WorldBox God Simulator Offers a Taste of What It Means to Have True Power...

The power to build and destroy anything and anyone is yours! Behave...
02 Apr 2022

Having the power to create and destroy worlds would be nice. Or at least useful. Unfortunately for mere mortals, that will never be possible. Or at least, not completely. Nukes could probably destroy the earth…

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A thriving settlement. Should we hit it with a tsunami? Image by 'WorldBox God Simulator.'

‘WorldBox God Simulator’ tries to give players a little taste of what it would be like to have the power to create and destroy worlds. Or what it’s like to know that the existence of every living thing on the planet is at their mercy.

As gods, players will have the power to create animals and will need to see to the needs of the animal kingdoms, ensuring that humanity does not wipe them out and that they are placed in habitats where they will be able to look after themselves, survive, and thrive.

The people on earth, will as always, be at each others’ throats fighting over land, resources, quarrels, and a plethora of other petty things. Players can sit by and watch as they destroy each other, or, if they feel like it, they can lend a hand and help one side win. Or maybe help both sides. Or just wipe everyone out with lightning from above!

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Unleashing a giant crab on the poor souls in its path. Image by 'WorldBox God Simulator.'

Players have a host of destructive powers at their disposal, including lightning, tornadoes, meteorites, plagues, and even UFOs. Players can share the maps and worlds they have created, competing against other WorldBox players to see who can be the most creative.

‘WorldBox God Simulator’ is developed by ‘Maxim Karpenko,’ and came to Steam on the 2nd of December, 2021.

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