Apex Legends gameplay encourages strutting your stuff, flashy kills and high output. It is a masterful cohesion of accelerated gunplay and game changing character abilities that allow for clip worthy kill chains and high body counts. Even if you aren't all about bedazzling in your style of play personally, there is something about the appeal that can be appreciated by all gamers.
Join me in counting down the list of top 10 Apex Legends best kill streaks!
10) Denis "Denzaay" Brendstrup: 35 Kills
9) Jaylen "FuTuRe" Gammage: 35 Kills
FuTuRe's 35 kill streak gameplay
The number 9 spot goes to Jaylen "FuTuRe" Gammage, a former Team Singularity member and current Valorant player. This young man manages to rack up a 35 kill game seemingly becoming one of the catalysts as to why the Havoc was nerfed to this day. Teetering on the edge of death with about 15 HP in the beginning of the match, FuTuRe juggles fighting multiple squads this game. Watch link below as FuTuRe simultaneously consumes up all the energy ammo on the map along with almost every poor player.
8) Joshua "nOOK" Nice: 36 Kills
nOOK's 36 kill streak gameplay
nOOK is another credible and avid Apex Legends player currently a part of team Finalised, recently taking second place in Esports Arena 6. He starts off the game planting an arc star to a Bangalore's face while proceeding to teach the rest of her team a lesson in standing too close together. The entire is simply a cold tail of what the R301 can do when shoved into the right hands, this is the definition of ‘full send’.
7) "exeratio": 36 Kill
exeratio's 36 kill streak gameplay
The master of the arts of ‘incognito gaming’ comes our number six kill streaker “exeratio”. Though overly low-profiled and hard dig up, ‘exeratio’ manages to still penetrate the leaderboards due to a milestone game, consisting of 36 kills and traumatized lobby. Equipped with a Wingman, R-99, and a golden trigger finger, exeratio puts on a heavenly performance while deleting unsuspecting players off Kings Canyon. Click the link to see how his R-99 doesn’t know the definition of recoil just as he doesn’t seem to know how to slow down.
6) Konstantin "Hardecki" Kozlov: 36 Kills
Hardecki is a member of Russian Gambit Esports organization, who has recently replaced Sunset. He and his squad have also recently managed to place first in the ALGS Super Regional #1 - EMEA. This game is just another testament to his great ability when the show begins. He turns into an absolute head-case in order to secure this 36 kill game. Watch closely as he allows the final squad to respawn a fallen member in order for him to gain +1 more kill to pad the stats (what a sly dog).
5) Romain "row" Dalyis: 36 Kills
Our next kill mongerer is the French player row, also a part of Cooler Esports. Among the oldest on the list row comes out the gate gunning for anyone in sight taking Peacekeeper chunks out of them. Unfortunately, the game was recorded from his partners POV, however it gives it a more omnipotent guardian angel feel and does nothing to negate the fact he walks away with a whopping 36 kills. With beautiful communication and on point team work it is a sight to see.
4) Lucas "Mendokusaii" Håkansson: 36 Kills
Mendokusaii' 36 kil streak gameplay
Mendokusaii is a member of Team Liquid hailing all the way from Sweden. He once played CS:GO as well as being a part of the Houston Outlaws as a content creator but now spends time shredding it on Apex Legends for Team Liquid. Ironically he starts out this record blowing game elaborating on how desensitized his fan base is to his ‘extraordinary plays’. This is the epitome of “act like you’ve been there” and from all the flashy plays and snappy shots it’s clear he's been here multiple times.
3) Nikita "Slempy" Makogon: 37 Kills
Slempy's 37 kill streak gameplay
Slempy is another Russian gamer who was a former player for orgless Dead Inside. He has graduated from CS:GO player to semi-pro PUBG player and ultimately stunting as an Apex Legends prodigy. His first kill of the game is a merciless assination to an unsuspecting BloodHound, sticking an arc star to his back (oh how sinister). After that it only goes down hill for the rest of the lobby as he slays a platoon of innocent bystanders and would be shooters. See him perform the dance of death all over everyone as a sacrifice to the Apex Gods.
2) “Phardon”: 37 Kills
Phardon's 37 kill streak gameplay
Another player who seems to be skilled at masking his online presence but yet still able to bless us at the number 2 kill streak spot is Phardon. Displaying his crystal mouse movement on his monitor while calmly scouring the entire map for enemies, Phardon does not allow anyone to escape his grasp. Utilizing one of, if not the most mobile legend (Pathfinder) to his full potential; Phardon shows us how to make killing look fun and easy... disturbingly easy.
1) Oliver "Badoli" Kurtuldu: 39 Kills
Badoli's 39 kill streak gameplay
Lastly we have Danish player Badoli who most recently played for Fnatic. Although some fans may speculate on the idea of him creating a smurf account in the process, the feat is still incredible within itself. The origins of the game start out in a cramped market where he smoothly takes on 4 foes at once. Funny enough on the last enemy Badoli runs out of ammo and is pushed hard, he simply chucks a grenade, grapples away and listens from a distance as the enemy gets blown to bits. After that, the remainder of the game is merely what some might call-- “lamb to the slaughter”.
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