Using your dream suite on Main Street can be very hit or miss on what kind of town you'll get.
With this Top 10 Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Town guide it will be a hit every single time!
10. Crystal
Crystal's owner: mayorchibi.tumblr.com
Crystal's Dream Address: 4C00-0012-3E90
A kawaii pastel town covered head to toe in flowers and prettiness. It is themed after Sailor moon and looks like it came right out of the anime itself!
What’s Great About Crystal?
- Each home is themed after a different sailor scout.
- The landscaping is beautiful and girly! The pink and white cosmos keep the theme throughout the town.
- The homes are a bit messy, but I think the homes are such a good reflection of each character. I really felt nostalgic going through Crystal. Anyone who is a fan of Sailor Moon should stop by this lovely town!
9. Bleualpe
Bleualpe Dream Address:5F00-00B0-ED4D
Bleualpe Owner: tumblr @montiblue
This is a beautiful Autumn themed town and has a cozy fall feel to its landscape. I would describe Bleualpe as a “mountain town” that makes you feel like cuddling up with a cup of hot cocoa. It’s forest-y and the cabins are somewhere I personally would go to get away and relax!
What’s Great About Bleualpe?
- The grocery store is by far one of my favorite parts of this town. It reminded me of the little shop in Frozen. Super quaint!
- Every room is packed full of furniture that makes the homes feel “lived in”. The style is extremely eclectic.
- Out of all the towns this town felt like the one I would choose to live in.
- The only town on the list set in Fall.
8. Hitokui (cannibal town)
This town has disturbing concepts and features gore. Please take that into consideration before visiting Hitokui.
Hitokui's DA: 1C00-0077-A492
Although I’m not sure there is a clear story behind this town, it’s very clear something very bad has occurred in many of these homes and around town.
What’s Great About Hitokui?
- This is one of the goriest/creepiest towns I have visited.
- The QR codes were handmade which was by far the scariest part of the town.
- Even though the story isn’t apparent, the placement of furniture and patterns explains enough to let you in on some very dark secrets about the townspeople being cannibals.
- The scary theme extends past the homes and out into the town as well. Each home/room got scary and I found myself excited to see what was in store next!
7. City
City's Dream Address: 4A00-00D8-552B
City's creator: snootyleaf.tumblr.com
This town really does feel like a REAL city! This town is very symmetrical and detail oriented. The modern architecture of the house really makes it feel like a “city”.
What’s Great About City?
- Everything is so perfect and symmetrical about the landscaping. I imagine this took months upon months of planning and it came out great!
- I have never seen paths like this. So different! They literally made roads out of QR codes. You can practically imagine cars driving up and down the roads.
- The town feels so realistic. It includes sidewalks, parks, streetlights and even front yards for every villager! Great inspiration for any Animal Crossing player.
6. Aquarine
Aquarine's Dream Address: 4D00-0069-45F9
Aquarine's creator: mayor-nicola.tumblr.com
Aquarine is a floral filled town that has been “hacked”. It has a messy natural feel and is just so pleasant to visit!
What’s Great About Aquarine?
- The homes are extremely cozy, and one can only WISH they were a villager in this quaint town.
- The landscaping has a messy-ness to it, but it definitely had quite a bit of thought put into it.
- The homes are different sizes and even the tiniest of homes are adorable. The town is full of great ideas and great inspiration. I have gathered a lot of ideas from this very town for my own!
5. Kodama
Kodama's creator: mischacrossing.com
Kodama's Dream Address: 5F00-000F-7BCA
An overgrown “hacked” forest-y town. Kodama is a lovely evening set town that is very spiritual! It has been made by the Youtuber who creates most of these videos! So, you know she has some great concepts for her towns.
What’s Great About Kodama?
- This town has some Princess Mononoke references that are subtle but adorable.
- The witches’ huts are creative and stay on theme.
- The amount of work that was put into furnishing these homes (that are FULL of furniture) must have taken so much time and planning. I can really appreciate the time and work that was put into these designs.
4. Darkcove (scary town)
This town will be disturbing/scary so please be aware before visiting!
Darkcove's Dream Address: 6F00-0017-4272
Darkcove’s Creator: tumblr.com/blog/darkcoveanimalcrossing
This town tells a creepy story and homes must be visited in order to tell this town’s history.
What’s Great About Darkcove?
- This town isn’t only decorated very creepy but has an interesting story behind it as well.
- They creator made patterns that are no doubt the scariest part of this entire town.
- The town actually has nice landscaping despite the eerie atmosphere.
- I really enjoyed the story and often thought about it throughout the week! Spooky!
3. Citalune
Citàlune's Dream Addess: 4F00-001F-F5E6
Citàlune's creator: aforestlife.tumblr.com
A uniquely themed town based off the sun and the moon sides of town. The creator really stuck to the theme and you can tell every detail had a lot of thought put into it.
What’s Great About Citalune?
- The town is divided into two different sides. The “sun” side of town and the “moon” side of town. Everything is changed depending on the side of town. The flowers, the home décor and even the villagers were themed depending on the side of town they reside in.
- Each side of town has its own ruler.
- This town has been “hacked” so keep that in mind when trying to incorporate some of the towns landscape.
- The entire town has a very ethereal feel to it. Very Dreamy and relaxing.
2. Crescent
Crescent’s Dream Address:5A00-00FA-7032
Crescent’s Creator: Ariel
A sleepy creative little town set in April at 11pm. Crescent is one of the most creative towns I have seen. This town has a very “home-y” feel to it. There was a pleasant surprise in every home!
What’s Great About Crescent?
- Each home in this town has a unique themed room.
- Each room is a town necessity!
- This town is practical and has everything a villager may need to run every day normal errands!
- The gym in the town is especially great! The library and bank feel very realistic and looks similar to the ones in my hometown.
1. Imori
Imori's Dream Address: 4D00-0107-F79A
Imori's creator: http://studiojillbli.tumblr.com
A beautiful leafy green town with a Totoro themed house and even a Kiki’s Delivery themed home. I can only imagine getting the town to replicate homes in the movies was a difficult task and most likely took months to complete. This is such a detailed town and is by far one of my favorite dream addresses to visit! Hope you guys enjoy!
What’s Great About Imori:
- This town is a themed town with a Studio Ghibli theme
- It is a “hacked” town, so keep that in mind if you are trying to recreate some of its features.
- The details and patterns are handmade QR codes
- The resemblance to the Studio Ghibli moves is uncanny and you can tell right away what movie is being portrayed.
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