‘Postal 4 No Regerts’ is a satirical comedy filled with oddities and annoying little mistakes. The game title itself contains a spelling error, and you best believe, it is the first of many…
If you have OCD like me, all it takes is a set of lines that aren’t perfectly parallel and the moment is ruined. Now imagine everywhere you look, everything is just wrong!
‘Postal 4 No Regerts’ takes place sometime after the small town known as ‘Paradise’ in Arizona is completely obliterated. There are only 2 survivors. The POSTAL Dude and his dog Champ. At the start of the game, you get to pick which of the 3 POSTAL Dudes you wish to be based on their skills and abilities.
Now the funny thing is, neither of them has a clue where to go or what to do next. As it happens, you are the lucky guy or girl who gets to take control of the POSTAL Dude and live out his miserable existence.
Unluckily for you, but perhaps luckily for everyone else, your car and all your possessions are stolen during a refueling stop, so you and Champ are left to fend for yourselves without the luxury of a vehicle…
As you wander about aimlessly, a glimmer on the horizon catches your eye and you decide to investigate. You appear to have spotted a town in the distance that could hold the potential of a brighter future for you. Little do you know…
The town turns out to be a nightmare of sorts. It is filled with hostiles and all sorts of strange phenomena. You must take on challenges and missions, complete errands, and fight enemies in a town where nothing is as it seems, and not even the laws of physics seem to behave in their normal fashion!
Watch out so that you don’t blow yourself up with short long fuses, or that you don’t fall through any holes that look like they’re covered up. Or a million other quirky things that cover the open world of ‘Postal 4 No Regerts.’
‘Postal 4 No Regerts’ features a wide range of different quests, weapons, vehicles, and equipment that you can use. The game also includes fun features such as interacting with your dog and comprehensive ability combos.
The game is developed by ‘Running With Scissors,’ and is highly popular on Steam with over 6000 positive reviews, despite officially being classed as “one of the worst games ever.”