What are the best and most powerful builds for Nightblade in ESO?
The Nightblade is a class that needs no introduction, filling the slot of the fantasy rogue and assassin in the world of The Elder Scrolls Online, and while they do represent that classic role, the Nightblade class also provides a wide variety of possible playstyles with their assassination skills, blood magic and shadow abilities.
In this article we will go over the best and most powerful builds for Nightblade in ESO in 2022, covering their strong points and playstyles, and also providing some helpful guides for you to follow and build your own shadow assassin.
10. One Shot - Stamina Nightblade PvP Build
This ‘One Shot’ build brings to the table exactly what Nightblades are best known for: getting in, destroying the opponent and sneaking out. Being a ‘gank’ build, it is best suited for picking off your foes one at a time, but it still has enough survivability to be decent when faced against multiple enemies.
- The name ‘One Shot’ isn’t just for show, as the skill combo used on this setup will absolutely melt your enemies.
- High survivability for a gank build.
- A lot of proc effects to guarantee your damage even if you can’t land the combo properly.
One Shot Build Details:
9. Phantom - Stamina Nightblade PvP Build
A stealth based build that can melt the defenses of tankier enemies, this is the Phantom. If you enjoy having an offensive play style and relying on dodging and positioning to keep yourself alive, then this is the build for you.
- Massive damage coming out of stealth.
- Easy to deal with tankier enemies.
- High mobility and huge bursts.
Phantom Build Details:
8. God Mode - Solo Stamina Nightblade Build
Is it possible to feel like you’re playing on God Mode while using affordable gear from normal dungeons? Yes, it is, and this build provides exactly that, turning you into a solo god without trial gear.
- Great for soloing PvE content all the way to Veteran Arenas.
- Easy access to buffs.
- Great damage and sustainability.
God Mode Build Details:
7. Invincible - Solo Stamina Nightblade Build
Another great option for solo players, this build will make you feel invincible, melting through your enemies while keeping yourself alive with ease with its insane sustainability
- No Mythic Items needed, meaning you won’t have to spend countless hours grinding through the Antiquities system.
- Great damage output.
- Easy to play.
Invincible Build Details:
6. 1vX - Stamina Nightblade PvP Build
We finally arrived at the 1vX build, which is the reason why many of you go into PvP: to feel like a fantasy hero that can fend off multiple opponents at once. The Nightblade excels at 1vX and with this build you will be able to do exactly that.
- Incredible sustainability through self healing.
- Massive bursts of damage.
- Extremely high offensive penetration provided by the monster set.
1vX Build Details:
5. Shade - Stamina Nightblade PvE Build
This is a build for those of you who want to excel as the DPS of your PvE group. With over 124k DPS, dynamic rotations and an overall amazing damage output, you will excel at your role as a damage dealer when using this setup.
- Dynamic and static rotation options.
- High critical rating.
- Incredibly consistent at destroying mobs and dealing damage to bosses.
Shade Build Details:
4. Blood Knight - Solo Hybrid Nightblade Build
Hybrid builds have become much stronger over the last patches. This is a tanky build with huge damage spikes, mixing sword and shield skills with Nightblade’s blood magic in order to keep you alive in any situation.
- No Mythics Items or Trial gear required.
- Insane self healing and survivability.
- Huge bursts of damage.
Blood Knight Build Details
3. 100k Ganker - Stamina Nightblade PvP Build
This build is a great starting point for those who wish to improve at PvP and easily get kills through ganking. With overland sets and some gold, you will be ready to jump into PvP
- Easy to get and upgrade the required gear.
- High bursts of damage that can one shot your enemies.
- No Mythic Items, Trial gear or Monster Sets required.
100k Ganker Build Details:
2. Sting - Stamina Nightblade PvE Build
Killing blows all day long with this PvE build that can be used in every sort of content in ESO. This setup is fun, easy to use and has an effective and static rotation that will destroy your enemies and flood you with ultimate ability charges.
- High Ultimate uptime.
- Easy to play
- Reliable and static rotation for constant high damage output.
Sting Build Details:
1. Catalyst - Solo Hybrid Nightblade Build
Ending our list with another hybrid build, this is a great option for solo players who want to be able to deal with every possible encounter in ESO. Mixing dual wield with the destruction staff, it not only is a blast to play but you’ll have many options on how to deal with any situation.
- Varied and flexible play style.
- High critical ratings.
- Huge damage output both for single target and AoE skills.
Catalyst Build Details:
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