How can I get rich through stealing in ESO?
Stealing is a very profitable activity in The Elder Scrolls Online, and while you do have to be aware of a few things in order to do this effectively, once you find the best routes to follow and which places to steal from you'll be swimming in piles of gold coins.
This will be an updated guide for stealing in the latest patch of ESO, covering a variety of profitable locations and each of their advantages for you as a player. Some of the locations will be easier, some will be DLC exclusive, but you will definitely find a good spot for your shady activities.
10.Shad Astula
Starting off our list with Shad Astula, this is a location on Deshaan that is great for stealing, especially through pickpocketing. There are basically no guards to interrupt your route, and the valuable loot you’ll get is definitely worthwhile.
Why Shad Astula is a Great Place To Steal:
- Easy pickpocketing.
- No guards to attack you.
- Valuable loot.
9.Castle Navire
Castle Navire is a new location added with the High Isle expansion that makes for an amazing stealing spot because of its loot: lots of valuable furnishing plans. The castle has a fast looting route with little to no risk to you. This route is mostly profitable when you have the quest of that zone active, which gives you access to more places to steal from.
Why Castle Navire is a Great Place To Steal:
- Very valuable furnishing plans.
- Fast route to cycle through.
- Hidden spots accessible during the questline.
Another stealing spot that excels in valuable furnishing plans is Fargrave, which is part of the Deadlands DLC. Using the correct build, you can make millions of gold stealing from this spot.
Why Fargrave is a Great Place To Steal:
- Easily accessible if you own the Deadlands DLC.
- Isolated areas with few NPCs.
- Very valuable furnishing plans.
7.Tor Draioch
Tor Draioch is another location added with the latest expansion, High Isle. Similar to Castle Navire, this is a great place to make a lot of gold from stealing furnishing plans and selling them to other players. If you own High Isle, make sure to check this one out.
Why Tor Draioch is a Great Place To Steal:
- Very valuable furnishing plans.
- Easy to sneak through.
- Easily accessible if you own the High Isle expansion.
Riften is an old favorite among players who like to make gold through stealing. This is a simple route with 3 easily accessible locations that will provide you a fast and easy money making method. This is especially great for new players who want to make from selling loot to NPCs and not other players.
Why Riften is a Great Place To Steal:
- The route is fast to cycle through.
- Lots of valuable items to sell.
- Loot can be sold to the fence NPCs.
Moving on to Suran, this is a great place for new players to steal, since it is located in a non DLC zone that you can go to right from the start of the game. Most places that you’ll steal from are rather isolated, meaning there are not a lot of NPCs to notice your crimes, and you’ll be able to obtain a lot of money and some valuable crafting motifs.
Why Suran is a Great Place To Steal:
- Easily accessible area from the start.
- Lots of gold and motifs obtainable.
- Isolated areas that are easy to sneak through.
If you own the Markarth DLC, this is another great stealing spot for new players, because it has very few guards to spot and attack you. Furthermore, this route is very fast to cycle through, so you’ll have a lot of gold in no time.
Why Markarth is a Great Place To Steal:
- Simple and easy even for new players.
- Fast route to cycle through.
- Few guards to spot you.
Wayrest is another very accessible spot in a non DLC zone. In this route, you’ll be walking through the city and stealing from wandering nobles and looting spots. Not only is this a very small area for you to cover, but it will provide you with some very valuable items to sell.
Why Wayrest is a Great Place To Steal:
- Another very accessible spot.
- The route is small and fast to cycle through.
- Very valuable loot.
Leyawiin is a great stealing spot not only for those looking to make some gold but also for people who are trying to furnish their house. This city is packed with furniture plans and diagrams, and the houses you steal them from have a lot of hiding spots that make sneaking a lot easier.
Why Leyawiin is a Great Place To Steal:
- Lots of diagrams and furniture plans
- Many hiding spots inside houses to make sneaking easier.
- Very fast route to cycle through.
Finishing off our list is Vos, another location in Vvardenfell that makes for a great stealing spot. This spot shines in the value of the stolen goods, especially the crafting motifs that can sell for several thousand gold. If that’s not good enough, the guards are also very easily avoidable, so make sure to pay this town a visit if you’re a lurking thief.
Why Vos is a Great Place To Steal:
- Guaranteed valuable motif loot.
- Very valuable items to sell.
- Easily avoidable guards.
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