10. Detective
Career Overview:
As part of the Get To Work expansion pack, the Detective Career enables players to play as a detective. Sims have cases assigned to them and can travel to go on patrol, visit crime scenes, and issue APBs when there is enough evidence gathered to start arresting suspected Sims using the Crime Map. The more hidden clues your Sim gathers the higher your chance will be to arrest the correct Sim and crack the case! Detective Sims also perform best when they have the Focused moodlet or the Genius Trait.
What is Great About the Detective Career?
- You can accompany your Sim to work and play “Good Cop/Bad Cop” when during interrogations
- Lots of interesting jail-inspired decor and furniture
- Your Sims get to travel around to different locations (more freedom!)
How Much Can You Earn With the Detective Career?
Rank 1: Cadet $180/day
Rank 2: Officer $252/day
Rank 3: Corporal $342/day
Rank 4: Detective $468/day
Rank 5: Senior Detective $702/day
Rank 6: Sergeant $828/day
Rank 7: Lieutenant $1107/day
Rank 8: Captain $1200/day
Rank 9: Colonel $1640/day
Rank 10: Chief Police $2120/day
How To Become a Detective?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or a computer/laptop
9. Freelancer
Career Overview:
The Freelancer Career lets your Sim work from home and create their own schedule. Sims can select an agency/trade before signing up for gigs. (Programmer, Artist, Writer) The gigs available change each day and require a specific level of skill. With a deadline, your Sim will have to finish the gig before the time runs out, otherwise, you will lose a bit of performance. Regardless, this Career allows your Sim to work comfortably at home and at their own pace.
What is Great About the Freelancer Career?
- Sims work from home (Yay to multi-tasking!)
- Great pay for minimal work
- Sims who already have the Ambitious Trait will receive promotions quicker
How Much Can You Earn With the Freelancer Career?
Computer Experts (Freelance Programmer)
Looking for Encryption Person $185/gig
Crypto-Simming $1205/gig
Simstagram Servers $2695/gig
Fighting Words (Freelance Writer)
Get Paid to Write Top 10 Lists! $145/gig
Ghost Writer for History Text Book $1365/gig
Brand New Fantasy Store IDea! $2325/gig
Really Important Guy Here $4385/gig
Electrified Artists (Freelance Artist)
The Portrait of a Politician $175/gig
Young Artists Camp Demonstration $235/gig
Web 3.0 Logo $1315/gig
Indie Game Characters $2555/gig
How To Become a Freelancer?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones, a computer/laptop, or a tablet
8. Conservationist
Career Overview:
If you’re an environmental activist, or you simply just want to help make the islands of Sulani cleaner, The Conservationist Career is the most suitable for you! As one of the main focuses of the Island Living Expansion Pack, this hands-on Career allows your Sim to take ocean samples, cleaning up trash on the beach, spread awareness to other Sims, and earn nature points. (Nature points are the little leaf heart that shows up after your Sim cleans up the island) This Career path is great for keeping the environment clean while enjoying the tropical beaches of Sulani.
What is Great About the Conservationist Career?
- Sims automatically earn unique reward traits from either Branch after Rank 6
- Sims who have the Master of Sea Reward Trait (Marine Biologist Branch) have can befriend dolphins and mermaids easier
- Flexible schedules
- Turtle-hatching events (Sims will gather and cheer for baby turtles)
How Much Can You Earn With the Conservationist Career?
Rank 1: Wildlife Enthusiast $112/day
Rank 2: Field Assistant $144/day
Rank 3: Land Surveyor $200/day
Rank 4: Wildlife Technician $296/day
Rank 5: Nature Historian $344/day
Rank 6: Conservation Director $496/day
(After Conservation Director (Rank 6), your sim can choose to pursue in the Environmental Manager Branch or the Marine Biologist Branch)
How To Become a Conservationist?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop.
7. Social Media
Career Overview:
Almost like an actual influencer, your Sim can pursue in the Social Media Career to become a celebrity Internet Personality or a famous Public Relations Representative. Players can either send their Sims off to work or have them work at home. Having more followers on Simstagram will boost your Sim’s fame, which can help earn you more than 1,000 simoleons when your Sim advertises a product. This Career path gives a lot of freedom to Sims while allowing them to live the bustling life of a celebrity.
What is Great About the Social Media Career?
- Option to work from home
- The Internet Personality Branch is perhaps the most well-paid job
- Sims can become a global superstar
How Much Can You Earn With the Social Media Career?
Rank 1: Media Intern $96/day
Rank 2: Engagement Monkey $132/day
Rank 3: Clickbait Writer $174/day
(After Clickbait Writer (Rank 3), your sim can choose to pursue in the Internet Personality Branch or the Public Relations Representative Branch)
How To Become An Influencer?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop
6. Astronaut
Career Overview:
Although one of the toughest jobs to get a promotion in, the Astronaut Career offers a visit to outer space for your Sims. During the first few ranks in the job, you will be focusing on building your Sim’s Logic and Fitness skill. Your Sim will also receive a free Apollo Rocket Ship or Retro Rocket Ship and go on Space Missions after it is fully assembled! Not to mention, Sims can also visit Sixam the Alien World which is a hidden lot in the game.
What is Great About the Astronaut Career?
- Sims who explore space can bring back cool souvenirs (Who wouldn’t want a Space Porcupine as a household pet?)
- Once you reach Rank 8, your Sim will be able to make the special drink Alien Juice (Smuggler Branch) or Space Energy Drink (Space Ranger Branch)
How Much Can You Earn With the Astronaut Career?
Rank 1: Intern $234/day
Rank 2: Module Cleaner $306/day
Rank 3: Technician $432/day
Rank 4: Command Center Leader $568/day
Rank 5: Low-Orbit Specialist $864/day
Rank 6: Space Cadet $1040/day
Rank 7: Astronaut $1190/day
(After Astronaut (Rank 7), your sim can choose to pursue in the Interstellar Smuggler Branch or the Space Ranger Branch)
How To Become An Astronaut?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop
5. Gardener
Career Overview:
The Gardener Career was first introduced in The Sims 4: Seasons Expansion Pack. Sims have the option to go to work or work from home. Sims can grow their own flowers, fruits, herbs, and even exotic plants from Sixam the Alien World. Sims in this Career can become a humble friend of nature or choose to create art with flowers from their garden.
What Is Great About the Gardener Career?
- Cowplants! (Not do they swallow Sims whole, but they also dance if there is a stereo nearby)
- Sims can milk Cowplants to receive a drink called the Essence of Life which extends the lifespan of a Sim
How Much Can You Earn With the Gardener Career?
Rank 1: Dirt Digger $140/day
Rank 2: Soil Sifter $147/day
Rank 3: Seed Scatterer $161/day
Rank 4: Leaf Cutter $25/day
(After Leaf Cutter (Rank 4), your sim can choose to pursue in the Botanist Branch or the Florist Branch)
How To Become A Gardener?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop
4. Writing
Career Overview:
The Writing Career is great for Sims who have the Creative trait (or even the Loner Trait…) This Career is extremely profitable and is suitable for all Sims. Players get to name and write a description for the books as well. This Career has two branches; the Journalist Branch and Author Branch.
What is Great About the Writing Career?
- In the Author Branch, Sims will receive hefty royalties for each book that is written
- In the Journalist Branch, Sims can write (and spill the tea) about other sims
- The Book of Life not only resurrects dead Sims, but it also fills their needs
How Much Can You Earn With the Writing Career?
Rank 1: Writer’s Assistant $200/day
Rank 2: Blogger $256/day
Rank 3: Freelance Article Writer $304/day
Rank 4: Advice Columnist $352/day
Rank 5: Regular Contributor $400/day
(After Writing (Rank 5), your sim can choose to pursue in the Author Branch or the Journalist Branch)
How To Become A Writer?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop
3. Criminal
Career Overview:
Gardener at day, Criminal by night. Sims in the Criminal Career have a bad reputation and will use that to be the enemy of the public. This Career is suitable for Evil or Mean traited Sims who have a passion for the dark side. Sims can choose between the Oracle Branch or the Boss Branch after Rank 5. Both Branches offer unique Rewards such as Bars of Gold or a Stolen ATM.
What is Great About the Criminal Career?
- Stylish Career uniforms (Boss Branch uniform is mafia-style and the Oracle Branch uniform serves major Matrix vibes)
- Sims become Hackers in the Oracle Branch and gain more profits from successful hacks
- Futuristic Rewards and Decor
How Much Can You Earn With the Criminal Career?
Rank 1: Tough Guy/Gal $63/day
Rank 2: Petty Thief $91/day
Rank 3: Ring Leader $136/day
Rank 4: Felonious Monk $161/day
Rank 5: Minor Crimelord $192/day
(After Minor Crimelord (Rank 5), your sim can choose to pursue in the Boss Branch or the Oracle Branch)
How To Become A Criminal?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop
2. Painter
Career Overview:
In the Painter Career, Sims can let their creativity go wild on the canvas. If the painting is good enough, your Sims will be allowed to sell their Paintings to the Art Gallery. In Ranks 8 and above, you and your Sims will have the chance to hire an Agent. The Agent will help set a deal with a collector for your Sims.
What is Great About the Painter Career?
- Rewards are Decor that have the Inspiring Aura
- At Rank 10 of the Patron of the Arts Branch, the Rustic Dream Bed (which is one of the most expensive beds) will be unlocked for purchase
- In the Master of the Real Benefits branch, Sims only need to attend work for 2 days a week
How Much Can You Earn With the Painter Career?
Rank 1: Palette Cleaner $168/day
Rank 2: Art Book Collator $184 day
Rank 3: Hungry Artist $208/day
Rank 4: Watercolor Dabbler $232/day
Rank 5: Canvas Creator $280/day
Rank 6: Imaginative Imagist $308/day
(After Imaginative Imagist (Rank 6), your sim can choose to pursue in the Patron of the Arts Branch or the Master of Real Branch)
How To Become A Painter?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or computer/laptop
1. Scientist
Career Overview:
Also introduced in the Sims 4: Get to Work Expansion Pack, this Active Career. This Career is one of the quirkiest in the game; allowing Sims to clone others, create mood-changing serums, and visit Sixam! Working in the Laboratory, your Scientist Sims will be constantly inventing, experimenting, and collecting valuable items here and there. Sims will be analyzing Metals and Crystals, synthesizing serums, and upgrading inventions.
What is Great About the Scientist Career?
- Awesome inventions (Low on simoleons? Just use the Sim Ray your Sim invented to turn objects into more expensive objects and then sell it)
- Sims can give orders and commands to fellow Co-Workers
- Eventful storyline (Watch out for an Alien invasion or abduction!)
How Much Can You Earn With the Scientist Career?
Rank 1: Lab Technician $216/day
Rank 2: Apprentice Inventor $288/day
Rank 3: Junior Tinkerer $ 351/day
Rank 4: Serum Sequencer $432/day
Rank 5: Technology Innovator $648/day
Rank 6: Ufologist $918/day
Rank 7: Laboratory Leader $1278/day
Rank 8: Pioneer of New Technologies $1683/day
Rank 9: Mad Scientist $1935/day
Rank: 10: Extraterrestrial Explorer $2223/day
How To Become a Scientist?
- Sims can join using their mobile phones or a computer/laptop
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