Unlike the real economy, the primary form of making money in Animal Crossing is selling valuable items. While working for Brewster can provide some income, it pales in comparison to what can be gained through selling the listed items.
10. Local Fruits
Image Source: Perfecting Animal Crossing New Leaf
Your local fruit is the best source of money early in the game. They have an abundant supply and can be planted in the ground. The more trees, the more fruit you can sell.
9. Ores
Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki
Ores are valuable stones that are found by banging rocks with shovels. Every day, there is a rock with these stones waiting to be released. To maximize your returns, dig some holes that are diagonal to the rock of interest. Try to leave room between you and the stone.
As you hit your stone, the ores will be released onto the surrounding area. As you hit more, there will be more ores released. You can sell these for extra bells.
8. Gold
Image Source: Jeff's New Leaf Blog
Gold lies within the same ore rock as the others. The difference between this one and its subordinates is that it comes out after seven consecutive hits. Try to hit the rock as fast as you can when farming for gold ore.
After you collect your gold, you can sell it for 4,000 bells.
7. Turnips
Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki
Turnips are this game’s equivalent to the stock market. They can be bought from a boar named Joan every Sunday morning. Their value fluctuates throughout the week. If you hold onto a bundle for too long, it rots. Rotten turnips are worth next to nothing.
Think of turnips as this game’s version of the stock market or cryptocurrency.
6. Native Perfect Fruit
Image Source: jvgs.net
Your local perfect fruit comes as a golden variety of your native fruit. The first day in your village always has one perfect fruit. Finding more perfect fruits involves shaking and planting more of your native fruit until you find one.
You can plant and sell these fruits for large profits. Each fruit sells for 600 bells. In a bundle of nine, they can sell for 5,400 bells.
5. Foreign Perfect Fruit
Image Source: Bidoof Crossing
If you have access to a friend's town, you should try selling your perfect fruit. If you and your friend have different native fruits, the fruit will sell for 3,000 apiece. A bundle of perfect fruit can sell for 27,000 bells.
4. Whale Shark
Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki
The whale shark is a massive species that can be found during the summer months or on the island year-round. It sells for a whopping 13,000 bells apiece.
When fishing for these behemoths, look for a shadow with a fin. Collect a lot of these for a large sum of bells at Re-Tail.
3. Golden Stag
Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki
The golden stag is a rare beetle found during the summer months or on the island’s palm trees. These beauties sell for 12,000 bells.
A great method for farming involves circling the area around the trees and chasing off the inferior breeds of insects. Do this for a few hours until you find enough valuable bugs. Sell them at Re-Tail for a great profit.
2. Horned Hercules
Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki
The horned Hercules sell for the same value as the golden stag. Catch these using the same method for catching other valuable bugs. The island is your best bet for finding these creatures.
1. Coelacanth
Image Source: Google Arts & Culture
The coelacanth is a rarer species than the other rare fishes. It can only be caught during rainy or snowy weather. However, it can be sold for a whopping 15,000 bells.
When fishing for this rare specimen, travel back and forth along the beach. You will likely catch more sea bass while fishing for this treasure.
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