I Love the Smell of Freedom In the Morning, Don't You?
When we play the Elder Scrolls Online, choices face us at ever turn. Do we get this skill? That weapon? Where should we go next? It is this theme of freedom, present in every Elder Scrolls Game, that motivates our 10 Things You'll Love about the Elder Scrolls Online gameplay. We are going to show you every little bit of customization and a number of the choices you'll face that I guarantee you'll love.
Because, after all, who doesn't like a little freedom of choice?
A Game for Every Kind of Player
Listen as Zenimax gives a little more detailed description of what I’m saying here.
Whether you’re young or old, male or female, tall or short, or anything else in the world, the Elder Scrolls Online has something for you. It’s the kind of game that has so many things to do and see that there’s incredible depth to every possible part of the Elder Scrolls Online gameplay that you can imagine.
Now, let’s get started, shall we?
1. There are Millions of Possible Characters
Not your average everyday Breton.
Role Playing games (like the Elder Scrolls Online) are all about the impression that your character makes. We’ve all been there, tailoring our character’s eyebrows, thigh width, or even the size of their buttocks (an actual choice in Elder Scrolls Online). It seems silly because we’ll never see those changes while enjoying the rest of the Elder Scrolls Online gameplay, but it’s what makes the character… ours.
Add in the infinite number of possible combinations of skills to give your character, and I can almost guarantee that your character in the Elder Scrolls Online will be unique to you and you alone.
2. Combat is Fast, Furious, and Simple.
A group of four charging in. The yellow circle indicates the placing of an ability.
Everyone loves simple systems. Why? Because they’re easy to master. It doesn’t take years like other games (I’m looking at you, chess… and every physical sport ever). Elder Scrolls Online’s simple system lets EVERY gamer be amazing at combat in the Elder Scrolls Online.
Curious to learn?
Let me give you the short of it. Press attack button to light attack. Hold to heavy attack. See yellow sparks above your opponents head? Hold the block button. See red sparks? Hold block, then press attack. See a red circle on the ground? Press the dodge button.
Congrats, you now know everything you need to know!
3. No More Weapon Restrictions
A small selection of all the weapon varieties in the Elder Scrolls Online.
Do you know what everyone loves? Freedom of choice.
So, I’d imagine you’ve been there. You’re playing an RPG, and you loot this epic Warhammer. It looks AMAZING, and you’re shocked at how cleanly the stats mesh with your build. Problem is… you’re playing a rogue type class, so you can only use daggers or a bow.
While enjoying the Elder Scrolls Online gameplay, you could equip that Warhammer, show off that Warhammer, and crush some skulls with it.
Don’t you just love freedom of choice?
4. To Class Or Not To Class
This particular elf has not yet decided upon his class, deciding instead to be a minstrel.
Continuing our theme of everyone LOVING freedom of choice is the class system in Elder Scrolls Online. Do you know what the crazy thing is? The insane thing about Elder Scrolls Online class system?
Sure, when you start the game you’re forced to pick a class. But, after that point, you never have to acknowledge you have that class. You can put all of your upgrade points into every tree BUT your class trees. You can become an expert in the bow, the sword and shield, or a dedicated member of a guild (which will be discussed later) and put all your points there!
But, if you do decide to enjoy Elder Scrolls Online’s classes, then you can be an adventurous, opportunistic Nightblade, a ritual bound, demon slaying Templar, a fire breathing, destructive Dragon Knight, or a dark, conjuring Sorcerer.
Take your pick.
5. An Adventure At Every Turn
Where shall we go next?
One of the loading screens in the Elder Scrolls Online advises that, if you ever become bored, just pick a direction and walk. It won’t be long before you find yourself caught up in another quest on another part of the map.
And I can confirm, that is true. It feels like a huge world as you walk around it, filled to abundance with things to do. There are caves, quests, books, and special “skyshards” that earn you more upgrade points.
Freedom is around every corner during Elder Scrolls Online gameplay.
6. The Baddies
This sort of formation is just what you should expect when fighting enemies.
Although the difficulty has been dropped since the Elder Scrolls Online beta, the game still has a significant challenge. Groups of enemies have a habit of playing smart, with archers and mages running from the initial encounter to let their warrior buddies soak the damage while they deal it.
But, it’s not an insurmountable challenge. The Elder Scrolls Online gameplay is tough, yes. However, it’s not so tough as to be restrictive to those who play it. It’s tough to the point that it’s rewarding. You’ll love the rush you feel when you outsmart enemy and snatch a win using the easy to master combat I mentioned before.
7. Big Baddies and Red Circles of Doom
This video, (skip to 1:27 to start watching the Boss Fights) gives a good impression of what to expect. Just not as difficult.
It’s a MMO, so of course there are bosses. But you’d be surprised how much fun they are to fight. The basic mechanics are simple, just like the combat. You hit the big guy and dodge the big red circles of doom. What’s cool about it, though, is that, even with this simple system, each and every boss still has their unique abilities and tricks.
You’ll be surprised, killed, and even wiped a few times, but that’s the whole point of these bosses. They’ll challenge you to become even more enthralled in the Elder Scrolls Online surprisingly simple gameplay.
8. Welcome to the Guild
Are you ready to join their ranks? Armor not included.
I mentioned the guilds before, but now I’ll elaborate on how cool they are. So far in the game there are only the Mages and Fighters guilds. As you increase your reputation with them (finding rare books and killing demons, respectively) you gain more and more access to their skill trees. And they are powerful.
Trust me when I say it’s a thrill to use the Mages Guild skills to summon a meteor from the sky to crash into your likely now dead target.
And the Fighter’s Guild… whew. It’s so much fun to watch health disappear under the light of their Dawnbreaker ability; damage that is magnified significantly when used on demons.
9. The Perpetual Siege
Bethesda explaining in detail the killing fun that is Player versus Player.
Now, player versus player combat is not for everyone. That I will easily admit. Some people just don’t like playing with others, and I respect that.
BUT. If you do like player versus player (or are even faintly curious) then you should keep reading. PvP in The Elder Scrolls Online is done through perpetual war. You will join dozens of other soldiers on a war front where you will be required to operate siege weapons, charge enemy lines, and breach massive castles. It’s PvP on an unprecedented scale.
Honestly, I found myself just watching the ammunition flying through the air. It’s a remarkable sight, and it conveys to you just how epic a scale the war you’re participating in is.
A warning, though. Stare too long at the pretty lights, and you’ll take a siege round yourself. Those things can one-shot you, if aimed right.
10. Lions, Werewolves, and Vampires, Oh My!
A lovely video by Deltia’s Gaming describing why you should be a vampire or werewolf. As for the how… well, I don’t want to spoil anything.
Ignore the lions bit, yes, they’re in the Elder Scrolls Online, but they’re not that important. Werewolves and Vampires, however… are very important. They are the two special… we’ll call them diseases, that your player can receive whilst in-game.
We’ll start with werewolves. If you take time and effort to become one of these vicious beasts, then you are one simple button press away from transforming your meek character into a 3 meter tall mass of claws and muscles. It's a rush of power than is hard to forget.
Vampires, on the other hand, are a little sneakier. These night stalkers live in the shadows, gaining power at night, and grow even more powerful as they feed less. However, the less you feed, the more vulnerable to fire you become as well. But it’s worth it to experience the sheer power of the Vampiric Drain ability, which stuns your foe and slowly bleed the life from them. Their health will vanish as yours returns.
You’ll Love the Elder Scrolls Online
It’s a game for the gamer, with so much to do and so many ways to do it… everyone has a unique character and experience.
After all, who doesn’t love freedom of choice?