What are Legend Tokens?
Apex Legends has multiple currencies. Apex Coins are a semi-premium currency that can be gained from battle pass levels or from purchasing packs in the in-game store. These are used for purchasing Apex packs and skins in the store.
Then we have crafting materials, which are used to craft certain skins at specific rarities. Finally is Legend Tokens, which not only allow you to acquire legends but also purchase recoloured skins in the Apex Store rotation.
Legend Tokens are essential for unlocking every character in the game and making sure you can swap legends when needed in competitive play. Want to be able to test out each legend or be there for your team after games? Then you need Legend Tokens to get those legends! There are many ways of getting Legend Tokens, but they all come down to getting experience points!
5. Playing Games
One of the main things you need to do to get experience for your account level in Apex Legends is to play games. Playing matches in general will award consistent XP which will allow you to slowly level up and get those much-needed Legend Tokens.
Each level that rewards Legend Tokens gives you 600, so you will need to play a good amount to get all the legends.
The best way to play some games and get XP is to either play Battle Royale or chill out in some Mixtape. Mixtape is great for a chill session as you don't need to worry about the stress of having one life, it's like playing Call of Duty instead.
How it Works
- Load into a Battle Royale or Mixtape match, whichever you prefer, and play the games out till completion.
- Enjoy your time and get some fun games whilst levelling your account.
- Each time you finish a level it can reward Legend Tokens depending on your specific account level.
4. Playing With Friends
Playing with Friends is another way to get XP smoother and faster. Playing with friends allows you to have a much more fun experience whilst playing Apex as you can play sweatier or more casual depending on your group.
Gaming with friends is always better for having longer gaming sessions, which means more games played and more XP earned. Playing with friends also applies their own personal XP booster which we will get onto next. Everyone has one at the base, so just playing with friends will automatically increase the amount of XP you will earn.
How it Works
- Load into a Battle Royale or Mixtape match, whichever you prefer, and play the games out till completion.
- Enjoy your time and get some fun games whilst levelling your account.
- Each time you finish a level it can reward Legend Tokens depending on your specific account level.
3. Battle Pass XP Boosters
Next, we have Battle Pass XP Boosters, which you unlock throughout your Battle Pass track. There are set levels in the Battle Pass that reward an XP booster to your account, this will slowly increase as you get more. What this does is apply a percentage increase to XP to yourself, and everyone in your squad.
This only works with people you choose to team up with, so no random teammates. This makes playing with friends even better, but also means you can get more XP as you progress than Battle Pass. You'll get rewards from the Battle Pass and eventually get more Legend Tokens as a result!
How it Works
- Load into a Battle Royale or Mixtape match, whichever you prefer, and play the games out till completion.
- Enjoy your time and get some fun games whilst levelling your account.
- Make sure to complete Battle Pass challenges to level it up faster for those XP boosters.
- Each time you finish a level it can reward Legend Tokens depending on your specific account level.
2. Survival Time and Kills
One of the main contributors to getting XP is your survival time in a match and how many kills you end up getting. Each kill will give you a set amount of XP and depending on how long you've been in that match, you'll be rewarded even more XP.
This means playing longer games or doing super well in a match gives more XP, but don't just sit in a corner and hope for some gains. You want to be participating in fights, getting knocks, assists and damage as they all contribute to how much XP you get at the end of the game. It all adds up, so play the game and you'll be rewarded.
How it Works
- Load into a Battle Royale or Mixtape match, whichever you prefer, and play the games out till completion.
- Enjoy your time and get some fun games whilst levelling your account.
- Focus on kills, knocks and assists to boost your XP gains.
- Each time you finish a level it can reward Legend Tokens depending on your specific account level.
1. Winning Games
Finally, we have the biggest contributor to your XP gains, and that's winning matches in Apex’s Battle Royale. Now, no one expects you to win every match, but getting consistent wins and doing well in those matches will give you more XP than anything else.
If you apply everything else in this article and get some wins at the same time, then you'll be leveling up super quickly for sure. Even at level 400 plus, a win whilst getting some decent stats like kills and assists will nearly give you a full level. It's a great way to get some XP, but probably the hardest.
Don't worry though, if you can't get some wins just apply everything else in this article and you'll be leveling up in no time.
How it Works
- Load into a Battle Royale or Mixtape match, whichever you prefer, and play the games out till completion.
- Enjoy your time and get some fun games whilst levelling your account.
- Try to get the win at the end whilst doing super well.
- Each time you finish a level it can reward Legend Tokens depending on your specific account level.