Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics Ignites Melts the Mind, Never Mind Steel

Robo revolutions are a thing of the future... right?
Robo revolutions are a thing of the future... right?

Imagine a future filled with automation, more automation than the world has ever seen before. A world where humans no longer have to worry about feeding people, providing water, electricity, or basic services. A world where artificial intelligence has been created that is so advanced it can manage everything required for the survival and expansion of the human race. 

Fight on a grid-based system. Image by 'Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics.'

What if that artificial intelligence all of a sudden decided it no longer wanted to expand the human race, but crush it? The single thing in control of all humanity’s needs would be seeking to destroy it. What would happen then?

‘Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics’ considers this probability. The possibility that humans become dependent on AI and then it turns on them is not unlikely at all. In ‘Ignited Steel’ the world is turned upside down when a bug in the AI that runs the planet decides that humanity is no longer worth keeping around.

The only option is for people to pull together and fight it, using technology that is too old for the AI to interface with. Players must take charge of this offensive, picking the mechs that they will use to battle the enemy machines with, and picking each individual pilot and mech module. 

Tactical turn-based combat. Image by 'Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics.'

There are Juggernaut, Stalker, and Javelin mechs, each with unique functionality. Each pilot has unique strengths and abilities. According to developers, mechs may overheat when the bullets are flying hot and heavy, giving them more damage, but also weakening their protection. 

To play effectively in ‘Ignited Steel’ players must find the right combinations of mechs and pilots, and the perfect balance between damage and protection for each one.

The game uses a tactical turn-based combat system, and according to the devs features new worlds and mech modules with every playthrough to keep things fresh.

‘Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics’ is developed by ‘Yokaicade’ and is available on Steam.

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