‘Broken Arrow’ is a large-scale military tactic and strategy game featuring Russia and the United States of America as the primary playable factions. Ironic, considering the current global climate… Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!
You can build up your own ideal army that you believe will pack the most punch, choosing from over 200 different units to add to your army. There are 7 primary unit classes. Recon, Infantry, Fighting Vehicles, Helicopters, Logistics, Support, and Airstrikes.
Recon class units are used to find enemies and point out their positions. Infantry is the ground forces that do the grunt work, clearing buildings, running patrols, and any other cannon-fodder-related tasks.
Fighting Vehicles are vehicles used in combat, from armored personnel carriers to tanks. The ‘Support’ class includes artillery, vehicles, and men that are required to help keep the battle going, resupply troops, and provide cover fire or artillery support.
Logistics are ammunition, food, weapons, vehicle parts, and other supplies that are needed to keep the war machine running smoothly.
Helicopters are used for troop and supply transport, attacking enemy positions, and providing overwatch.
Airstrikes can be called in on strategic locations to soften enemy positions or provide cover for troops that are in trouble on the ground.
You must use all these resources that are at your disposal and make strategic decisions, deciding when and where to resupply, which troops to place where, and where to build defenses and drop airstrikes.
Every decision you make will have an impact on the outcome of the battle, making careful strategic tactical thinking crucial to success.
‘Broken Arrow’ is built to simulate realistic large-scale battles and warfare, and places you in a position of leadership, leaving the fate of the world in your hands.