20. Pickpocketing Mod [NC4T]
Review of the mod by content creator JNG
Using this mod any sims can pickpocket! Not just criminals. They don’t need to have a relationship with the sim they pickpocket, and the cooldown only applies to the person you attempted to pickpocket. You can try again on other sims.
- Pickpocket skill
- Children and teens are also able to pickpocket
- Basemental Drugs addon
Get the mod here.
19. Be A Burglar Mod [NC4T]
Review of the mod by content creator JNG
With this mod, you can be a burglar, and break into sims’ houses, However, there is a possibility of getting caught, so be careful.
- Become a burglar and steal expensive belongings
- New burglary skill and interactions (anyone can swipe!)
- Law enforcement can arrest you and take away all stolen objects.
Get the mod here.
18. Custom Career: Teen Criminal [Rex’s Place]
Teens can now join a new career that unlocks interactions such as committing crimes at school, pickpocketing, and joining criminal forums…until they can join a criminal career as adults. But their parents can put them back on the right track before things go too far.
- Custom career (Teen Criminal)
- Custom career-related pop-ups
- "Criminal Mastermind" reward trait that will give you an advantage in the criminal career
- Custom interactions (computer, school, conversations)
Get the mod here
17. Murder and Mayhem Part One: Angel of Death [Shinonox]
Sims in the doctor career can buy an “Angel of Death” trait from the rewards store which will give you the ability to kill patients.
- New custom reward trait for sims in the Doctor career
- Ability to “Give Meds” which will kill the patient
Get the mod here.
16. Murder and Mayhem Part Two: Arsonist [Shinonox]
This mod adds arsonists into the game through a reward trait and custom interactions. You can now watch the world burn.
- The ability to set almost everything on fire
- A new Arsonist trait
Get the mod here.
15. Murder and Mayhem Part Three: Deathray [Shinonox]
This mod adds another Simray, the Deathray. It can be used to kill sims.
- Buy the "Deathray" in the rewards store, that you can use to kill sims
- You can choose between multiple deaths when using the deathray on a sim
Get the mod here.
14. Murder and Mayhem Part Four: Poisoner [Shinonox]
This mod adds the ability to poison other sims through their food and drinks.
- Buy the Poisoner trait from the rewards store.
- Now, when cooking the interaction “Add “flavor” will appear.
- You can kill anyone who eats these “flavored” meals in a few minutes.
Get the mod here.
13. Torments Mod [Sacrificial]
Mod review by content creator Fantayzia
A simple yet kind of messed up mod that lets you harm any sim.
- Kill and torment any sim by clicking on them
- Choose between 10 deadly torments
Get the mod here.
12. Functional Weapons [necrodog]
Video showcasing the weapons by the creator of the mod
This mod contains all sorts of weapons, all functional. They are used like a camera, the normal menu will pop up, but when you take a picture the subject of the picture will die, once exiting camera mode.
- Functional weapons
- A sort of aim and accuracy system through using the camera UI
Get the mod here.
11. Delinquent Teens Mod [adeepindigo]
Mod review by content creator Chandra Marie
In this mod, Teens can be a lot more rebellious, with the possibility of running away from home, or tagging streets. However, there are also consequences to these actions, from being expelled to going to court.
- Ability to run away from home (rabbit hole)
- Stealing, pickpocketing, setting fires, starting fights and more
- Consequences to all these actions such as being on trial or expelled
- Your teen can talk to their parents who might turn them in or try to help them.
Get the mod here.
10. Brawling Mod [Utopya]
Mod showcase by the mod creator
This mod adds different fighting animations and is perfect for storytelling! The animations are very well-made but lighter, and easily run by computers.
- New animations
- Punch, slap, groin kick and more
Get the mod here.
9. Torture and Chaos Mod [Sacrificial]
Mod review by content creator KPopp
Thanks to a mysterious Book Of Chaos, you can affect everyone around you…in a fun, bad way.
- Control sims’ needs by lowering the hunger bar, lowering the bladder bar, etc.
- Kill other sims with base game deaths, but also weird inventive deaths (such as “Drown in Pee”)
- You can harm sims without killing them, make them sick, throw up, freeze them…whatever your heart desires.
Get the mod here.
8. Deadly Toddlers [Sacrificial]
Mod showcase by the creator of the mod
Even the little ones can join your murder spree! They have to learn important skills early, right?..
- Toddlers can harm or kill other sims with multiple interactions
- Toddlers can stab, set fires, and teleport
- Ask other sims to be the toddler’s partner in crime
7. Zombie Apocalypse Mod [Sacrificial]
Mod review by content creator Fantayzia
Turn your sim world into a zombie apocalypse! (With a little bit of lore)
- Zombie apocalypse, with Zombies from Children to Elders
- Survival items and abilities
- Assign Partners to help you fight off the undead
- NEMESIS, is a deadly tyrant, who is hard to defeat, but even if you succeed and beat him, he will regenerate and come back to life
- Different weapons
Get the mod here.
6. Cult Mod [PimpMySims4]
Review of the mod by content creator Whiny Brit
With this mod, you can start two different kinds of cults. You can persuade or select people to join your cult. This mod adds more gameplay and interactions.
- Create and run a cult
- New gameplay with social events, club activities, lot traits, and holiday traditions
- New dialogue options to persuade other sims to join the cult or celebrate the cult
- New aspirations
Get the mod here.
5. Alcohol [Basemental]
This mod turns all bar drinks into functional alcohol
- Real drink name replacement addon
- Ability to get drunk or tipsy, under the influence of alcohol
- Drunk texting
- Hangovers
- Alcohol tolerance
4. Drugs [Basemental]
This is a mix of adult mods including Basemental Alcohol. There is a lot of drug-centered gameplay, such as producing, selling, buying, and taking drugs.
- Functional alcohol
- Functional and diverse amounts of drugs
- Custom animations
- Addiction and Rehabilitation
Get the mod here.
3. Gangs [Basemental]
Mod review by content creator JNG
A mod who uses Basemental Drugs, and adds gangs. Not only that, it also adds a lot of depth to Basemental Drugs.
- Gang creation (there are also already pre-existing Gangs)
- Gang rivalry
- Managing gang members
- Gang headquarters
Get the mod here.
2. Life Tragedies [Sacrificial]
Mod trailer overview by the creator of the mod
A mod that includes various tragedies, that often lead to death. A fatal illness, a car accident, an armed robbery, a kidnapping…it can all happen with this mod.
- Have your sims experience life-altering tragedies
- Serial Killers
- Kidnapping
- Become a murderer or kidnapper yourself
- Bullying
Get the mod here
1. Extreme Violence Mod [Sacrificial]
A mod overview by the creator of the mod
This mod truly has it all. Many, many ways of hurting or killing other sims with various weapons. From a gun to a chainsaw and machete, even literally stabbing someone in the back.
- A large number of ways to hurt or kill other sims
- Hold a sim at gunpoint for money
- A self-defense system and chance of survival
Get the mod here
Thank you for reading and have fun!