visit your virtual home and watch a TV that displays videos and plays music you want to share. You can also buy “gaming worlds”, where you can create NPCs, assign quests (like “you need to harvest 90 potatoes for some reason”), spawn enemies that players have to vanquish, organize dance challenges, and everything you can imagine with the items and tools the Kaneva world gives you.
So you’re playing DDR inside a game. Whoa, that’s deep. And colorful.
In 2010, Knaeva had more than five million members, and the Kaneva team is always looking to hire new talented programmers to expand both as a virtual world and an MMO. So it can be a social platform, a game, or both, and it offers continuous updates. If you’re interested, go and check it out. It’s sure to have something that will definitely thrill you.
Creating A World From A Zone Purchase Plus A private Community
2) World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft: Legion Cinematic Trailer
One of the most recognizable videogames in pop culture, this title offers a big community with dedicated fans that expand upon the world with enthusiasm. One of the two entries in this list that’s actually a game, it’s still an entire virtual fantasy world that you can enter and explore. In it, you’ll meet other people who love to play and cooperate while battling, chatting and role playing.
There are even dedicated servers so everyone has something to do and someone to meet.
With an ever-expanding plot and settings, this game offers the opportunity of creating a unique avatar and joining “guilds”, which are player-based groups that have different objectives. They are usually based around socializing and cooperating, though. Being that World of Warcraft is one of the games that has professional tournaments, you can find guilds that are all business, but you can also create or join one with the sole objective of meeting and befriending new people. And if that’s not enough, you can actually navigate the hundreds of fan-sites, real world conventions and other events where the community gathers to share its love of the game.
And their love of looking like a crazed warrior with oversized equipment.
This behemoth of a MMORPG, a staple of its genre, was launched on 2004, and has been updated regularly since then. At their peak, they had over 12 million different subscribers, and since the launch, there have been more than 100 million accounts created. So if you want a world that never stays the same, with a rich history and millions of players, you can’t go wrong with this one.
World of Warcraft & Social Gaming // Heavy Eyed
1) Final Fantasy Online: A realm Reborn
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Launch Trailer
Square Enix’s incursion into MMOs, this title is a narrative-driven game (it has story and objectives) where you can meet up new people or play with your friends. Doing so, you’ll be part of a large and engaging community of players that love RPGs, with whom you can play quests or just chill in front of the beautiful scenery.
Or do silly stuff for 2 hours and then wonder why are you having fun without actually accomplishing anything.
Apart from the fantasy RPG aspects (such as monster-slaying, crafting and questing), this game is home of an enthusiastic and dedicated community. Through the Free Companies, you can play the game with like-minded and friendly people. These are groups of players that are able to pool their in-game resources together, have leaders and headquarters, and have people interested in forming parties to go adventuring or just chatting. These Companies range from hardcore role players, who will not get out of character, to casual and social groups that just want to have fun.
And the glowing pets are both beautiful and awesome.
Originally launched on 2010, it was re-launched with several improvements on 2013, making it an overall better experience, with a new and improved storyline, better character animations, and a “job” system that makes it easy to form parties. So if you want to hang out with some friends and tackle a dungeon, but they have too many priests, you can change to a warrior by changing your equipment. Even if it’s still a game and not a social network like other entries, the community is so active that they have webpages, events and gatherings that make this an excellent choice if you want to find a lively, entertaining and beautiful virtual world.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn - A Tour of Eorzea, Part 2
So now you know you don’t have to be alone in front of your computer. There is an entire catalog of virtual worlds, each with their own inhabitants, ready to welcome you to their digital landscapes. So let’s have fun, shall we? And if you want to know more about games and fictional universes, why not check these other articles?
Oculus Rift: 10 Great Games You'll Enjoy In Virtual Reality