[Top 10] Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Public Works Projects

10 Best Public Works Projects
09 Dec 2021

The Public Works Projects are what set this game apart from its predecessors. Instead of being confined to the mayor’s whims, you can take control and erect buildings based on your vision. As you spend more time in your village, you will have more access to various blueprints.

10. Cube Sculpture

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Image Source: jvgs.net

Smug villagers in your town, like Marshal, will recommend this project to you at random. It is a black cube tilted on its axis.

The cube looks good as a centerpiece for a park or garden. It stands out without looking garish.


  • Black cube
  • Recommended by smug villagers
  • Good piece for villages.

9. Standee

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Image Source: jvgs.net

The standee is one of the most versatile projects in the game. Any design can be applied to it. Since players can customize designs, they can make their standee look like whatever they desire.


  • Versatile structure
  • Customizable

8. Train Station Remodel

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Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki

The train station remodel proves that the mayor has an active social life. It takes one-hundred visits from other villagers until the project is available.

There are three designs to select. They are Fairy-Tale, Zen, and Modern.


  • Status symbol
  • Three designs available
  • Needs 100 visits

7. Campsite

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Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki

For those wanting new villagers in their town, they should try building a designated campsite. It costs 59,800 bells to construct and has a permanent location when chosen. 

Occasionally, non-resident animals will set up camp at the site. You can play games with them and convince them to move if you have room in your village.


  • 59,800 bells
  • Permanent location
  • Allows for visitors

6. Reset Surveillance Center

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Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki

The Reset Surveillance Center is a Public Works Project that has no ceremony when finished. It consists of a brown manhole cover. It costs a hefty sum of 398K bells and is only available after quitting the game once without saving.

When you build the center, you will now be visited by Mr. Resetti as you reset your game. He and his brother operate a large surveillance system where they look for people resetting their games.


  • Resetti and Don’s office
  • Access to rants
  • Expensive
  • No ceremony

5. A Third Bridge

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Image Source: sosostris.com

The presence of a third bridge makes life so much easier for the mayor. Instead of running long distances to find a bridge, the mayor can build a new bridge that meets his or her transportation needs.

There can only be three bridges at a time in every village. The more you interact with villagers, the more bridge designs can be selected.


  • Good timesaver
  • Only three at a time
  • More designs are unlockable

4. Dream Suite

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Image Source: Nookipedia

After your 3DS has connected to the Internet once, you can catch Isabelle sleeping on her job. The Dream Suite will now become an available Public Works Project. It will rest within the left edge of Main Street.

When you type in certain codes, you can travel to dreamy versions of other villages. Of course, nothing you do in these other villages has any effect on the real world.


  • Internet connection needed
  • Access to other villages
  • Isabelle needs to get some sleep

3. Club LOL

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Image Source: GLUXBOX

Club LOL is a comedy club available after meeting with Dr. Shrunk. He gives you a new emotion to display as you listen to his daily jokes. Every night, he and KK Slider have a live dance party. But on Saturday nights, KK plays music on his guitar.


  • Comedy club
  • Gives emotions through jokes
  • Dance party
  • Acoustics by KK

2. Police Station

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Image Source: Animal Crossing Wiki

The police station needs to be recommended by a villager before attempting to build. There are two designs for a station. One is a rustic design and the other is a modern station. Your choice of station determines whether Booker or Cooper serves your town.

Booker is the casual cop while Cooper is more assertive. Lost and found items can be picked up as you enter the station.


  • Recommendation
  • Two designs
  • Cooper/Booker depends on the choice
  • Lost and found items

1. Cafe

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Image Source: Animal Crossing World

You need to have an active Museum presence and many contributions before this coffee shop can be built. After spending almost 300K bells, Brewster will become your new barista.

You can work as a barista and make a few bells. As you speak with villagers, you can learn about their coffee preferences.


  • Good job
  • Place for coffee
  • You can learn about coffee preferences

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