The Sims 4 takes customisation and social interaction further than ever before. There’s better graphics, exciting new features and much, much more! Join us for a quick tour of the coolest new additions. Here are 10 new must-know features of Sims 4 gameplay:
1. Sims can multitask
Remember how your Sim could only talk to one Sim at a time in previous installments? It was so frustrating! Its great news that now Sims can talk in groups, whether they’re partying, watching TV or running. You can also talk while you’re moving around.
New emotions gameplay? ...I'm so... inspired, energised and happy!
2. Sims 4 gameplay is now emotionally influenced
Your Sims range of emotions are much broader now we’re in Sims 4. Instead of only being plain sad, angry or happy, now your Sim has nuanced feelings. Sims can be bored, dazed, energised, playful, confident, focussed or even inspired.
3. Social gameplay comes to The Sims 4
The Sims 4 is much more social than its predecessors. One of the greatest elements is sharing your characters. Celebrities like Britney Spears or Chuck Norris have been recreated as Sims characters, with similar traits to their famous counterparts. Shared characters can be downloaded, or uploaded to the Sims community.
The social aspect of the game has implications for your internet connection. Although you don’t need constantly running internet to play The Sims 4, you will need one to access the in-game content gallery. Also, if you choose to play online all the time, there are more social gaming elements available.
4. Build mode has bulked up
Sims 4 makes it easier to create and customize your dream Sim home. You can do most of what you could in previous versions, but Electronic Arts has added a whole lot of new features, including allowing you to customise the foundations of your house, making it easy to construct interesting room shapes and controlling floor height. But the awesomest new features have been added in the area of windows. Sims 4 gameplay has much greater flexibility with windows – you can have anything from Victorian dormer windows to funky modern glass panels. You could even build your whole house from windows if that’s what you want.
5. It’s a small(er) world
Instead of one large map for your Sims to interact in, Sims 4 is broken into districts or neighbourhoods. This gives you a smaller area to play in at any one time in the game. Although you can travel between neighbourhoods, you’ll always have to navigate the loading screen to switch between neighbourhoods. There are also two worlds in The Sims 4: Willow Creek and Oasis Springs. The visiting mechanism for these is the same as for changing neighbourhoods.
Now you can finally impress your parents by becoming a doctor!
6. Be more, do more with new careers
The work style has changed, and there are also some extra careers. The new careers available are Detective, Scientist and Doctor. Also, you disappear when you go off to work in The Sims 4, instead of going into a city building.
7. Graphics provide deep immersion
In the five years since the Sims 3 came along, video game graphics have become vastly more sophisticated. Sims 4 graphics are vastly superior to earlier releases. Not everyone loves the pastel shades, but it’s hard to argue that the landscapes aren’t worked in more glowing colours. People’s faces and bodies are also much more detailed.
Break out your swimsuits! Pools got put back!
8. There have been a few mysterious disappearances...
Along with the many things that have been added to The Sims 4 gameplay, there are several features that were removed, including toddlers, pools, cars and the create-a-style feature. Fans loudly voiced their disapproval of some of these removals, and, to give them credit, Electronic Arts have listened. They recently added back pools, a fun feature that had been badly missed!
9. Sims get new skills
There are 19 skills in The Sims 4. Your old favourites like writing, gardening and charisma are still there, but now there are new ones. The new skills include comedy, programming rocket science, mischief and cooking.
Create-a-Sim - whoever you want to be!
10. Create-a-Sim feature goes further than ever before
This feature has been totally redone for The Sims 4 – now you’ve got the ability to tweak, push and pull on your Sim’s body, arms, legs and face to create the Sim with exactly the shape and size you’re after.
What are your favourite new additions? We'd love it if you let us know what they are by commenting below.