Iron Lung Horror Adventure Kills It On Steam Ratings For a Reason

Iron Lung Horror Adventure Kills It On Steam Ratings For a Reason
06 May 2022

The thought of being cooped up in a cramped submarine deep underwater gives me anxiety. I’m not very fond of tight spaces. I’m even less fond of tight spaces that must remain closed if I am to remain alive… 

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Examining various instruments. Image by 'Iron Lung.'

Now imagine being stuck in a coffin-sized submarine, but instead of swimming underwater, you’ll be under blood. Yeah, you heard right. 

‘Iron Lung’ is a horror adventure game that is set on an alien moon. Humanity, in a desperate search, to find inhabitable territory on a moon after all the stars and planets disappear in a disaster, discovers a blood ocean on a particular moon. 

Since they have no idea what lurks beneath the scarlet waters, you get to be the lucky guy who gets to climb in a 1-man submarine and explore the red depths.

Your only window to the red world outside is a narrow viewport. You must navigate and experiment using all the instruments crammed into the sub with you.

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Inspecting a display and instrument panel. Image by 'Iron Lung.'

Your goal is to determine whether there is anything useful in the ocean of blood. However, you will need to proceed with caution and careful thinking. You never know what lurks in oceans of blood and being reckless might attract unwelcome, dangerous attention.

‘Iron Lung,’ besides being the name of the game, is also the name of your submarine. According to the developers, players should be able to finish the game in under an hour, however, making mistakes and incorrect decisions will slow down the process quite a bit. Watch your step!

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