What are the best builds for Werewolf Nightblades in ESO?
Werewolves are awesome mythical creatures, and their depiction in ESO is equally amazing and strong. The Werewolf skill line has some of the strongest abilities in ESO, with incredible Stamina Damage, Crowd Control and Self Healing.
These builds will guide you on how to properly build your Nightblade to be a powerful Werewolf, each of them following a particular playstyle that might suit you, so let's check them out!
5. Blackwood Werewolf
The Blackwood Werewolf is a build optimized to put together the best of the Nightblade and the Werewolf. Using the insanely powerful sustain and durability of Nightblade’s Shadow abilities to keep yourself alive while in human form, and taking advantage of the Werewolf form to ravage your foes.
What Blackwood Werewolf excels at:
- High sustain through high Health Recovery, Stamina Recovery and Magicka Recovery;
- Very high damage output even in human form with Surprise Attack;
- Very durable in both forms using Shadow abilities and Werewolf abilities;
- Powerful execution potential using the Two Handed weapon;
- Very high mobility through Brutal Pounce.
4. 100k Werewolf
This is a Werewolf build focused on high DPS for group PvE content. With this setup you’ll be able to excel at the DPS role even at the hardest endgame content of ESO. If things go wrong, you can still rely on its powerful Crowd Control to get away from the danger and reposition correctly with your teammates.
What 100k Werewolf excels at:
- Powerful AoE Crowd Control with the Werewolf’s Roar;
- Very high Maximum Stamina provided by the gear sets;
- Very high DPS provided by gear sets and passive skills;
- Very high sustain and durability through self healing;
- Very high Disease damage with the Werewolf’s Claws of Life.
3. Rushing Werewolf
The Rushing Werewolf is a powerful build for PvP with a one bar setup that focuses on fast and powerful burst damage. Using the Stuhn’s Favor armor set, it can melt the HP of even the tankier foes. You will be spamming your gap closer ability to jump from enemy to enemy and destroy them as fast as possible.
What Rushing Werewolf excels at:
- Focus on the gap closer ability of the Werewolf, dealing additional damage;
- Can easily deal with tankier foes using very high Penetration stats;
- Easy to master, with a one bar setup using the Oakensoul ring;
- Additional damage to low health enemies provided through the gear set;
- Additional damage to enemies under the effects of Crowd Control effects, being a great combination with the Werewolf’s Roar.
2. The Beast
Another very powerful PvE Werewolf DPS build, The Beast focuses on dealing Critical Damage to guarantee very high and consistent DPS. It relies heavily on your light and heavy attacks to build up harmful wind stacks, so you must master the auto attack weaving to get the most out of this build.
What The Beast excels at:
- Very high and consistent DPS for endgame PvE content;
- Additional damage from harmful wind stacks built up with your auto attacks;
- Focused on Critical Damage, with very high Critical stats;
- Powerful AoE damage with the splash effects of Werewolf Berserker;
- Very high self healing using the Claws of Life ability.
1. Universal Werewolf
Last but not least, the Universal Werewolf is a powerful Werewolf setup that works with any class in the game, and Nightblade is no exception to that. It uses a one bar setup with the Oakensoul Ring mythic, and brings insanely high Weapon damage to the table, destroying any enemy that crosses your path with ease.
What Universal Werewolf excels at:
- Easy to master one bar setup using the Oakensoul Ring;
- Insanely high Weapon damage of over 8k;
- Heavy attacks do additional AoE damage and Bleeding;
- Applying Major buffs or debuffs increase your resource recovery, allowing you to spam your abilities;
- Very high self healing using Hircine’s Fortitude.
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