FORWARD: Escape The Fold Is A Dungeon Crawler To Crawl For

Forward is the best direction to fight in!
31 Mar 2022

Crawling through actual dungeons does NOT sound like something anyone would do for fun. Card-based dungeon crawlers though are a video game classic that can definitely inspire some quadrupedal motion among the denizens of the gaming world.

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Blood Altar ability cards. Image by 'FORWARD: Escape the Fold.'

According to its developers ‘FORWARD: Escape the Fold’ “was created to be the perfect bite-sized roguelike dungeon crawler.” Creating something to be perfect is aiming pretty high, but as they say, aim for the stars and you might land on the moon!

Players must pick a champion at the start of the game with which they will begin their crawl through the dark card-based dungeons of ‘FORWARD: Escape the Fold.’ As they crawl through the dungeons players will collect items that they can use to power their abilities and send the monsters lurking in the dungeons to hell once and for all.

Players must choose a path from 3 cards with every turn they make. Choosing the wrong cards will mean instant death and a one-way ticket to the hot place. Every step will require new decisions, keeping players on their toes and engaged in the game. 

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Battling through stacks of 3 cards. Image by 'FORWARD: Escape the Fold.'

According to the developers, every run will be different since the game is designed for replayability to make it fun and challenging even for experienced players.

The game features 7 champions with unique and original powers and backstories. There are over 100 cards for players to experiment with. The game also boasts a leaderboard for top players so show off and battle for the top spot.

‘FORWARD: Escape The Fold’ is developed by ‘Two Tiny Dice,’ and is scheduled to be released on Steam in March 2022.

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