'Resist the Succubus - The End of the Female Knight' Is A Battle Between Duty and Desire

'Resist the Succubus - The End of the Female Knight' Is A Battle Between Duty and Desire
12 Jul 2022

‘Resist the Succubus - The End of the Female Knight’ is a tale built on the age-old dilemma of duty versus desire.

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Will you yield to the pleasure you so deeply desire? Image by ‘Resist the Succubus - The End of the Female Knight.’

You play as a female knight called Celine, who is also a City Master in her city. Many years ago, a demon army attacked Celine’s city and she led her armies against the enemy and repelled them with courage and honor. Now, as Celine, you must fight once again as the demons try to take the city for a second time.

There is a slight dilemma though. The demons have a new leader. This demon leader is a powerful succubus, and she is throwing everything at you to make you yield to desire and neglect your duty to defend your city!

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Celine yielding to her darker desires. Image by ‘Resist the Succubus - The End of the Female Knight.’

A strange tattoo has appeared on your abdomen, and it is having powerful effects… Not only does burning desire course through you, but the city Treasury’s reserves are low, and wars are won with gold as much as they are won with blood…

Will the dutiful, honorable Celine give in to her desires? Will she stoop so low as to sell her body for money to fill the Treasury’s coffers? Or will her desire become so powerful that she yields to the demon leader’s wishes completely and gives up her city?

You need to make decisions and live with the consequences of your actions.

‘Resist the Succubus - End of the Female Knight,’ is developed by ‘BoRoBoRoGame.’ The will be released on Steam on 22 July 2022.

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