Shredders Snowboarding Sim Is a Love Letter to Snowboarding

Shred snow well enough and maybe a slightly warmer shred will follow...
02 Apr 2022

Shredding in the snow with the pros is every competitive snowboarder’s dream. Imagine messing around with some cool moves in the snow with a buddy and getting picked up by a pro scout for sponsorship? Too good to be true right? Maybe in real life, but in the digital world, anything is possible!

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Approaching some mega jumps. Image by 'Shredders.'

‘Shredders’ puts players in the shoes of an amateur snowboarder who gets put on the pro track after a scout offers to sponsor some of his videos. Suddenly a world of endless possibilities opens up. Good performance can mean a stack of money, epic snowboarding destinations and competitions, and a chance to meet some of the all-time greats!

‘Shredders’ features an open world where players can go where they please and shred everything under the sun. In addition to this, players get to shred with pro snowboarders. To make it even better, the snowboarders’ voice lines are done by the snowboarders themselves, and the game tells each one’s true story!

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Shredding rails. Image by 'Shredders.'

In preparation for a massive pro event in the game’s storyline, players will meet the pro riders and learn to master their moves, following their tips and tricks every step of the way. According to the developers, ‘Shredders’ “takes inspiration from a whole bunch of awesome snowboarding films,” as well as “Amped games,” and the “snowboarding heroes” of Instagram.

The game uses real-life snowboarding animations and features a wide range of real-life snowboarding brands and equipment.

‘Shredders is developed by ‘Foam Punch,’ and is available on Steam.

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