These gamers are the latest sensation on YouTube!
Over the course of just a few years, the gaming community has grown exponentially on popular video platforms, such as YouTube or the resulting niche site Twitch. ‘Let’s Play’ videos and the like have become an integral part of gaming. Whether we are watching them for pure entertainment purposes or for much-needed tips on gameplay, there is always a reason to search for a game you are interested in.
With the rise in popularity, many standout stars have emerged from the video scene! The infamous example is PewDiePie, who has since created a multi-million dollar enterprise solely based on his YouTube ‘vlogs’ and ‘Let’s Play’ videos.
However, beyond PewDiePie’s fame, there is something else that is amazing about YouTube celebrities – the way they unite the gaming community together! We have laughed with these new video stars, and we have cried with these new video stars. Their content is funny, informative, and downright amusing; it breathes new life into our classic pastime.
Here are ten of the biggest and best YouTube Celebrities in 2015. These men and women produce videos that have garnered the attention of millions or even billions, and are most definitely worthy of a watch.
1. PewDiePie
PewDiePie's funny montages are some of his most popular videos.
This list would not be complete if it did not include the man who started it all: PewDiePie.
Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known under his alias PewDiePie, is a twenty-five year old man from Sweden. His YouTube channel was introduced in 2015 and has since gained 38 million subscribers and nearly 40 billion video views. In 2013, he actually became the user with the most subscribers on all of YouTube.
The reasons why we love PewDiePie are simple. He takes his passion for gaming and makes it fun for everyone who watches him play.
PewDiePie’s videos typically take the form of him playing a game while commentating on top of it. His words are unfiltered – often littered in swear words and less than politically correct phrases. Somehow, even in the bulk of his notoriety, he manages to stay one of the most genuine Let’s Players on the Internet, and users just can’t get enough.
A very cool fact about Kjellberg is that his girlfriend, Marzia Bisognin, is also a YouTube star! Together they live in Brighton, England with their pet pugs. Clearly, PewDiePie’s full-time gaming job is also very personal to him.
2. Markiplier
Markiplier's reactions to horror games are hilarious to watch.
Mark Edward Fischbach, otherwise known as Markiplier on the Internet, is an upcoming YouTube celebrity whose fame may reach PewDiePie heights some day! He already has 9 million subscribers and close to 3 billion video views – still a hop away from PewDiePie, but very impressive nonetheless.
Markiplier is American; his origin story takes place in Cincinnati, Ohio, and his current residence is in Los Angeles, California, but he was actually born in Hawaii.
Unsurprisingly, the most popular Markiplier videos are comedic Let’s Plays. Fischbach’s specialization of horror and action-oriented horror games are something of a YouTube anomaly, attracting interest from a vast audience of viewers.
3. Banananasaurus Rex
This is the legendary Spelunky 'Eggplant Run' that got B-Rex his fame.
Hailing from Stephenville, Newfoundland, Aaron James Loder has received significant success as a speedrunner under his gaming handle Bananasaurus Rex.
What’s interesting about Bananasarus Rex is that his popularity arose from Twitch.tv, rather than YouTube! He streams his gaming live to an audience, and, in general, the video is later uploaded to YouTube. His videos have an accumulated total of approximately sixty thousand subscribers and several million views.
He began as a speedrunner for Portal 2, holding records in a majority of the 51 levels. Throughout his career, Loder has achieved many more gaming world records and even gained the attention of Spelunky developer Derek Yu for performing something that was previously considered impossible in his game.
As a gaming celebrity, Bananasarus Rex has both a prosperous vocation and an intimate relationship with his fanbase.
4. GameOverGreggy
Greg Miller's gaming show brings something different each time!
Greg Miller, or GameOverGreggy, is a YouTube celebrity whose rise to the top actually began with a job at leading entertainment and gaming website, IGN. After working there since 2007, Miller decided to leave his San Fransisco position in 2015 to focus solely on his YouTube channels, Kinda Funny and Kinda Funny Games.
At 32, he’s a little older than some Internet personalities – not that it brings him down. Miller is a talented journalist, as well as a lively individual, making him the perfect candidate to be a YouTube star! Moreover, GameOverGreggy’s story is a heart-touching one; he is a survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer.
His videos have a variety of subjects, from thoughtful discussion about video games to comical reviews of various types of cookies.
5. VanossGaming
VanossGaming covers all the most popular games, including Minecraft, Five Nights at Freddy's, and Left 4 Dead 2!
The luminary of VanossGaming is a 23-year-old man from Canada named Evan Fong. His content has soared in popularity since his channel began in 2011, and currently, Fong has almost 14 million subscribers with 3 billion video views.
Unlike other celebrities, VanossGaming often incorporates groups and friendship into his videos. Fong and his friends cleverly commentate on gameplay, and later, he edits the best laughs into a “funniest moments” structured video. Thus, VanossGaming’s videos rarely lose appeal; they’re created to be as entertaining as possible!
Evan Fong’s preference in games tends to be AAA titles, such as members of the Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto series.
6. TheRPGMinx
TheRPGMinx is cooler than cool!
Michelle Smith, best known virtually as Minx (TheRPGMinx or MangaMinx), is a relatively mysterious YouTube gamer. While she is loved by many, if not all, not much more than the basic information about Minx can be found: her age, 29, and her nationality, British. Notably, Minx’s story is interesting in that, like PewDiePie, her significant other is also a YouTube sensation.
TheRPGMinx has a contagious laugh, which illuminates every video she is in. Much of her content is focused around indie and horror games, where sincere and honest reactions are arguably the most important of all genres.
Right now, Minx has a whopping 176 million YouTube views, and that is destined to keep growing.
7. iHasCupquake
Like many other YouTube celebrities, iHasCupquake creates hilarious funny moment montages.
Clocking in at about 1.2 billion YouTube views on her gaming channel, iHasCupquake is an Internet celebrity through and through. In real life, she is Tiffany Michelle Herrara – a twenty-six year old Los Angeles native. As her videos reflect, she is an avid vlogger with interests in gaming, pets, and fashion; she has respective YouTube channels for each of these.
Tiffany is animated and extremely fun to watch. Her vivid hair matches her vivid personality!
Minecraft and The Sims videos are her most popular content, and she has long series dedicated to them both. However, nothing about Cupquake ever gets boring! She is sure to reel you in after only a single view.
8. PressHeartToContinue
PressHeartToContinue plays some pretty silly games...
PressHeartToContinue, YouTube’s twenty-eight year old American Sweetheart, is possibly the most versatile of all our favorite celebrities. Her name is Brooke Leigh Lawson, also known as Dodger, and she has gotten 73 million views on her gaming YouTube channel – then even more than that on her separate vlogging videos!
She is energetic, releasing videos multiple times a week to some of her various ongoing PressHeartToContinue series, such as the regular Sunday Gaming Newz or 1-Cup single playthrough series.
Dodger has played every sort of game out there; she has videos of Dark Souls II, Hatoful Boyfriend, The Wolf Among Us, The Sims 4, Hotline Miami, and many many more. You will definitely be ‘pressing heart to continue’ after watching one of her addictive videos.
9. Aureylian
Aureylian has a new take on a game we all know and love.
Long time nerd, Aureylian, is a twenty-eight year old woman from St. Louis, Missouri. She is referred to as Aurey or by her actual name, Erin, in one of the many videos she broadcasts to her more than 300k YouTube subscribers each week. Furthermore, she is an employee of Twitch.tv – truly an Internet star!
We love her for her sweet personality and passion for gaming. All about introducing friends and family to her hobby, Erin even has videos where she plays Minecraft with her daughter!
Obviously, there is no reason not to check out Aureylian’s channel. She has proven to be the real deal on the Internet’s two most popular gaming content websites, and we just can’t get enough.
10. Strawburry17
This is one of many cute and fun Strawburry17 videos.
We may have saved the best for last.
Meghan Channing Camarena, better known as Strawburry17, has a list of talents that is miles high, and her list of YouTube friends is just as long. Everybody is head over heels in love with her! This twenty-eight year old has even been featured on two seasons of the hit American show, The Amazing Race.
The popularity of Strawburry17’s channel was actually jumpstarted by her music career! Her love for singing and songwriting continues today, as her most popular video is a cover of an Owl City song, boasting 4.3 million views.
However, that doesn’t mean her love for gaming is any less; she routinely uploads videos to her Minecraft series, and has appeared in videos with other gamers such as the popular Smosh YouTube channel.
On the side, Meghan has a dedicated vlogging channel where her comedian sensibilities are on full display. She is truly a well-rounded celebrity, and nobody can deny her sparkling charm! Her more than one million subscribers are just a testament to her excellence.
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