In the realm of Azeroth, a battle between humanity and the orcish Horde is brewing. As the orc warlock Gul'dan seeks to conquer Azeroth, the human warrior Anduin Lothar and the orc chieftain Durotan find themselves on opposing sides of this epic conflict.

A portal to Azeroth has been opened, and the orcs are pouring through, wreaking havoc upon the land. Lothar, a noble knight of Stormwind, leads the human forces in their defense. Durotan, a wise and honorable orc, seeks to protect his people from the corrupting influence of Gul'dan.

As the war rages on, alliances are forged and broken, and the fate of Azeroth hangs in the balance. Lothar and Durotan, bound by destiny and divided by their people, must decide if their differences can be overcome to face the impending doom.

Director: Duncan Jones

Release Date: June 10, 2016

Runtime: 2h 3m

Genre: Fantasy, action

Production Budget: Approximately $160 million

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