10. Slice of Life
Kudos to KawaiiStacie for making some of the best gameplay mods for TS4! The Slice of Life mod enables random interactions and unexpected pop-ups to occur. Along with many realistic features such as the drama system, party system, NPC text system, sickness system, and etc., these autonomous features will make your game much more interesting!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Sims will receive quirky texts and invites from NPCs
- Sims can send texts to NPCs and they will text back
- Sims will automatically gain unique moodlets and emotions
Get the mod here!
9. Meaningful Stories
This mod is a redesign of the default Sims 4 emotion systems. Emotions are less predictable and more realistic. Any emotional auras from objects, artworks, and crafts will subtly build up on your Sims.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Sims and their moodlets will be less predictable
- The emotion intensity will vary for moodlets
- Sims will behave more according to their emotions (That’s right, no more laughing Sims when another Sim just died!)
Get the mod here!
8. Wicked Whims
Disclaimer: 18+
Did someone say woohoo? This mod enables Sims to flirt and woohoo with whoever and whenever on their own. I mean, it doesn’t get more realistic than that, right?
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Simmers can control settings such as pregnancy chances, relationship settings, relationship cheats, and other autonomy settings
- Sims will automatically woohoo with others without the need for players to manage them
- Expect to see NPC townies getting hot and heavy around town!
Get the mod here!
7. Extreme Violence
Look away now if you’re not a big fan of violence, you have been warned! This mod is great for creating serial killer Sims that will autonomously kill other Sims. Players can easily adjust the settings and such to their preferences. Anything can become a weapon… even the booty.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Sims can be given the psychopath aspiration
- Sims can defend themselves and even fight back
- Not to brag or anything, but there are tons of ways that your Sim can kill another, such as “Shoot With Machinegun” or “Crack Head With Booty”
Get the mod here!
6. No More Celebrities Reacting In Disgust
Oh, you thought we didn’t notice your stank face earlier, Judith? Created specifically for the Get Famous celebrity Sims, this mod disables celebrity Sims from reacting in disgust 24/7.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Players no longer have to see celebrity Sims be disgusted by their surroundings
- Sims will stop autonomously react in disgust when traveling
- The mod lowers the autonomous level of reacting in disgust for celebrity Sims to 0
Get the mod here!
5. Have Some Personality Please
If you feel like your Sims are a little lackluster in the personality department, I feel you. This personality mod enables Sims to behave and perform interactions more like their Traits.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Sims will no longer perform the autonomous idle “chat” interaction with random Sims (They don’t learn anything from this interaction anyways)
- More autonomy for Toddlers!
- Personality for cats and dogs too
Get the mod here!
4. Explore Mod
While Sims won’t automatically explore on their own with this rabbit-hole mod, they can, however, build their skills and return with cool items. Sims can head out to the nail salon with their friend or become a Llama driver to earn a few extra simoleons.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- There are just sooo many options, locations, and activities for Sims to go and do
- Sims can invite other Sims to go with them
- Sims may autonomously level up their skill when they leave their home to go explore
Get the mod here!
3. Autonomous Proposals!
Sick of always having to make your Sims propose to another Sim? This mod enables Sims to propose all on their own. A pop-up message will appear on the screen when another Sim asks for your Sim’s hand. However, beware that Sims who get their proposals rejected will feel very embarrassed!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- The proposals will happen autonomously without the need of players micromanaging
- Sims may also divorce or breakup autonomously
- Different traits will affect how likely Sims are to propose
Get the mod here!
2. MC Command Center
You’ve probably heard about MC Command Center more or less in the Sims 4 community and there is a good reason for that! If you’ve played the Sims 4 long enough without mods, you’ll notice that the population will eventually drop and there is barely any story progression. This mod enables autonomy for not only your Sims household but NPC Sims too, allowing them to have relationships/children autonomously.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Players can turn on/off autonomy for actions like repairing objects, cleaning, woohoo, mischievous interactions, etc…
- NPC Sims will autonomously have their own relationships/children (Is that Bella Goth with Geoffrey Landgraab???)
- Generated townies can fill empty homes to make your worlds more lively
Get the mod here!
1. Life Tragedies
For the fans of chaos, this one's for you! This mod unleashes 5 serial killer townies into your game. Each of these dangerous NPCs will have their own dialogue and can murder any Sim they want. If you ever decide to invite one of them over, be sure your Sim has the cops on speed dial!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Serial killer posters and papers are available for purchase!
- Players can also control murder interactions on a targeted Sim
- Sims can murder with the interaction “Suffocate With Diaper”
Get the mod here!
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