Apex Legends has 21 guns at the start of Season 2. Considering you get to carry any two of those 21 guns at a time that leaves you with, well… a lot of different combinations. Given the massive inventory of potential options, I wanted to help shorten the list for new and more seasoned players alike. Season 2 has brought plenty of changes that shake up our rankings!
Below is a list of weapon combos that are all over the board. While these weapon combinations are certainly strong, be sure to experiment and find what best suits your preferred legend and playstyle. The list below is taking into consideration things like weapon attachments, weapon ranges and more.
If you want more information on gun stats and why some of these guns appear more than once, take a look at my ranking of the entire Apex Legend’s weapon catalog.
7. Wingman + Peacekeeper
- 45 to 90 damage per bullet
- 4 shots per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 10 to 15 damage per bullet
- 6 shots per magazine
Best Attachment
- Bolt
What makes this an awesome combo:
- With the mobility and damage of the Wingman, this combination is deadly at medium-range and even more so up close with the chance to soften up enemies with the Wingman and to finish them off with the boomstick Peacekeeper.
- Unfortunately, one of the biggest pros of this combo has been weakened by the new adjustment to shotgun ammo now only being 16 shells a stack, tacking up more space in your backpack. Season 2 has made this combo a little trickier to pull off.
- It can’t be overstated that this weapon combo is meant for players who are willing to take damage themselves if they can’t put down enemies fast enough with the slower rate of fire for both of these weapons.
- Don’t be surprised if you see people on Twitch wrecking with this combo, it is meant for them.
- The only other issue with this combo is that these weapons can be hard to find.
6. Spitfire + Peacekeeper
- 17 to 34 damage per bullet
- 35 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 10 to 15 damage per bullet
- 6 shots per magazine
Best Attachment
- Bolt
What makes this an awesome combo:
- This combo is a personal favorite. The Spitfire is more forgiving, and more powerful, than the Wingman while the Peacekeeper allows for unstoppable up close and personal damage.
- With a fully geared Spitfire, you can lay on the trigger with limited recoil in close ranges to completely evaporate enemies' health.
- At range, you will need to rely on the Spitfire which can be outdone by weapons like the R-301 and Hemlok if the Spitfire isn’t completely blinged out.
- One issue with this combo is that both of these weapons are more so on the rare side in terms of what you can find. There’s a good reason for that too and its because this combination is very, very strong.
- Unfortunately, the Season 2 debuff to the Peacekeeper’s ammo stack forces a ton of inventory to be taken up by ammo with this combo.
5. Spitfire + R-99
- 17 to 34 damage per bullet
- 35 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 12 to 18 damage per bullet
- 18 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag
What makes this an awesome combo:
- This combo is one of the best ways to keep your enemies begging for you to stop shooting them with an endless barrage of metal from two fully automatic weapons.
- The R-99 is a reliable close range weapon that doesn’t need much more than an extended mag to be dangerous.
- With the second to none beastliness that is the Spitfire, this combination lets you wreck enemies at medium range and even close range. At close enough distances, switching to the R-99 once you empty a clip of the Spitfire can enable a 1-2 punch that is unstoppable.
- Unfortunately, these weapons do share some attachment needs for stocks and barrel stabilizers. I’d suggest putting your best attachments on the Spitfire as it is the primary weapon in this combo.
- Be sure to load up on plenty of ammo as you will need.
4. Hemlok + Prowler
- 18 to 24 damage per bullet
- 18 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 14 to 21 damage per bullet
- 20 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Select Fire Receiver
What makes this an awesome combo:
- The Hemlok has some of the lowest recoil in Apex Legends and the Prowler’s recoil is very manageable, especially with a stock. This combo is forgiving but it comes with the tradeoff of needing to find enough heavy ammo.
- A Prowler with the Select Fire Receiver hop up is one of the most dangerous weapons in the game. While this combo relies less on the Prowler, finding the somewhat uncommon hop up can make for a painful pair of weapons.
- The only attachments needs for these weapons, outside of the hop up for the Prowler, is an extended heavy mag. Personally, I prefer to set up the Prowler with the right attachments first as the Hemlok is already strong without its attachments.
- Both of these weapons come with a burst fire mode. While it shouldn’t be your first choice, the option can help you adjust to medium range combat with either weapon.
3. R-99+ Alternator
- 12 to 18 damage per bullet
- 18 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 12 to 22 damage per bullet
- 10 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Disruptor Rounds
What makes this an awesome combo:
- Where a combo later on our list is similar to this one here, the R-99 and Alternator combo opens the potential for the best 1-2 punch in the game.
- Up close and personal, nothing can shoot faster than an R-99. This complements the Alternator’s capacity to shred shields in an instant for 100% grade A buzz saw action.
- Sharing attachments is more of a problem here than one of the higher ranking combos because of the strong focus on needing both weapons up close.
- Lacking any long-range weaponry can hurt, but Season 2’s map changes have provided a little more cover meaning a fast legend can make do with this deadly duo.
2. Hemlok + R-99
- 18 to 24 damage per bullet
- 18 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 12 to 18 damage per bullet
- 18 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag
What makes this an awesome combo:
- Both of the R-99 and Hemlok are fairly easy to come by making this a solid combo to seek out.
- Much like the Hemlok and Prowler combo, this duo has spectacularly low recoil which makes lining up enemies for multiple shots much easier to pull off.
- One downside to these weapons is that they both need a lot of attachments to reach their full potential.
- At the same time, getting both of these weapons to be at their best will leave you with one of the best close range and long range options in Apex Legends.
1. R-301+ Alternator
- 14 to 28 damage per bullet
- 18 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Extended Mag

- 12 to 22 damage per bullet
- 10 bullets per magazine
Best Attachment
- Disruptor Rounds
What makes this an awesome combo:
- Potentially one of the strongest combos in the game, the Alternator’s new disruptor rounds can weaken shields, even at a distance.
- Following up a shieldless enemy with a quick recoil free R-301 clip and your enemy is hurting. You can also tag enemies running away with more ease given the 301’s range compared to the R-99.
- A downside to this combo is the issue of double-dipping on weapon attachments and ammo. Focusing on digging up the R-301’s mag size and the Alternator’s hop up first and foremost.
- It can be scary when guns share ammo, much like attachments, but typically you can come across plenty of light ammo to make use of this overpowered weapon combination.
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