20. Stand still in CAS (No occult animations version) [MizoreYukii]
Thanks to this mod, your sims, including occults will stand completely still in create-a-sim. This way you can focus on editing and shaping your sim.
- Be able to focus on facial expressions and body type without the occult sim moving
- There are three versions including one that removes all occult animations in-game
Get the mod here.
19. Spellcaster Tweaks [Kuttoe]
This mod makes some small changes to casting and learning spells, making it more challenging.
- Tweaks to spell casting and learning
- More challenging and interesting spellcasting
- Some spells generate more charge
Get the mod here.
18. Buy Spells and Potion Tomes on PC [LittleMsSam]
In-game screenshot of a sim using the computer (presumably to order Realm of Magic objects)
This mod lets your sims purchase spells and potion tomes on PC, as long as they are a spellcaster and at least a teen.
- Purchase spells and potions from the PC
- Be a spellcaster without as much travelling
Get the mod here.
17. All Perks Are Free [Sasha973]
With this mod Realm of Magic perks are all free. Not only that, retail perks, get famous perks…with this mod, everything is free!
- Free perks
- Easily choose your sim’s level
Get the mod here.
16. Cauldron Herbalism [icemunmun]
The cauldron can be used to make herbalism recipes in this mod.
- Use the cauldron for all herbalism recipes
- New cauldron interactions
Get the mod here.
15. Modular Portal [SweetTacoPlumbob]
A mesh edit of the portal from Realm of Magic.
- There is an entry portal and an exit portal
- Use these portals to go from one place to another
Get the mod here.
14. Children Can Use Magic [mycepzid]
A mod that makes children able to be spellcasters!
- Children can cast spells
- Children can use magic without worrying about spectral reach
- Children can join clubs with the “spellcaster” trait requirement
Get the mod here.
13. EA Magic Wand Replacement [jewelsimmercc]
A fun mod that overrides EA’s spellcaster wands and changes their appearance.
- Overrides spellcaster wands
- Fun and cool new wand meshes
Get the mod here.
12. Improved Practical Spells [LittleMsSam]
This mod adds some spells and small changes to some spells.
- New spells
- Adds some existing spells to new objects (for example Delicioso and Grand Delicioso are added to tables and counters)
Get the mod here.
11. Occult Hybrid Unlocker and Stabilizer [LittleMsSam]
Review of the mod by content creator Katie Louise
With this mod, you can create playable occult hybrids!
- Create occult hybrids
- Take advantage of the different mixed powers in gameplay
Get the mod here.
10. Minor Alchemy Overhaul [SrslySims]
Cover picture used by SrslySims for this mod
This mod improves alchemy in Realm of Magic to make it more challenging
- Changes retail prices
- Changes crafting costs
- Changes ingredient requirements
- Changes the recipe menu
Get the mod here.
9. Potions Rework [Kuttoe]
Cover picture used by Kuttoe for this mod
This mod makes changes to Spellcaster potion recipes to make their creation harder and require more gameplay and use of the pack features.
- Big recipe overhaul
- Adds more ingredients to the potion shop, and increases the ones available each day
- Master level recipes don’t give free ingredients
- The Potion of Plentiful only solves physical needs
- The choice to keep or remove immortal glow
Get the mod here.
8. Familiar interactions v2 [simsmodelsimmer]
Thanks to this mod you can now interact with your familiars!
- Talk to familiars about magic
- Ask familiars for magic tips
- A new option, “Unlock Learn Spells Cheat Menu” to learn spells instantly
Get the mod here.
7. Celebratio Spell [kuttoe]
Cover picture used by Kuttoe for this mod
When you forget your sim’s birthday it can be a hassle to have to bake a cake out of the blue. This mod can help! It adds a new spell that spellcasters can use to summon a cake.
- A new spell, “celebratio”, spellcasters can learn and use to create cakes.
- Different spell outcomes
Get the mod here.
6. Vampirify [r3m]
In-game screenshot of the spellbook with the new spell added by this mod
This mod adds new spells that let you create and/or cure vampires
- A new spell, “Vampirify” that turns a sim into a vampire
- Another spell, “De-Vampirify” that can cure vampires
- Different spell outcomes
Get the mod here.
5. Forbidden Spells [kuttoe]
Cover picture used by Kuttoe for this mod
This mod adds new spells your sim can use to spread chaos and misery
- New spell, “Ennervate” (drain the vitality of another Sim to restore your own energy.)
- New spell, “Melliferate”(summon bees to attack a sim)
- New spell “Miasma” (make another sim sick)
- New spell “Grim Bargain”(fills up your sim’s needs, at a cost)
Get the mod here.
4. Untamed Magic is Untamed! [zero]
In this mod, Inferniate, Chillo, and ZipZap are now deadly.
- Some spells are now deadly
- You can choose the percentage of chance of death
Get the mod here.
3. Magic School [ilkavelle]
Cover picture used by ilkavelle for this mod
With this mod, you can have your sims attend a magic school!
- New School to choose from (it’s listed as a career)
- The school has levels and tasks rather than grades
- Various school subjects
- Active Exam
- Active school enabled through “work from home” (you can choose any lot to be your school)
Get the mod here.
2. Expanded Realm of Magic [LittleMsSam]
As the title suggests, this mod expands upon Realm of Magic gameplay.
- Possibility to play as a sage (based on a career)
- A new NPC, the Sage’s Assistant, can give you daily tasks
- Improved autonomy
- Custom and expanded spells
And so much more!
Get the mod here.
1. More Spellcaster Gameplay [PERSEA]
This huge mod has an incredible amount of features and gameplay!
- The Department of Magical Education career(contains 4 branches, is a work-from-home career)
- Through this career, you can become a School Supervisor and inflict punishments that last a few hours
- Ministry of Magic career (contains 5 branches with different responsibilities and duties, you can work from home)
- 6 new aspirations
- Spellcaster club rules
- New holiday traditions
- New odd jobs
- New interactions
- New traits
Get the mod here.
Thank you for reading and have fun!
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