Apex Legends is a game of odds, skill, and strategy. Drop onto the island with nothing and fight your way to victory. Finding the best gear, items, and weapons is the key to success.
Because each legend is unique, you’ll want to equip them with a loadout that compliments their skills. Be on the lookout for Legendary gear that comes with added perks to enhance certain legends’ tactical and ultimate abilities.
This guide will point you in the right direction but, remember, loadouts are a personal preference. Some players only play with the same two weapons no matter what character they choose. So, if you want to rock double sniper rifles—do you!
“There's a certain elegance to combat. I'll show you.”
Released in Season 5, Loba is Apex Legends' newest character. Her tactical utilizes a teleporting Jump Drive bracelet making for easy escapes or devastating flanks. Because of this, she is best for fans of aggressive playstyles and up-close encounters.
Best loadout early game:
- Shotgun- Best used in short-range combat typical when first dropping. Shotguns are a solid choice for players landing in "hot" locations with Charge Towers that tend to attract enemy teams with Loba or Lifeline.
- Ultimate Accelerant- Loba's Ultimate, Black Market, is a portable device that teleports nearby loot to her and her teammates' inventories, not only shortening looting time but allowing players to find high tier loot quickly. Ultimate Accelerants increase Loba's ultimate recharge time by 20%.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Hemlock- This assault rifle switches between burst and single fire modes, which is perfect for mid to far combat. The Hemlock is more versatile than a sniper rifle, complimenting Loba's ability to jump from hard-to-reach places and in and out of battles.
- Ultimate Accelerant- Because of Loba's useful ultimate, players should continuously prioritize finding Ultimate Accelerants to access her Black Market faster.
Best loadout late game:
- Submachine Gun- Loba mains should now consider replacing the Hemlock with a mid to close range weapon that is better suited for the intense encounters in smaller circles.
- Level 3 (Purple) Extended Mag- A recommended addition to the SMG, a Level 3 Mag is the key to taking out multiple hostiles and achieving victory.
“I’ve seen the other side, Skinbag. There is nothing. You are nothing.”
Revenant is a vicious killer that made his debut in Season 4. His Stalker ability allows him to crouch-walk faster and climb higher than other legends, making him the ideal choice for sneaky ambushes. Revenant's ultimate, Death Totem, is primarily used as an aggressive pushing tactic that encourages the employment of close-range weaponry.
Best loadout early game:
- Shotgun- The ideal choice for initial confrontations. Shotguns are high damage weapons that don't require attachments to turn the tide of battle.
- Arc Star- Easy to find, these throwables are an asset to suppressing and controlling enemy team movement. Throw them while waiting for Revenant's Silence tactical to recharge.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Shotgun- Revenant's potential to climb where others can't and Silence enemy abilities, provides him with the element of surprise. Ambushing "Skinbags" requires the firepower of a shotgun.
- Med Kit- Assuming Revenant's ultimate is placed in a secure location, the best tactic is to use a Med Kit to repair health when sent back to his Death Totem.
Best loadout late game:
- Shotgun- If the Mastiff or Peacekeeper has gotten players this far, it would be advisable to keep it for late game.
- Syringe- Due to Revenant's aggressive playstyle, players should prioritize syringes for endgame battles. These allow players to heal a small amount of HP quickly without wasting valuable time during firefights.
“It’s hard to be scared when you’re prepared.”
Premiering in Season 3, Crypto's strengths lie in his gadgets as opposed to combat. His Surveillance Drone can be used to scope out areas, spot enemies, and retrieve banners from a safe location. With that in mind, Crypto players should keep a sniper rifle on hand for distance plays.
Best loadout early game:
- Any Weapon- For uneven matchups in early game battles, any weapon is a good weapon if combined with Crypto's Surveillance Drone acting as a second set of eyes.
- Syringes- As the legend most often used at a distance, it sometimes means being the first one in the Storm and the last one out. Syringes will always be the best option for surviving the Storm.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Sniper Rifle- Allows Crypto to attack from a safe distance after using his Surveillance Drone.
- Grenade- Used in conjunction with his sniper rifle to deal damage at range.
Best loadout late game:
- Sniper Rifle- As it can take a while to collect necessary sniper attachments, players should stick with the sniper of their choice.
- Sub Machine Gun- A mid to close range weapon is ideal for rushing enemies after a shield damaging EMP pulse.
“Power is everything. You only think you have it.”
As an electrical engineer, Wattson helped design the Apex Games' Containment Ring before joining the battle royale herself in Season 2. Use her electrified perimeter fences to control enemy movement. Considering Wattson is a defensive legend, battles often take place in tight quarters making mid to close range weapons the best choice.
Best loadout early game:
- Submachine Gun- Adept for close range encounters, SMGs like the Alternator or R-99 allows players to capitalize on enemies slowed by Wattson's electrified fences quickly.
- Armor- Because of Wattson's slower, defensive playstyle, getting caught in the open and lacking a way to escape is a death sentence without proper armor.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Legendary (Gold) Helmet- As a defensive character, Wattson's tactical and ultimate abilities are crucial to defending interior locations and chokepoints. Make sure to scoop up a Legendary Helmet to reduce tactical and ultimate recharge times by 20%.
- Ultimate Accelerant- Unlike other legends, Wattson's passive fully recharges her ultimate with the consumption of 1 Ultimate Accelerant. Using Wattson's ultimate to place an Interception Pylon is vital to keeping teammates and other gadgets safe from throwables like grenades.
Best loadout late game:
- Med Kit- Since Wattson and teammates can charge their shields with her Interception Pylon, players would be smart to carry extra healing.
- Ultimate Accelerant- To make the most of her passive and supply her team with continuous protection from projectiles, Wattson should always have her ultimate ready for holding down a position.
“Whoa . . . what a rush!”
Octane is for players that gravitate towards aggressive playstyles. His Launch Pad covers distance, providing him with an opportunity to drop on an enemy team. Because Octane's abilities focus on speed, finding fast-firing weapons is his priority.
Best loadout early game:
- Submachine Gun- Fast like Octane, SMGs are a good match for this offensive legend. Players should consider keeping this weapon through late game.
- Shotgun- Shotguns let Octane do what Octane does best—get up in the enemy's face. Players should also consider keeping this weapon through late game.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Shield Cell- Octane's Swift Mend regenerates a small amount of HP over time. Therefore, players should prioritize gathering Shield Cells over Syringes.
- Armor- A legend fit for aggressive playstyles, Octane demands sufficient armor for pushes.
Best loadout late game:
- Med Kits- Use Med Kits to compensate for the larger chunks of health Octane is likely to lose in late game battles that Swift Mend doesn't have the time to heal.
- Throwables- Grenades, Thermites, and Arc Stars are great assets for endgame. Projectiles can be thrown at enemy teams while Launch Padding towards them for extra damage.
“I don't concern myself with the ambitions of insects.”
As a defensive legend, Caustic is the man when it comes to holding down buildings. His gas canisters can guard or block doorways. Use close-range weapons for hunting down any enemies that dare enter his toxic lair.
Best loadout early game:
- Assault Rifle- They are versatile weapons that offer excellent accuracy and pack a punch. Players should consider keeping this weapon through late game.
- Shotgun- Caustic will have the advantage when his gas canister traps are triggered. Use a shotgun for tracking down enemies stuck in Nox gas. They are also useful for finishing off downed hostiles quickly.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Legendary (Gold) Helmet- Although hard to come by, Legendary Helmets will speed up the availability of Caustic’s gas canisters and ultimate.
- Submachine Gun- If shotguns are too slow, players should replace them with a SMG. These weapons are still great for holding down buildings and clutching up-close battles but with a faster fire-rate.
Best loadout late game:
- Ultimate Accelerant- Caustic’s ultimate deploys a deadly blanket of toxic gas that can result in significant damage in small circles. Reserve an Ultimate Accelerant to increase recharge time by 35%.
- Throwables- Grenades, Thermites, and Arc Stars can be lethal when combined with Caustic’s ultimate in the final circle.
“I don't take myself too seriously. I don't take myself anywhere. I need to get out more.”
Proving two heads are better than one, Mirage is the master of deception and confusion. Use holograms to bamboozle enemies while preparing for a flank or push. Mirage’s passive automatically cloaks him in invisibility when reviving or down, which works well with the perks from the Legendary Backpack and Knockdown Shield.
Best loadout early game:
- Assault Rifle- The key to success is getting a weapon first. Assault Rifles are perfect for close to mid-range encounters.
- Armor- High-level armor will give Mirage the upper hand in a firefight—that is, if they can catch him.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Legendary (Gold) Backpack- Cloaking himself and his downed teammate with invisibility while reviving, Mirage is one of the best legends to pick up friendlies during a battle. Equipping a Legendary Backpack will provide revived teammates with a shield and health bonus.
- Shields- Whether Shield Cells or Batteries, stocking up will ensure adequate shields are available during firefights.
Best loadout late game:
- Throwables- It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s a grenade. Chucking throwable weapons into small ring areas can damage enemies from a distance before pushing them.
- Legendary (Gold) Knockdown- Mirage’s passive makes him invisible when downed for a short time. This perk provides him with the opportunity to slip away undetected, find cover, and sneakily resurrect.
“I am the hunter the Gods have sent.”
Bloodhound’s tracking skills provide players with valuable clues, giving them the information to predict enemy movement. The ability to scan nearby enemies pairs well with a sniping loadout. Beast of the Hunt supplies Bloodhound with a significant speed boost, allowing them to quickly close in on enemies.
Best loadout early game:
- Close-range Weapon- Bloodhound mains should consider picking up a close-range weapon like the R-99 or Mastiff as their primary. This will allow Bloodhound to rush into buildings after tracking enemies with Eye of the Allfather.
- Armor- Like all legends, Bloodhound players should be searching for high-level Armor early on.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Sniper Rifle- Use in combination with Bloodhound’s tactical and ultimate. After highlighting enemy locations, players can deal damage with a sniper then close the distance with Beast of the Hunt.
- Throwables- Bloodhound can toss throwables from a distance to force enemies from cover, making them a dependable companion to the Sniper Rifle.
Best loadout late game:
- Assault Rifle- Consider switching out the Sniper Rifle if the final Ring calls for it. Assault Rifles are useful for close to mid-range combat.
- Throwables- Bloodhound’s ability to see through the walls of buildings allows players to preemptively toss an Arc Star or Thermite in the specific doorway the enemy is likely to use.
“Name the weapon--I'll still beat you.”
Bangalore is a legend for players who like to attack. Despite her offensive traits, she can employ some defensive strategies to flee or push back enemies. Due to Bangalore’s well-rounded abilities, weapon selection is more flexible. However, players should prioritize guns that are compatible with a Digital Threat.
Best loadout early game:
- Mid to Close Range Weapon- Early game is always a scramble. Because of Bangalore’s flexibility, players shouldn’t worry too much about what weapon they pick up, but that they have one in their hand.
- Armor- If possible, never engage in a firefight without Armor. At this stage in the game, even Level 1 Armor is an asset.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Shotgun, Submachine Gun, or Pistol- At this point, players should prioritize finding a weapon that is compatible with the Digital Threat if one was not obtained during early game. Some good suggestions are the Prowler, R-99, Mastiff, or Wingman.
- Digital Threat- This is an optic that can be equipped with certain guns (see above bullet point). The Digital Threat outlines enemies in red. This ability is handy when paired with Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher.
Best loadout late game:
- Ultimate Accelerant- Although Ultimate Accelerant collection is often based on a player’s playstyle, it is useful to keep on hand during endgame. Bangalore’s ultimate, Rolling Thunder, unleashes a powerful artillery strike that can damage enemies or push them back. Pop one to increase recharge time by 35%.
- Legendary (Gold) Backpack- If Lifeline or Mirage has already been equipped with a Legendary Backpack, Bangalore should snag one. Players can utilize Bangalore’s Smoke Launcher to lay cover while reviving teammates during a firefight. The Guardian Angel perk will give revived teammates a shield and health bonus.
“Never quit. That's how you win.”
Lifeline is Apex Legends' top medic and the only legend able to revive a teammate while continuing to fight. All three of her abilities focus on supporting her team. The best items for her to gather during the battle royale are those that enhance her healing abilities like the Legendary Backpack and Helmet.
Best loadout early game:
- Assault Rifle- Fit for up close or distant engagements, these weapons offer the versatility that Lifeline needs.
- Ultimate Accelerant- Lifeline's Care Packages supply the team with valuable loot. With one of the longest ultimate recharge times in the game, Ultimate Accelerants are crucial to speeding up the process.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Legendary (Gold) Helmet- Increases the recharge time of tactical and ultimate abilities. A shorter recharge means more Care Packages and Heal Drones.
- Armor- Lifeline's Low Profile passive makes her more difficult to hit but take 5% more damage. Finding high-level armor is an excellent way to negate this downfall.
Best loadout late game:
- Legendary (Gold) Backpack- This item should be in the arsenal of every Lifeline. The Guardian Angel perk adds a 50% bonus to the health and shields of revived teammates.
- Close-range Weapon- As a combat medic, Lifeline needs to stand by the team's most aggressive player. If they get knocked, her job is to defend while her D.O.C. Drone helps them up.
“Losing isn't fun. That's why I don't do it.”
An expert at movement and rotation, Pathfinder excels with a versatile loadout that contains a close-range and far range gun. High DPS weapons are his best friend! They make for deadly encounters, giving Pathfinder a chance to damage enemy shields before zipping away to safety.
Best loadout early game:
- Mid to Far Range Weapon- These weapons work well with Pathfinder's playstyle as he can post up on hard-to-reach vantage points.
- Level 2 or 3 Optics- Because Pathfinder is usually engaging with enemies from a distance, proper optics make the difference when attached to a mid to far range gun.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Armor- Low Profile makes Pathfinder more challenging to hit but increases damage by 5%. Therefore, finding high-level armor will negate this effect.
- Phoenix Kit- As Pathfinder is a mobile legend, he can easily escape to safe locations. This gives him sufficient time to pop a Phoenix Kit, fully restoring shields and health simultaneously.
Best loadout late game:
- Close-range Weapon- After cracking an enemy's shield, Pathfinder can close the distance with his Grappling Hook to finish them. Using a High DPS (damage per second) weapon like the Prowler will ensure the enemy is finished quickly and leave enough time to armor swap.
- Level 3 Extended Mag- To be used in conjunction with the close-range weapon above, the Level 3 Extended Mag increases the weapon's bullet capacity, which is perfect for securing a kill.
“There’s a thin line between life and death. You’ll find me there.”
Considered by some as the face of Apex Legends, Wraith has the highest pick rate in Season 5. She is an aggressor, used for pushing teams, dealing damage, and phasing away to safety. Close-range weapons with High DPS are part of her ideal loadout.
Best loadout early game:
- Any Weapon- As an offensive legend, Wraith’s purpose is to push teams right from the get-go. Remember, any weapon is better than no weapon in early game.
- Armor- Wraith is another legend with the Low Profile passive. Although harder to hit, she receives 5% more damage. Players should prioritize finding any level armor before engaging in combat.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Submachine Gun- Upgrade early game’s “any weapon” advice to a fast-hitting SMG. Most pros equip Wraith with an R-99.
- Level 3 Extended Light Mag- Attach this to the R-99 to increase ammo capacity and reload speed. This upgrade will result in more knockdowns rather than just damage.
Best loadout late game:
- Legendary (Gold) Armor- A Wraith with Legendary Armor is unstoppable. Her ability to push then phase out of battle allows her time to take cover and heal. The Improved Minor Heal perk improves the effects of Shields and Syringes, resulting in Wraith returning to the fight faster.
- Throwables- Tossing Grenades and Thermites in succession before pushing an enemy team is a popular offensive strategy utilized by Wraith mains. The goal is to deal significant shield damage then finish enemies off with the R-99.
“Try to move me; it'll be fun.”
Gibraltar is a big, tanky legend who is fortified for eating damage. His abilities focus on shielding his teammates and keeping hostiles at bay. Intimidate enemies by suppressing fire and have a shotgun on hand for those brave enough to rush his Dome of Protection.
Best loadout early game:
- Shotgun- Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection draws hostiles like moths to a flame. Having a Shotgun on hand is crucial to defending his Dome from rushing enemies.
- Shields- Being a tank means taking the brunt of the damage. Gibraltar mains need to focus on gathering Shield Cells and Batteries beginning in early game.
Best loadout mid-game:
- Light Machine Gun- The Spitfire or Devotion is ideal for laying down suppressing fire from behind Gibraltar’s Gun Shield.
- Level 3 Extended Heavy Mag- The perfect pairing with the Spitfire. The Level 3 Extended Mag increases ammo capacity and has a faster reload.
Best loadout late game:
- Legendary (Gold) Backpack- Gibraltar has the quickest pick up in the game when reviving in his Dome of Protection. The Guardian Angel perk will provide revived teammates with a shield and health bonus, pushing them closer to victory in the royale.
- Ultimate Accelerant- Ensure Gibraltar’s ultimate is ready by using an Ultimate Accelerant. Call in a concentrated mortar strike on enemy teams when the Ring is at its smallest for high damage hits.
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