If you don’t see your favorite Pathfinder skin on this list, it’s because your opinions are wrong.
With that being said, let’s get into it!
10) Full Metal Robot
Path in does his in his best Lt. Dan cosplay.
The Full Metal Robot skin is a fun, military-styled skin that made it to number ten on this list because the camo shorts look cool and they give the illusion that Pathfinder is hiding some thick, juicy thighs in there. Can you imagine? Hilarious.
How to buy: This skin is the only one on the list that needs to be purchased as an add-on for Apex Legends outside of the game itself. The Full Metal Robot skin for Pathfinder comes in the Pathfinder Edition of Apex Legends, including not only this skin but also an exclusive Pathfinder badge, a gun charm, weapon skin, and even includes 1000 Apex coins to get you closer to your next skin or cosmetic.
See the Full Metal Robot skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzux0We4uPc
9) Friendly Fire
The Friendly Fire skin is a sleek, cool skin in which the creators dared to imagine a Pathfinder with the addition of only a mustache.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available; it won’t always be around! The Friendly Fire skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Friendly Fire skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV7j0npl7VQ
8) Downright Fierce
Samurais are just cool. End of story.
Samurai Pathfinder was always going to be a fantastic addition to any Pathfinder skin collection. The helmet is inspired by Japanese samurai masters and the blues and gold colors create a very regal appearance for our friendly neighborhood robot.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store, which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The Down Right Fierce skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Down Right Fierce skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXAz58B4gks
7) Joyfinder
Tis the Apex Legends Ranked Season
Santa Pathfinder? Objectively hilarious. Imagine trying your absolute best in Battle Royale just to get downed and see Santa Pathfinder swing by saying, “I guess I was just better this time.”
You might genuinely get people to uninstall as a direct result of using this skin.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store, which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The Joyfinder skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Joyfinder skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CXAQA1_Bbs
6) Plastic Fantastic
Gundam style!
Everybody likes a Gundam-style robot, and the Plastic Fantastic skin is serving just that. It has a cool helmet design and the yellow, blue, and white coloring works really well together. It’s giving Gundam-meets-Buzz-Lightyear and I’m a fan.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The Plastic Fantastic skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Plastic Fantastic skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTD21rnZYTQ
5) War Machine
Biblically accurate Pathfinder be like-
The War Machine skin is super sleek and has ornate gold details over the glossy white paneling. Definitely the most elegant skin, and the face is objectively terrifying in a “biblically accurate Pathfinder” kind of way.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store, which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The War Machine skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the War Machine skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq7z9akvsII
4) Srvn Mrvn
The other team won't be able to take their eyes off the pinstripes.
I put the SRVN MRVN skin in fourth place because he’s a handsome gentleman (gentlebot) and I like his little bow tie. He looks like a funky little robo-butler and we’re here for it.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store, which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The SRVN MRVN skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the SRVN MRVN skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwJOVDkH0BQ
3) Dragon Warrior
That’s it. That’s the full explanation.
Dragons are super cool and there are a bunch of dragons on this skin.
You’re welcome.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The Dragon Warrior skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Dragon Warrior skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJJ13EfrqkI
2) Best Friend
Battle Royale, but make it cute.
Yeah, I said it. The adorable puppy one is the second best skin. “But author,” you say, “It’s so girly and tacky.”
First of all, there’s nothing more devastating than getting your ass handed to you by cute Pathfinder. ‘Could get you a kill just from a post-down disconnect alone.
Secondly, shut up. I like it and this is my list. Make your own list if you want to be incorrect on your own time.
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store, which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The Best Friend skin can usually be found for as little as 1000 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Best Friend skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6us75yUaQI
1) Memoir Noir
The real mystery is how does Pathfinder look so dang good?
Coming in at number one on our list, the Memoir Noir skin is - by and large - many Pathfinder mains’ favorite skin.
It has a cool detective-like intro with smooth jazz playing in the character select screen. You get a fun little hat and a metal mustache.
What else could you possibly need?
How to buy: Most Apex skins can be bought from the Apex store, which has rotating cosmetics from month to month and even week to week, so always be checking in to see if the one you want is available! The Memoir Noir skin can usually be found for 1800 Apex coins when it is available on its own in-store.
See the Memoir Noir skin in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lyg1IRnQN4
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