Do you want to boost your character's level quicker and easier?
The Elder Scrolls Online is a challenging, but rewarding game in which most players struggle with the tedious and long grind of leveling their character. There are certain “hotspots” in the game that the player can use to quickly boost their XP gained through the use of various tips and tricks. Here are 15 of the BEST XP grind spots for power leveling that can save you tons of time getting to level 50 and beyond.
#15 is in Fort Virak
Full Fort Virak location details
Fort Virak isn’t a well-known area in Stonefalls, but it’s perfect for new players. The anonymity factor means that you’ll have fewer encounters with players, and the enemy spacing allows you to pull as many or as little enemies as you wish. If you wish to complete the questline, then the enemies will no longer spawn there.
Fort Virak is in the upper-left side of the map in Stonefalls
Fort Virak in Stonefalls
To get there, follow the road East from Davon’s Watch West until you get to Ebonheart, then, head Northwest toward the top of the map. Near the end of the road before the fort, you’ll find a wayshrine that you can use to fast travel back when you’re finished.
There’s also a questline available at Fort Virak to net you even more XP upon completion if you don’t want to grind this area.
#14 is in the Alik’r Desert
Full Alik'r Desert location details
This location is easy to access from the city Sentinel, which bodes well for those of you with low stamina and equipment load as you can ride back to the city and sell off your spoils quickly. You’ll also pull tons of mobs here, and most of them are undead. Undead mobs are great for leveling up your Fighters’ Guild, and for the ones who have “Banish the Wicked”, you’ll regain your ultimate faster for quicker grinding. You can earn approximately 115,368 (461,472 if enlightened) XP per hour with this spot.
This area is along the coast, directly North from Sentinel.
Alik'r Desert in Sentinel
To get there, head into the Sentinel Northeast of the wayshrine. Once you reach the city, find the Northern coastline between the docks.
#13 is in Maulborn Quarantine
Full Maulborn Quarantine location details
Maulborn Quarantine is tied to the questline of Quarantine Serk (Serk) in Deshaan. Once you progress far enough into the questline (follow the quest marker in the town to begin) you’ll have access to the quarantine area, which is filled with bunches of plague mobs to grind. These mobs are plentiful, making this an excellent for any player to gain XP. You can earn approximately 88,616 (354,464 if enlightened) per hour at this spot.
Maulborn Quarantine is in the town of Quarantine Serk.
Maulborn Quarantine in Deshaan
To get there, head West from Quarantine Serk until you find a staircase leading up to an area with a wooden fence and gate.
#12 is in Razak’s Wheel
Full Razak's Wheel location details
Razak’s Wheel is a public dungeon located in Bangkorai. This dungeon is packed full of mobs that you can either grind solo or with a group for loads of XP. It even has a quest that is tied to it that you can pick up on your way in the dungeon for some extra rewards. You can earn approximately 138,824 (554,496 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This public dungeon is located at the bottom-left of the map.
Razak's Wheel in Bangkorai
To get there, head Southwest from the Onsi’s Breath Wayshrine. You’ll have to divert from the road, but the dungeon will appear on your compass once you get near enough.
#11 is The Vile Manse
Full The Vile Manse location details
The Vile Manse is another public dungeon located in Reaper’s March. In this dungeon, along with the XP you’ll gain from grinding the mobs, you’ll have the opportunity to complete a quest for bonus rewards. This area plays just like any other public dungeon type, so be prepared for many enemies and the occasional miniboss. You can earn approximately 156,834 (627,336 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This public dungeon is located directly West from Arenthia.
The Vile Manse in Reaper's March
To get there, head Northwest from the Fort Grimwatch wayshrine.
#10 is the Starved Plain
Full The Starved Plains location details
The Starved Plain is an excellent area for beginners as it’s near one of the starter cities (Stonefalls) and provides plenty of enemies to pull for XP. This scorched battlefield has you battle against spectral entities and is perfect for solo farming. A quick tip that may help for future grinding is that all outside mobs (not in dungeons or delves) give approximately 30% more XP than others. You can earn approximately 142,965 (571,834 if enlightened) per hour at this spot.
This location is directly South of Davon’s Watch.
The Starved Plains in Stonefalls
To get there, head South of Davon’s Watch, or head North of the Senie Wayshrine.
#9 is in the Forgotten Wastes
Full Forgotten Wastes location details
The Forgotten Wastes is a public dungeon in the Morrowind DLC. This dungeon has the potential for a quest like the others for bonus rewards, and like the others, it’s also loaded with enemies to grind. The mobs here also drop Sixth House Robe recipe fragments, which can be sold for 20K gold each, or you can combine the 7 pieces and sell it for 200K gold.
This location is directly East of Ald Carac.
The Forgotten Wastes in Morrowind
To get there, head directly West of the Valley of The Wind Wayshrine.
#8 is the Fallen Wastes Dolmen
Full Fallen Wastes Dolmen location details
The Fallen Wastes Dolmen is an easily accessible dolmen that is near a wayshrine for convenience. This dolmen can be completed in just a couple of minutes, and it’s best-done solo, as the more people you have in your group the less XP you gain. With enemies spawning constantly and dropping plenty of loot; this is the perfect place for solo grinders looking for XP and gold. You can earn approximately 80,256 (321,024 if enlightened) XP per hour with this spot.
This location is Southeast of the Bangkorai Garrison.
Forgotten Wastes Dolmen in Bangkorai
To get there, head East of the Old Tower Wayshrine.
#7 is Muth Gnaar
Full Muth Gnaar location details
Muth Gnaar is an old town in Deshaan overrun with Plague mobs. This area is full of enemies to grind for XP and provides plentiful drops to sell or deconstruct. It’s an excellent area for farming spoils in a group, or grinding solo for XP. You can earn approximately 132,246 (528,984 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This location is East of Narsis.
Muth Gnaar in Deshaan
To get there, head South from the Muth Gnaars Hills Wayshrine.
#6 is in Spellscar
Full Spellscar location details
Spellscar is a group area inside of Craglorn. This area has numerous enemies and is perfect for a solo or group player. Outside enemies such as these deliver 30% more experience than their inside counterparts, which makes Spellscar a big hit for grinding XP. You can earn approximately 111,780 (447,120 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This location is North of Belkarth.
Spellscar in Craglorn
To get there, head North of the Spellscar Wayshrine.
#5 is in the Deep Graves
Full Deep Graves location details
The Deep Graves is an area in Shadowfen terrorized by wisps. Wisps are melee only enemies so that makes them easy to pull and take out as they chase you. This area is great for beginners as the enemies here have low health and damage output, making them easy targets for grinding XP. You can earn approximately 125,400 (501,600 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This location is Southwest of Alten Corimont
Deep Graves in Shadowfen
To get there, head South of the Hatching Pools Wayshrine.
#4 is in Dune
Full Dune location details
Dune is an abandoned city overrun by Daedra in Reaper’s March. This area is special because enemies with a higher health pool give you more XP, so the Daedroths here give you 100% more XP and the Clannfears give you 50% more XP. It also has a ton of enemies to grind and is a very large area, in general, to roam with a questline attached to it.
This location is Northeast of Sren-Ja.
Dune in Reaper's March
To get there, head East of Pa’Alat.
#3 is in the Cliffs of Failure
Full Cliffs of Failure location details
The Cliffs of Failure is an area in Coldharbour that allows you to be portaled to a great farming area, and by talking to The Observer and completing the quest you can get extra benefits. Through the portal, you’ll have access to a plethora of respawning mobs to grind for XP. It’s recommended to stay in the large middle area, as going too far can result in different enemy types that are more difficult to farm. You can earn approximately 96,876 (387,504 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This location is Northeast of The Hollow City.
Cliffs of Failure in Coldharbour
To get there, head Northeast of Court of Contempt wayshrine.
#2 is in Moonhenge
Full Moonhenge location details
Moonhenge is an area in Greenshade that is being invaded by Daedra . This area has a unique questline too that you can reap the rewards too . Once you progress far enough in the quest, you’ll unlock a portal to the Isles of Torment, which is like your personal XP grinding location full of Daedra that give bonus XP. If you would like to keep this farming spot, then don’t complete the quest or else it will close the portal. You can earn approximately 70,794 (283,176) XP per hour at this spot.
This location is North of Seaside Sanctuary.
Moonhenge in Greenshade
To get there, head Southwest from Moonhenge wayshrine.
#1 is in Skyreach Catacombs
Full Skyreach location details
Skyreach Catacombs is a group location in Craglorn that is considered the best for grinding XP. This area is chock full of enemies for XP grinding and loot farming. The con of Skyreach is that it is not suitable for beginners nor solo players, and requires a solid group of players to take on. You can earn approximately 96,078 (384,312 if enlightened) XP per hour at this spot.
This location is West of Spellscar.
Skyreach in Craglorn
To get there, head Southwest of the Skyreach wayshrine.
Author’s Tips:
1) You can use Crown Experience Scrolls to enhance your XP gain.
2) You can use the training trait on your equipment to enhance your XP gain.
3) You can farm outdoor enemies and enemies with a larger health pool to enhance your XP gain.
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