[Top 15] Sims 4 Best Fertilizer You Should Use
15. Discus
The discus is a medium-strength fertilizer that comes with the spa day pack. It is caught near the businesses in both Willow Creek and Oasis Springs. Fun fact; Discus fish are nocturnal. So try fishing for them at night.
Why use the Discus:
- Good catch
- Fair fertilizing strength
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Uncommon
- Value - $30 - 50
14. Catfish
Catfish are great fertilizers with a medium fertilization strength. They are found mostly in rivers. I’ve only ever been lucky enough to catch one. Try fishing for them with plants as bait.
Why use the Catfish:
- Good fertilization strength
- Level plant up to “excellent”
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Uncommon
- Value - $43 - 107
13. Armored Catfish
The Armed Catfish is another great fertilizer for your plants also in the medium strength category. This fish can be found under Omiscan Royal Baths. Take the left doorway when facing the temple gateway, if it is open…
Why use the Armored Catfish:
- Good fertilizing strength
- A visual fish
Armored Catfish:
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Uncommon
- Value - $50 - ??
12. Walleye
The Walleye is a yellow fish from the outdoor retreat game pack. It isn’t hard to find and is caught in more granite falls fishing spots. I think it’s quite majestic.
Why use the Walleye:
- Easy to find
- Good fertilizing strength
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $22 - 81
11. Cichlid
The adorably named, Cichlid is a small fish. It can be caught at most fishing spots throughout the Sims world. Fishing spots in Willow creek are really good for catching them. I would also highly recommend Magnolia Promenade if you have the “Get to work” expansion pack.
Why use the Cichlid:
- Very easy to find
- Fair fertilizing strength
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Small
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $10 - 20
10. Yellow Perch
The yellow perch. Another majestic fish from the outdoor retreat game pack. It’s also pretty easy to find and can be caught in most Granite Falls fishing spots.
Why use the Yellow Perch:
- Easy to find
- Good fertilizing strength
Yellow Perch:
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $24 - 43
9. Koi
This medium-sized fish can be found in the pond of Oasis Springs and Willow Creek and is surprisingly easy to find.
Why us the Koi:
- Easy to find
- Good fertilizing strength
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $24 - 37
8. Bass
The medium-sized green and yellow ombre fish is an easy catch. It can be found in most fishing spots throughout the sims world.
Why use the Bass:
- Very common
- Good fertilizer
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $16 - 70
7. Tambaqui
This is a common large-size fish that comes with the “Jungle Adventure” expansion pack. It's found everywhere and can be caught in fishing spots all around the marketplace in Selvadorada.
Why use the Tambaqui:
- Easy to find
- Good fertilizing strength
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Large
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $60 - 90
6. Trout
The Trout is a medium-sized fish found in the ponds of Oasis Springs park. It is quite common and easy to find and is also a really good fertilizer.
Why use the Trout:
- Common base game item
- Good fertilizer
- Fertilizer strength - Medium
- Size - Medium
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $19 - 113
5. Tuna
The large and common tuna fish is a part of the City Living expansion pack. It is mainly found in San Myshuno as well as many other fishing spots throughout the sims world.
Why use the Tuna:
- Easy to find
- High fertilizing strength
- Fertilizer strength - High
- Size - Large
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $50 - 90
4. Salmon
Salmon has a nice, high fertilization strength and can be found in most fishing spots throughout the sims world.
Why use the Salmon:
- Good fertilizer
- Can be easily found anywhere
- Fertilizer strength - High
- Size - Large
- Rarity - Common
- Value - $90 - 342
3. Mountain Lionfish
The Mountain Lionfish is another outdoor retreat fish that is rare. It can be found in the deep woods of Granite Falls.
Why use the Mountain Lionfish:
- High value
- High fertilizing strength
Mountain Lionfish:
- Fertilizer strength - High
- Size - Large
- Rarity - Rare
- Value - $166 - 900
2. Wolf Eel
Wolf Eels are uncommon in the game and, from what I know, are only found in Forgotten Grotto. Want to catch one? Try frogs as bait.
Why use the Wolf Eel:
- High Fertilizing strength
- Large
Wolf Eel:
- Fertilizer strength - High
- Size - Large
- Rarity - Uncommon
- Value - $108 - 364
1. Sturgeon
The sturgeon is a rare fish and contains the highest value on this list, that’s why it’s the greatest fertilizer! This fish can be found at the pool back in Oasis springs, the pond in Willow Creek, and Forgotten Grotto.
Why use Sturgeon:
- Rare fertilizer
- High value and high strength level
- Fertilizer strength - High
- Size - Large
- Rarity - Rare
- Value - $140 - 3000
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