5. Bloodhound.
Bloodhound is a fantastic starting point in Apex Legends. They are a free legend you get when starting out and have some simple yet intuitive abilities. Bloodhound is a recon legend, with the ability to scan in front of them, showing the positions of enemies to themselves and their team. Bloodhound can also track enemies, by seeing markings where they once were.
Their ultimate ability is a heightened sense, where they can run faster, scan more through the use of their raven, and see highlighted enemies. Bloodhound is fantastic for beginner players as their abilities are super simple to use. You just scan where you think enemies might be coming from, or where they are to let your team know.
The character is powerful, without really having to have much skill. However, as you do get better at the game, Bloodhound becomes even stronger. As you pair up your abilities with others, use them in better situations and overall just become a better player. Bloodhound is fantastic and you should definitely pick them up.
What Bloodhound Excels in:
- Bloodhound is phenomenal for finding fights as they can use their white raven to see where enemies are on the map.
- They can direct their team towards and away from danger with the same ability.
- Their scan is fantastic for seeing exactly where people are as it shows them through walls.
- Bloodhound is great in early-game fights as they can point out exactly where people are to their team for easy kills.
- Bloodhound’s recon passive allows them to see where everyone is on the map after scanning the beacon, allowing their team to find a fight or move away from one.
Pick Bloodhound if:
- You want fast-paced games with lots of fights as they can find enemies easily.
- Know where enemies are during a fight as their scan tracks enemies.
- Help your team decide when and where to fight because of their passive.
Bloodhound Beginner Guide:
4. Bangalore.
Bangalore is another great starting point in Apex Legends, as her abilities are game-defining and super simple to use. Bangalore is a legend who can smoke areas out, literally. Her tactical is a smoke grenade that blocks a small area.
She can't see through it, and neither can enemies. Her passive allows her to run faster once shot, and her ultimate is a rolling thunder that damages and stuns enemies in its path.
Bangalore is fantastic for newer players as she is super simple, yet does a lot in a fight to help out. Her smokes are fantastic for cover or for reviving teammates. Pair her up with a bloodhound or use a Digital Threat sight to see through her smoke and get easy kills.
Her ultimate really helps out her team when getting away from a fight, and all it takes is one thrown in the general direction of the enemies. Nothing in Bangalore’s kit needs to be precise. Just press the abilities and you should be good.
What Bangalore Excels in:
- Bang excels in fight manipulation as she can dictate where people are going to shoot and move with her smokes.
- Bang is also great at taking over fights with her smokes and Digital Threats. Enemies can't see you, but with that sight, you bet you can see them.
- Because of her passive movement, she is fantastic at getting in and out of fights with ease.
- She is a great team player and her revive capabilities are fantastic. Just smoke down your teammate and try to revive them..
- Finally she excels in ease of use. Some legends in the game are hard to get good at, Bang on the other hand is easy as pie.
Pick Bangalore if:
- You want a simple yet effective legend for team fights as she can dictate how they play out.
- A fast legend as her movement is super fun to mess around with.
- Learn the game in its simplest form. Bang doesn't have any insane abilities compared to others, so you can learn the fundamentals with her.
Bangalore Beginner Guide:
3. Octane.
The speed demon of Apex Legends is the simplest legend in the entire game, but one that can evolve with skill. Octane is next up on this list because of how one-dimensional he is, yet he packs a punch.
Octane’s main kit is his tactical. He can use this to speed up using a stim. This increases octane’s movement speed for a short duration. It's amazing at getting around the map and moving in fights. His ultimate allows him to place down a pad, and launch himself and others off of it. This is amazing at repositioning, getting into fights or getting out of them.
Octane is the easiest character to reposition with and has an out in a fight. Just press tactical and run away, it's as simple as that. Because of all of this, OCtane is great for newer players. His abilities are simple, yet can be developed over time with game sense and movement. If you're looking for speed in Apex Legends, then Octane is your guy.
What Octane Excels In:
- Repositioning himself is the best part about Octane’s kit as he can just press his ability and run to a different location.
- He can also reposition his team super well with the use of his ultimate ability.
- If you want to run head-first into fights then Octane is great at that as well. He can get in and out with ease.
- Octane is also fantastic if you're getting used to the movement in the game as his stim stacks with wall bounces and super glides.
- Finally, if you just want to have some fun in Apex, then octane provides that. He goes fast, what more is there to want?
Pick Octane If:
- You want to run into a fight, get kills and have a great way out as his ultimate and stim provide that.
- Be able to lead your team into battle with safety as his pad is super quick for this team.
- Be a lone wolf and just kill farm for days as his tactical provides a lot of safety if you're out of position away from your team.
Octane Beginner Guide:
2. Wraith.
We couldn't do a beginner list without talking about one of the most used legends in the entire game, the face of Apex, Wraith. Now, from what you've probably seen online, Wraith seems hard right? All the top players use her to pub stomp and use insane movement, but she's super simple. At a basic level, wraith has some easy-to-use abilities. Her tactical allows her to phase out of the game, become invulnerable and move around. Her ultimate allows her to create a portal for her team and enemies.
Wraith's passive tells her if someone is looking at her as well, which is meh. The reason why Wraith is so good for beginners is because she is safe and has a learning curve. She is easy to play at a basic level, but as you get better at the game she will skyrocket in usability.
Your use of her safe tactical will get better, you will be able to use your portal for tricker situations and her passive might help later down the line. Wraith has so much going on, but for beginners, she is easy enough to pick up and play, whilst doing well at the same time.
What Wraith Excels in:
- Wraith is fantastic for repositioning her team in fights as her ultimate is relatively safe for moving her team away.
- She is also great at leading enemies into a false sense of security. If they see an injured wraith go through her portal, they might follow and then die to the rest of her team.
- She is super survivable thanks to her tactical phase ability. If you're in trouble, just press it and get out of there.
- Wraith has a small hitbox, meaning she is harder to hit than many other legends. This means she avoids damage.
- Finally, wraith excels in annoying enemies. It's annoying to nearly kill a wraith, only for her to phase away.
Pick Wraith If:
- You want a safe yet aggressive legend who can get you in and out of fights safely.
- Someone you can learn and get better with over time for ranked and other competitive play.
- A legend that you can just pick up and play with relative ease.
Wraith Beginner Guide:
1. Lifeline.

And the legend who most people say is the best beginner-friendly legend has to go to our lovely combat medic, Lifeline. Lifeline might be the easiest legend in the game to use, whilst also being incredibly powerful and game-defining.
Her tactical ability allows Lifeline to place down a small down that heals nearby players. The healing is pretty quick and the drone doesn't need to be placed in a specific area to work. Just stand near it and you'll get healed. Her ultimate ability allows Lifeline to call in a supply package, similar to a care package. However, this is different as it provides smart loot for her and her team as well as medication.
Smart loot sees what loot you have and gives you upgrades accordingly. So if you have a blue heavy magazine, then you might get a purple one. Finally, lifeline’s passive allows her to revive teammates with her drone, not locking her into the animation so she can still shoot and move around.
All of this makes Lifeline incredibly powerful, but all of these abilities are super easy to use, making her great for beginners.
What Lifeline Excels in:
- Lifeline is great at keeping her team alive as she can revive them easier and heal them with her drone.
- If you're looking for more loot, then Lifeline is great at that as well. She can get her team upgrades with her ultimate ability.
- Lifeline is also able to get her team more shields and meds as she can open support bins for more of those items.
- She excels at creating tense situations for her enemies. Usually, if you knock someone, you push off of it. However, if a lifeline is on the enemy team, it might not be a good idea as she can revive them whilst fighting you.
- Lifeline can respawn teammates even after their card has expired thanks to their passive support. She can craft banners at a crafter and respawn them from there.
Pick Lifeline if:
- You want to be a medic for your team as she can revive and heal them better.
- Provide more loot to your team with her ultimate.
- Be a great team player no matter what you are doing, as long as you place down that tactical healing drone.
Lifeline Beginner Guide: