What best Sims 4 mods should you have?
Ever think that something is missing from your Sims 4 game? The Sims 4 currently has 48 add-ons, and gameplay still can get as stale as bread.
Over a thousand modders within the Sims community took matters into their own hands. With their skills, you can download the mods they created to take your game to the next level.
Here are the top 25 mods for Sims 4 that enhance your gameplay and take your game to the next level. THese mods are a must-have for your new stories of 2022.
25. Go To School
Teachers need a place to teach, as the children need a place to learn.
New school, new class and a whole lot of learning.
Have you ever wondered where the rabbit hole takes your children and teen sims when they go to school? You are not alone.
You may be one of those simmers who wants to make a video about your main character going to school. Or you are just curious to see what your sim is doing while in school.
With the Go to School mod, you can follow your sim into the school. Make or break their school career. There are a couple of things to note.
You’ll need to have Get To Work for the mod to function at its best. This mod gives you the option for two new lots, one for elementary and the another for high school.
Getting these new lots is simple. Just take a trip to the gallery and check the box to include custom content.
Why Go To School is fun
- Interact with other kids and teens while at school
- Gain an extra layer of gameplay for kids and teens
- Never wonder what truly happens at school
- Complete event goals during school to complete the school day
Get the mod here: Go To School
24. Explore Mod
Where to go? What to do? Go to an amusement park with the entire family, even little Timmy.
Rabbit-holes finally have a reason to exist.
Sims 4 has a limited amount of things your sims can do. Get Famous added clubbing and festivals like Geek Con.
There should be more than just simple parties. The Explore Mod makes it possible for sims to have more adventures in the form of Rabbit Holes.
Your sims will come back with new skills, relationships, or earn some money. There is even an option to shop for different kinds of items.
The main thing to know, your sims need to get their license or a bus pass for the options to appear in the Explore menu. There are no specific packs that you need for this to work.
Some options are only available with specific packs. Worst-case scenario, your sim comes back with fewer moodlets.
Why Explore Mod is fun
- Go experience new things with your favorite group of sims
- Sims can get their license
- Visit amusement parks with the entire family
Get the mod here: Explore Mod
23. Better Babies & Toddlers
Having babies has always been an emotional experience. Everyone should feel the joy. Image from Caradriel.
Babies and toddlers finally have more playability instead of being the next generation.
Your sims decide to grow their family by having a baby. Once the baby is born, it simply exists like any other object in the Sims 4 world.
The Better Babies & Toddlers mod gives you more options, moodlets, and all-around fun with having babies in the Sims 4.
This mod gives you options to ask the toddler to say mommy/daddy and talk about going back to work after having the baby. You also have more moodlets connecting the sim to their baby.
You need the Mood Pack Mod by Lumpinou and the Parenthood Pack for this mod to work. The Mood Pack Mod is on the download page for Better Babies & Toddlers Mod.
This mod is ideal for those tired of babies and toddlers lacking options. Adding it into your games gives you more interactions to tell stories how you want them to.
Why Better Babies & Toddlers is fun
- Moodlets that add more heart to having children
- Teach more toddlers to say “Mommy”
- Your sims no longer treat babies like objects
Get the mod here: Better Babies & Toddlers
22. Playable Pets
MEOW! Be a cat. Or play as the family dog.
Finally, control where your pets go and do.
Have you ever wondered how low your pets’ needs were? Wonder no more. With the Playable Pets Mod, you will be able to dive into the gameplay as your cat or dog.
Those who are okay with not being able to play are pets will enjoy this mod. You will unlock the ability to see the pet’s family tree, traits, and how long till they age up.
A few things to know is that if your sims game is not up to date, you will need to update it before the mod can function. You will, of course, need the Cats & Dogs expansion pack for the mod.
Why Playable Pets is fun
- Control your cat or dog
- Be able to see what they specifically need
- See the family tree for your pets
Get the mod here: Playable Pets
21. Life’s Drama
Who ever said life isn't a popularity contest?
Romantic moments and men on fire will make for a bit of drama in your sim's life.
Life has an uncertainty that sims never get to experience. The Life's Drama mod enables random events to your sims, giving them the realistic chaos of life.
This mod gives a more authentic uncertainty in the Sims. From finding a lost toddler’s parents to putting out a sim that spontaneously combusted.
Your sims can experience 11 different events and several new things to do with this mod. Keep in mind. You need to enable the mod for your sim.
Why Life’s Drama is fun
- Write in a burn book
- Gain trust of townies
- Give social advice, and more
Get the mod here: Life’s Drama
20. Wonderful Whims
Realistically the sims isn't very realistic. Until now.
Unreal turns real for your sims with so many whims.
Have you found that you want to set your attractions, pregnancy duration, and more? Wonderful Whims mods let you do just that.
From attractiveness to remembering a conversation for a specific length of time, Wonderful Whims gives a new way to play.. It takes the Sims 4 saying of “play with life” to a whole new level.
There is no specific pack that you will need besides the base game. Just download and add it to your mod folder in the sims files.
If you happen to have an issue with the mod, you can report it to the creator’s direct email or the community discord. You can find both in the contact portion of the download page; at the bottom.
Why Wonderful Whims is fun
- Set duration for a pregnancy
- Select preferences to what your sim is attracted to
- Have the ability to make the game more realistic
Get the mod here: Wonderful Whims
19. Occult Hybrid Unlocker
Mom's a vampire and Dad's a spellcaster. Doesn't that make the child a vampirecaster?
Recreate your favorite fantasy stories.
A vampire and mermaid fall in love and decide to have a baby. Usually, their child would only be either a vampire or a mermaid. With the Occult Hybrid Unlocker, you can have a half-vampire, half-mermaid sim.
This mod requires any pack that adds an occult life state and the r3m’s Spellbook Injector. You can find the injector link on the download page.
Your sims can be born with traits from both parents. For example, you have a mermaid and a vampire who just had a baby.
The baby will have traits from both parents. Other occults that aren't spellcasters can become one from the sages. Yes, servos are included in that.
Why Occult Hybrid Unlocker is fun
- Have your alien have vampire powers
- Finally have both family lines in the baby
Get the mod here: Occult Hybrid Unlocker
18. Replacement Crib Mod
Bassinets are great but wooden cribs are a classic you can't beat.
A wooden crib that is just right for the new baby.
Everyone is familiar with the baby crib. The same old choices, the same old bassinet, and never an actual crib like in The Sims, The Sims 2, or even The Sims 3. With the Replacement Crib Mod that is no longer an issue.
Placing one of the wood tones provided by the mod into the mod folder replaces the base game bassinet. Remember, one at a time. So try each one out and see which one fits your game the best.
Something important to know, the bassinet will still look like the rock-a-bye bassinet in the catalog. All you have to do is pick what wood tone you prefer and go ahead and use the bassinet as normal.
Why Replacement Crib Mod is fun
- Have an actual crib for the baby
- Have a matching wooden crib to go with other wooden furniture
- Be able to have a more realistic, modern look
Get the mod here: Replacement Crib Mod
17. Toddler Creativity Pack
Finally, an adorable little area for toddlers to make a ton of noise.
More toys for the little joys.
It’s no lie that Sims 4 toddlers are lacking in things to do. The Toddler Creativity Pack adds several new things for your toddler to do.
With this mod, you will receive the Rock-a-Stack, Xylophone, Drawing Supply, and a crafting station specifically for your toddlers. All items come with new moodlets and help your toddler with their skills.
It adds so much more gameplay to toddlers, giving them more depth. There are no specific packs that you need in order for this mod to function.
You will have to download each item separately. This mod is perfect for anyone who wants to add extra gameplay to their story.
Why Toddler Creativity Pack is fun
- New moodlets for toddlers
- The ability for toddlers to make art
- More playability for toddlers
Get the mod here: Toddler Creativity Pack
16. Plumfruit 2 & Simstagram Mod Pack
So many choices for what Plumfruit product to choose from. What to choose?
Is it an iPhone or Plumfruit?
Plumfruit 2 & Simstagram Mod pack is the next step in creator Arnie’s arsenal of Sims 4 mods. With new phones, tablets, computers, and even television sets, this mod brings products similar to Apple products to your sims.
Not only do you get new items, but you will also have new apps to use with your phone. The latest update comes with a dark mode.
With the dark mode, your user interface in the game changes from a white color to a darkened look. If you already have the first incarnation of Plumfruit, you will need to toss it into the trash and download this version.
Why Plumfruit 2 & Simstagram Mod Pack is fun
- Sleeker tablets, phones, computers, etc
- Phone has more options
- Ability to use different apps via cell and tablet
Get the mod here: Plumfruit 2 & Simstagram Mod Pack
15. SimNation Travel
Finally, a well earned vacation with the family.
Teens look forward to getting their driver's license. Parents, well, might be more worried about them driving at all.
Most simmers miss the ability to buy a car and have their sims teach teens to drive in the Sims 4. The SimNation Travel mod brings that back and adds so much more.
Your sim can apply for a passport, get their license, or buy gas for their car. Yes, their very own vehicle.
This mod makes it possible to buy an actual vehicle that you can place on the lot. Just don't forget to have a license first.
The mod's creator recommends adding the Language Barriers Mod for a more in-depth experience with passport travel. For the career to be of any use, you will need the City Living pack for it to work.
There is a new aspiration that needs Jungle Adventures, Snowy Escape, Island Living, City Living, and Outdoor Retreat to be of use. You will be able to utilize the cars with just the base game.
Why SimNation Travel is fun
- New aspiration, trait, reward trait, and career to explore
- Ability to pick what mode of transportation your sims take
- Buy a car
Get the mod here: SimNation Travel
14. Playful Toddler Pack
Toddlers gain make a big mess. Having a crib and new toys can make sure the mess, and parents' mental state better.
Wooden cribs, play dough and much more.
Even with the recent updates in the Sims 4, toddlers still don’t have a crib and are all around lacking. PandaSama once again saves the day with her newest mod, Playful Toddler Pack.
This mod gives you a toddler food truck, a toddler crib, play dough, and a toddler car track for your toddlers to play on. Each item has new moodlets that are attached to each item.
The biggest thing to note with this mod is some glitches with the toddler crib. This glitch happens if you bathe the toddler, let them play in the kiddy pool, or slide; they will teleport back to the crib.
Another thing is that if you want your sim to read to the toddler, you will need to put a chair near the crib. The adult will sit next to their toddler and start reading them to sleep.
Why Playful Toddler Pack is fun
- Toddlers pretending with the food truck
- Be able to have a crib back for your toddler
- Play dough, nothing else to say about it
Get the mod here: Playful Toddler Pack
13. Height Slider
Sometimes you just need to be able to be a short sim or even a tall sim.
Everyone isn't the same height. You need to have those to reach the top and lower shelves after all.
While creating your sims, you may notice that they all have the same height from teens to elders. With the Height Slider mod, you can make someone who may be your size.
You have presets and a slider for the height. Besides your sim's stature, you can change their neck's height, and play with the shape of their hips.
There will be a clipping issue with hugging, kissing, etc. Or your sims hug each other from across the room.
Guess you could officially state your sim can have awkward hugs with another like in life. All you need for this mod to work is the base game.
Just download from the link and begin to have fun. The modder does have other presets and slider mods that you may find interesting.
Why Height Slider is fun
- Have variety in your sims
- Make yourself with the correct height
Get the mod here: Height Slider
12. Sky Loading Screens
Having a beautiful sky to look at is better than looking at a plain blue screen.
The golden number is going to be one.
Your Sims 4 game boots up. You get through the intro with all the bells and whistles, but then you come to the same old loading screen.
That screen is usually a dark blue. Does it honestly have to be? It is 2022 now, and there are so many options for having a custom loading screen. One is the Sky Loading Screens mod.
With this mod, you get six different sky pictures to choose from. The modder, Fabulous Pearl, left a note in her mod file letting those who use it know that you can only have one picture in use at a time.
Why Sky Loading Screens is fun
- Have bright loading screen
- Elevates mood
- Brings a breath of fresh air
Get the mod here: Sky Loading Screens
11. Pre-Teen Mod (Base)
Don't start skipping the awkwardness of the Middle school years.
Every teen had to be a pre-teen at some point.
When it comes to children and teens in the Sims 4 there has been a stage of life missing. The Pre-Teen Mod brings the awkward age to reality to your game.
Your sim will be able to apply deodorant, body spray and go to middle school. The sim that becomes a pre-teen will end up with a new homework book and experience the embarrassing changes that are a part of growing up.
There are a few requirements for the mod to work. You will need the Parenthood and the Snowy Escape packs.
Also needed is the Mood Pack Mod by Lumpinou. There is a link to the Mood Pack Mod on the download page.
Why Pre-Teen Mod (Base) is fun
- New moodlets to experience
- New age to explore
- Middle school life
Get the mod here: Pre-Teen Mod (Base)
10. Armageddon
Which will it be? Become the superhero or the supervillain.
How many can your sim save? How much havoc can they make?
Bringing in the new year of 2022 comes increased popularity with superheroes and supervillains. With the Armageddon mod, you can have your sim become a superhero or a villain.
Starting with a quest, you have to decide which path you want to take. You choose within the menu. After the choice, you will have access to many different quests to complete.
Setting up the mod is simple. You don’t have any packs that are required to function. Just download and enjoy.
Why Armageddon is fun
- Join other superheroes into battling villains
- Becoming a supervillain
- Play with superpowers and work on quests
Get the mod here: Armageddon
9. T.O.O.L.
Moving can be tough. You got to make sure you have the right T.O.O.L. for the job.
T.O.O.L. makes objects easier to move around, but knowing how to use it is the key.
Building is a big part of the Sims 4. Issues are found, with one being moving an object where you want it.
The mod T.O.O.L. can help with that. There are several features to this mod, ranging from complex to highly simple.
TwistedMexi makes sure to explain everything in his video. Even the simple features.
The best feature is the ability to move several objects at once to wherever you need them to be. This is nice to have if you are making a garden.
T.O.O.L. used to only work in live mode but now you can now use it in build mode. You don’t need anything to have this work, just make sure you download the mod and place it in the mod folder.
Why T.O.O.L. is fun
- Move an object with a click of a button
- Move several objects as a group
Get the mod here: T.O.O.L.
8. Expanded Mermaids
He may not look like a regular sim. You can at least see him glow in the dark.
Would you be a kelpie or would you be a sea witch?
Even though it is an older mod, Expanded Mermaids remains one of the best mods out there to date. You will be able to find new kelp and a certain grimoire while diving in the sea.
Your sim will be able to become a Kelpie or a Sea Witch with this mod. The mermaids even have extra abilities with Expanded Mermaids.
The modder made sure that it works with the latest pack that has just been released and is compatible with the Fairies vs. Witches mod. There was one requirement that is no longer an issue.
All you have to do is download it and explore the depths of the sea. Just be careful; you never know what is waiting beneath the sea.
Why Expanded Mermaids is fun
- Discover new treasures
- Become a Kelpie or a Sea Witch
- Experience magic with the ocean
Get the mod here: Expanded Mermaids
7. Have Some Personality Please
Take a deep breath and try to find that personality.
Converstation needs to have a point.
Ever think the romances go too fast? Or do the conversations get a bit boring? Have Some Personality Please is the mod to bring more personality to your sims.
In this mod, you will find more interactions with aliens, and your sims learn careers and traits through deep conversation. Finally, it isn’t pointless to have a deep conversation.
The mod brings more to cats and dogs, so you will need to have Cats & Dogs for that to work. Other than that, download and play.
Why Have Some Personality Please is fun
- Traits matter with Toddlers
- Less boring chitchat
- Romance moves at a more natural pace
Get the mod here: Have Some Personality Please
6. OMSP Shelf
Clutter makes a home more like your real home. Right?
Place things where you actually want them to go.
Having clutter in your home is normal. Designing your sims home, showing that clutter is frustrating.
With the OMSP Shelf, a.k.a the red shelf, you can place several things on it. You do need to have bb.moveobjects on before you use it.
The OMSP Shelf has an option to turn the shelf invisible. The shelf also has slots for two hundred items.
There are two versions of this sheld, and you can only have one in your game at a time. You don’t have to have any specific packs or any other mods for it to work.
Why OMSP Shelf is fun
- Clutter other surfaces
- Make the shelf invisible to make spooky homes
- Gives you an extra way to use clutter items
Get the mod here: OMSP Shelf
5. Better BuildBuy
Better builds and better buy organization makes cheats no longer needed.
Have things nice and neat. Just make it all complete.
TwistedMexi is highly skilled when it comes to mods for build and buy. One of his most popular mods is Better BuildBuy.
As many know, there is a cheat to show the hidden debug items. This mod grants the ability to organize the debug items.
The great thing about this mod is that you can turn it on and off. To activate, go into your game after download and turn it on, then close out the game and restart it.
Why Better BuildBuy is fun
- Named debug items
- Clone and delete debug items
- Turns on moveobjects cheat automatically for you
Get the mod here: Better BuildBuy
4. Slice Of Life
Is it real life or just the Sims 4?
Recreate your life as you want it.
Slice Of Life is one of the most popular mods out there. Known for the realism this mod brings, modder KawaiiStacie continues to add on and update the mod.
If you are a simmer who likes to have more realistic gameplay or even have more depth to your game, this mod is perfect. Your sims will even have memories, which is nostalgic for many simmers.
There are so many things that your sims will be able to do with this mod, from sending food and starting a bit of drama.
Everything you do will begin to matter. You don’t need to do anything with this mode except download it.
Why Slice Of Life is fun
- More random life events
- Sims have better personalities
- Your sims can have tears, blush, and much more
Get the mod here: Slice Of Life
3. Meaningful Stories
Tell your story in a meaningful way. Or cause a lot of chaos.
Need more meaning in life? The sims might feel the same.
Sims 4 made simmers excited with having emotions built-in as a specific factor of how your sims operate. These emotions can and have gotten less meaningful.
The Meaningful Stories mod changes that for your game. You have complete control with the setting menu that is available anytime you want to tweak something.
Actions have more emotional impact on your sims, which result in either depression or happiness.
If you have other mood mods from roBurky there will be a conflict. Uninstall those before you download Meaningful Stories.
Why Meaningful Stories is fun
- Better moodlets for emotions
- Fleshes out your sims
- Traits will matter more
Get the mod here: Meaningful Stories
2. UI Cheats Extension
Easier that typing 'testingcheats true' in the cheats bar.
Can't afford the weather machine? No problem with this mod.
Are you tired of typing in a cheat to change your sim’s needs, money, and even more? With the UI Cheats Extension, you no longer need to type those cheats in.
The user interface allows you to right-click on several things to manipulate them to what you want. It won’t work with older versions of the Sims 4.
Make sure you unzip the folder the download comes in. There is a list of what you can right and left-click on to eliminate the confusion.
Why UI Cheats Extension is fun
- Can change how much currency your sims have
- Add and remove traits
- Control the level of your needs/relationships
Get the mod here: UI Cheats Extension
1. MC Command Center
Having the ability to make sure your story has all the details at your fingertips is a huge asset.
A classic mod that will never grow old to use.
MC Command Center mod has been around for a long time and continues to be a staple in Sims 4 gameplay. If you don't want to play with every household but want them to keep going without you, this mod makes it happen.
The mod itself makes most cheats obsolete. Of course, you will still need to use cheats for building and whatnot.
There is nothing you specifically need to already have for this mod to function. Just make sure you have the updated mod in your mod folder.
Why MC Command Center is fun
- Take control of the entire town
- Manipulate sims lives to fit your story
- Gain the ability to give sims skills/job levels
Get the mod here: MC Command Center