Apex Legends currently has a total of 24 characters (or legends, as they are called). Each legend is divided into classes: Assault, Skirmisher, Recon, Support, and Controller.
These classes offer unique additional perks, but for this top team composition article, we will focus on the distinct abilities each legend brings to the table, and how they will help you succeed in ranked play.
Considering the total combinations of team compositions, there are over 2 thousand different possible teams!
5. Catalyst, Fuse, Revenant
One of my personal favorite combinations, this composition of legends offers a broad spectrum of play possibilities. I am currently in the top 1% of globally ranked players (Diamond 1 rank), and have distinct personal experience with the majority of top compositions. This set of legends offers multiple styles of play, enabling quick pivots between offensive and defensive strategies
Composition Highlights:
- Catalyst’s ultimate Dark Veil enables offensive pushes (ideal on ground-level assaults) or defensive rotations. With a 55m length and 8 m height, this wall is a Swiss army knife for a variety of plays.
- Fuse acts as an effective anti-catalyst legend. His tactical ability Knuckle Cluster can destroy doors (as well as Catalyst-reinforced doors), prevent pushes, and pester enemy teams constantly with ease. Fuses’ ultimate can be used over a building enemies are hiding in (includes a built-in scanning feature), highlighting locations of enemies within for the duration of the ultimate. Similarly, it can be used in choke points to stop rotations, or in end zones to severely maim enemies.
- Revenant is extremely strong in Season 18, his rework makes him an incredibly mobile, versatile, and offensive character. Use his ultimate to gain an overshield for offensive pushes or defensive holds.
- Carrying Ultimate Accelerants is a must for this team, allowing for multiple uses of their ultimates in short periods.
4. Crypto, Newcastle, Bangalore
This composition of legends was used for some teams in ALGS 2023, mainly as a strong end-game team. It is a powerful defense-oriented combination that allows for quick rotations and safe intel gathering throughout a match to make intelligent plays and decisions.
Composition Highlights:
Crypto’s drone allows for intel-gathering, which is essential in ranked play. Every player and legend can gather intel as the match goes on, however, this is certainly one of Crypto's strong suits. His ultimate ability, a drone-based EMP shreds enemy shields, which is an extremely powerful play in the end-game.
Newcastle’s ultimate creates a large, pop-up fortress that has nearly 7000 health at full size. This makes unplayable areas of the map in end zones safe and playable.
Bangalore’s Smoke grenades and Rolling Barrage abilities enable safe rotations and stop teams from pushing.
Get digital-threat thermal sights to dominate the final zones from inside your Newcastle fortress.
3. Fuse, Mad Maggie, Horizon
This team stands out above the rest as a highly offensive and capable composition. While this composition lacks defensive abilities, it stands out in its quick rotations and repositions. It also acts as an incredibly strong counter to teams bunkered up inside buildings.
Composition Highlights:
- Mad Maggie’s ultimate ability sends out a Wrecking Ball that provides two-fold utility. It drops nodes that increase the run speed of anyone that runs over them as well as damaging, stunning, and bouncing around any enemy legends it hits. This stunning effect and disorientation allows for easy cleanup of teams hiding and reinforcing interiors of buildings, a common strategy in ranked play.
Horizon’s tactical and ultimate abilities are similarly capable in terms of offensive ability. Her Black Hole ultimate pulls enemies into it, distorts their audio, and stuns them. It also highlights any enemies caught in her trap.
Utilize all three of these legends' ultimate abilities to decimate any team holding down a building. It is almost impossible to counter if achieved quickly and correctly
2. Horizon, Catalyst, Newcastle
This defensive-leaning composition offers another unique team that can be used well in both offense and defense. What makes this team a top choice over others is its inclusion of Horizon with Catalyst and Newcastle. This combination helps the whole team rotate together and achieve ultimate height in any fighting arena.
Composition Highlights:
- Catalyst’s ultimate Dark Veil enables for offensive pushes (ideal on ground-level assaults) or defensive rotations. With a 55m length and 8 m height, this wall is a Swiss army knife for a variety of plays.
Newcastle’s ultimate creates a large, pop-up fortress that has nearly 7000 health at full size. This makes unplayable areas of the map in end zones safe and playable.
Horizons Tactical and Ultimate abilities are similarly capable in terms of offensive ability. Her Black Hole pulls enemies into it, distorts their audio, and stuns them. It also highlights any enemies caught in her trap.
Utilize Catalyst’s ring console scanning ability (shows your team where the next ring is) to quickly rotate to ultimate height and bunker down with Newcastle, raining projectiles down on enemy forces from relative safety. Catalysts ability to reinforce doors and place down piercing spikes further prevents enemy teams from pushing you at a severe disadvantage.
Catalyst’s Wall and Horizon’s tactical + ultimate is one of the most powerful end-game offensive plays available. Your team can use all these abilities in conjunction to cut off other teams while the zone is coming in, and trap/damage them with a Black Hole. Have your whole team throw arc-stars and grenades at Horizons Ultimate as it is landing to deal powerful AOE damage to enemy teams. When done correctly, this play is another one that is nearly impossible to counter.
1. Horizon, Catalyst and Bangalore
TSM won the $2 million-dollar ALGS 2023 with this composition. This composition was run by the majority of teams in the ALGS finals. While this selection has Catalyst, it is considered and played as a highly offensive-based combination.
Composition Highlights:
Catalyst’s ultimate Dark Veil enables for offensive pushes (ideal on ground-level assaults) or defensive rotations. With a 55m length and 8 m height, this wall is a Swiss army knife for a variety of plays.
Utilize Bangalore’s smoke grenades and Catalysts’ Wall ultimate to quickly rotate hundreds of meters to ideal positioning.
Catalyst’s Wall and Horizon’s tactical + ultimate is one of the most powerful end-game offensive plays available. Your team can use all these abilities in conjunction to cut off other teams while the zone is coming in, and trap/damage them with a Black Hole. Have your whole team throw arc-stars and grenades at Horizons Ultimate as it is landing to deal powerful AOE damage to enemy teams. When done correctly, this play is another one that is nearly impossible to counter.
Throw in Bangalore’s ultimate (Rolling Barrage) into the team strategy and it's easy to see why this is the absolute best composition for ranked play in season 18.