5. RE-45 + Mastiff
A sleeper pick this season is the RE-45, as it was recently added to the crafter in the mid-season patch. Not only does this mean it comes with Hammer Point already attached to it, a Hop-Up that adds more damage when shooting health, but it also means it's super easy to get.
This gun is fantastic on Revenant as you can easily pounce on enemies and just spray them down. The Mastiff is a great gun at breaking shields and works well with high-movement legends.
Loadout Details:
- RE-45
- Mastiff
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the RE-45 + Mastiff Loadout Excels In:
- Use the Mastiff to break shields then the RE-45 to destroy the health bar of your enemies
- The Mastiff is a super reliable shotgun and is insanely forgiving for the average player
- The RE-45 is so easy to get, that you can rely on it each and every game you find yourself in
4. Hemlock + Alternator
Another fantastic loadout in general has to be the Hemlock and Alternator. Not only is the Hemlock an easy-to-use gun with a fantastic Hop-Up, but it's a great damage dealer as well. The Alternator is also an easy-to-use gun with the best Hop-Up in the game as well, the Disruptor Rounds.
These two guns work super well with a legend like Revenant as you can put pressure and damage on an enemy from a distance, then use your tactical to pounce onto them and finish them off with your Alternator.
Loadout Details:
- Hemlock
- Alternator
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What The Hemlock + Alternator Loadout Excels In:
- The Hemlock is a great long-range engager gun but also does well in close range
- The Alternator works perfectly with Revenants tactical as you can push your enemies and destroy their shields
- Finally, these two guns cover all ranges, which is great thanks to the versatility of Revenant nowadays
3. Sentinel + R-99
This loadout might seem a little weird, but does well on the newly Reworked Revenant. Thanks to his new tactical, passive and ultimate, Revenant is a much better legend. His new kit works well with these two guns and is a synergistic masterpiece in the right hands.
The Sentinel deals insane damage from long range and the R-99 is a crazy high burst damage SMG that is pretty easy to use. Crack enemies from a distance then pounce on them with Revenant's tactical ability.
Loadout Details:
- Sentinel
- R-99
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What The Sentinel + R-99 Loadout Excels In:
- You can use your ultimate to take risker shots with the Sentinel thanks to the over shield
- Then you can deal most of the enemy health with one nicely placed shot and activate your passive
- The passive shows you where the enemy is, then use the tactical to pounce on them with the R-99 for an easy cleanup
2. R-99 + Peacekeeper
One of the best combinations since the early days of Apex Legends has always been the R-99 and Peacekeeper. These two guns just work so well for any aggressive set-up, and now that Revenant can push teams like no one else, it's about time to start using them all together.
The R-99 has insane burst damage whilst the PK is a great single-shot shield destroyer thanks to the Disruptor Rounds Hop-Up. With these two in hand, not only can Revenant destroy single players by catching them off guard, but he can take on entire teams thanks to his ultimate as well.
Loadout Details:
- R-99
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the R-99 + Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Close-range situations should be a breeze thanks to the insane burst potential of these two guns
- Combine them with Revenant abilities to always be killing, pouncing and regenning
- Finally, these two guns don't need many attachments to get going, aside from the Disruptor Rounds which is
1.Alternator + Peacekeeper
Finally, we have the best set-up in the game right now, the Alternator and Peacekeeper combo, but it does even better on Revenant than you might think. The best part of Revenant's new rework is how you can regen his tactical and ultimate abilities by knocking enemies.
This makes him a beast in combat, but with these two guns in hand, it makes in a monster. He can land on an enemy, destroy their shield and health in an instant, then move on to the next like a Lion on the hunt.
Loadout Details:
- Alternator
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Alternator + Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Close range high burst damage plays
- Being able to chain Revenant’s abilities together for each enemy you take down
- You can also cover a good amount of ranges as both guns are great in medium, and the alternator can be used at longer ranges in the right hands.