5. Hemlock // Mastiff
One of the best guns this season has to be the Hemlock, but you rarely see anyone use it. At the start of season 18, we saw the Hemlock leave the care package and get a few small changes. Overall, the Hemlock lost a small amount of damage and that was about it, but it didn't stop its power.
With this in mind, the Hemlock is a great option instead of the usual R-301 or Flatline set up most Apex Legends players seem to use. Using the Hemlock in season 18 is like using a slightly worse care package version, meaning it's extremely powerful in the right hands.
It works so well for Lifeline as you will need a longer-range weapon to sit with your team. The Hemlock can also be used at closer ranges as its hip-fire isn't that bad at all.
The mastiff is also a great choice to pair with this gun as it's an all-around great shotgun for legends who need to be versatile like Lifeline. You want to be able to move from a longer range to close with ease as Lifeline to heal your team and revive, so this set-up helps in aiding that play style.
Loadout Details:
- Hemlock
- Mastiff
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Hemlock // Mastiff Loadout Excels in:
- The Hemlock is fantastic at long, medium and close ranges thanks to its high damage, tiny spread pattern and quick reloads with the Boosted Loader Hop-Up.
- The mastiff covers range movement fights quite amazingly
- The Hemlock and Mastiff means you have all ranges covered and excel in all of them.
4. Volt // Mastiff
One gun you also don't see much in season 18 is the Volt SMG, a highly picked gun in the last few seasons. Because of the nerf to SMG’s this season, it looks like people have just forgotten about this thing. Lifeline can use it quite well though thanks to how you should be playing her.
Lifeline needs to be able to use guns at all ranges, which is great for the Volt as in the right hands it can be used as a longer-range SMG. The Volt can swap from a ranged pop shotting gun to a close range demon instantly, which is perfect for a legend like Lifeline. You need to be able to work in any situation for your team, so this combined with the Mastiff is a great idea.
Loadout Details:
- Volt
- Mastiff
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdow
What the Volt // Mastiff Loadout Excels In:
- The Volt is a fantastic ranged gun if you can control the recoil and should do incredible damage.
- Pair this with the movement speed demon that is the Mastiff and its insane damage for some well-rounded engagements.
- Because of the well-rounded nature of this set-up, it pairs well with how quickly Lifeline needs to change up her playstyle in a heated battle. Going from a longer range to closer is a breeze with these two guns.
3. R-99 // Peacekeeper
This setup will be crazy on any legend, but it works so well for Lifeline in her medic role. Though you want to be playing at a distance for most engagements, most of the time your team is just going to run into a fight. That's why Lifeline is here though, so you should play into that strength and idea.
Running two close-range weapons is a great idea in some teams as Lifeline as you need to be with your team to revive and heal them. This is why the iconic R-99 and Peacekeeper set-up is perfect for her. With this, you can beam people with the insane damage of the R-99 and use the Peacekeeper for instant damage or to finish off-targets.
Both guns are fantastic, and something everyone should be good with. Lifeline and these two guns are a match made in heaven, so try them out.
Loadout Details:
- R-99
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the R-99 // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Both guns are insane at close ranges and can destroy enemies with ease.
- Being close-range weapons means Lifeline can output insane damage whilst reviving and healing her team.
- Finally, using these guns means you can adapt to end-game situations as well, as the ring comes in quickly nowadays.
2. Wingman // R-99
One of the best combination of weapons in Apex since launch has to be the Wingman and R-99. These two guns have always been great on their own, but when you pair them together they become near unstoppable. This is especially true for a legend like Lifeline, who can utilize the strengths of both these guns in most games.
With the most recent SMG nerfs, the R-99 saw even more changes specifically to its magazine size. This makes it harder to one-click someone, but still leaves the R-99 as one of the highest DPS weapons in Apex. At medium to close range, the R-99 will still destroy, which is the optimum area for Lifeline to play in.
Pair this with the Wingman to have every area of the map covered with high damage to boot. Lifeline needs to be covering her team whilst she revives and heals them, so these two high-powered guns only make sense. The Wingman is good at close and long range as well, so use it wisely.
Loadout Details:
- Wingman
- R-99
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Wingman // R-99 Loadout Excels In:
- The Wingman is a fantastic longer and medium-ranged gun, especially with the Skull Piercer hop-up attached, so you have all ranges covered.
- The R-99 still destroys at close range if you can hit your shots
- You will have a lot of movement with these guns, so nothing will hold you back.
1. Alternator // Peacekeeper
Here we have the final best loadout for any legend, and it's something not many people would expect.
Out of all the SMGs in Apex Legends, the Alternator was one that didn't receive as many changes as the others. This is because the gun served a much different purpose in the meta that the CAR, Volt and R-99. The Alternator has always been a supplement gun, meaning its not something people strive to use, and instead use it to carry attachments for other guns.
This season though, the Alternator is a beast, especially because of the Disruptor Rounds Hop-Up returning. The Disruptor Rounds make the Alternator a beast at shredding shields, something Lifeline and other legends want to be doing up close and personal.
For the first time ever, the Peacekeeper also has the Disruptor Rounds Hop-Up available, meaning both of these guns and eviscerate shields in an instant at closer ranges.
These two guns are just the best thing you can run in Apex right now on every legend, but Lifeline utilizes them so well either way. She wants to be with her team so these guns are perfect for covering them, and they also have insane DPS to allow a revive to go off while killing enemies.
These two guns are just perfect in Season 18 of Apex Legends, but use them on Lifeline to turn her into a beast.
Loadout Details:
- Alternator
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Alternator // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Lifeline is a great up close and personal legend in the right hands, so these guns work perfectly in shorter ranges as well as longer if needed.
- The Alternator is an excellent gun even without any attachments, so off-drop it is going to be relatively reliable compared to others.
- Finally, the Peacekeeper is an insane gun with any legend, but especially with Lifeline’s role as the team healer. You can revive your teammate whilst popping shots with a PK, it's a match made in heaven