Solomon Kane, a notorious privateer with a troubled past, finds himself haunted by the specter of his sins. After a harrowing encounter with the Devil's Reaper, he renounces violence and seeks redemption. However, fate has other plans. A series of events, including a prophetic dream and a brutal ambush, forces Kane back into the world of violence and bloodshed.
Driven by a newfound determination to save Meredith Crowthorn, a young woman caught in the clutches of a sinister sorcerer named Malachi, Kane embarks on a perilous journey. He battles hordes of demonic followers, confronts his own past, and makes sacrifices that test the limits of his humanity.
As Kane delves deeper into Malachi's dark web of corruption, he discovers a world filled with betrayal, despair, and the terrifying consequences of unchecked evil. His quest for redemption becomes a battle against the forces of darkness, a struggle that will define his very soul.
Director: M. J. Bassett
Release Date: January 23, 2009
Runtime: 105 minutes
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror
Production Budget: $40 million