10. Darkside
What makes Darkside awesome?
- Day of The Dead aesthetic, spooky!
- Dark color scheme, uncommon for Apex Skins.
- Very Rare! Not many players have this skin.
How to get it: Craftable for only 1200 materials!
See it in action here:
9.Soft Power
What makes Soft Power awesome?
- Oceanic color scheme, very pleasing to look at.
- Subtle color combos.
How to get it: You first have to own the Millenium Tusk skin (craftable) then youll be able to purchase this recolor from the ingame store.
See it in action here:
8. Call to arms
What makes Call to Arms awesome?
- Honors Gibbys tribal theme.
- Just look at that beard, awesome!
- References the cultural connections of Gibbys character.
How to get it: Part of the Iron Crown event, keep an eye out for a rerelease.
See it in action here:
7. Monster mashed
What makes Monster Mashed awesome?
- Gibby gets a Frankenstein's monster makeover.
- Super unique look, Halloween themed.
- Very rare, not many players have it!
- I personally think the hazard warning on his gun shield is an awesome touch!
How to get it: Part of the Fight or Fright event in 2019, keep an eye out this halloween for a re release.
See it in action here:
6.Brudde bear
What makes Brudda Bear awesome?
- It's Christmas themed, who doesn't love christmas?
- Um, hello? He has literally turned into a giant teddy bear.
- It's a perfect fit for Gibbys loveable personality.
How to get it: Part of the Holiday bash event, wait for this year's Holoday Bash and buy it then!
See it in action here:
5. Gibraltron
What makes Gibraltron awesome?
- Full mecha gibby, the bulky robotic body makes him look even more of a threat on the battlefield.
- Strong cyberpunk vibes,
How to get it: Part of the system override event, keep an eye out for a rerelease!
See it in action here:
4. Golden god
What makes Golden God awesome?
- Recolor of the skin Gibraltron.
- Cyberpunk aesthetic.
- Super unique look!
- Very rare, not many players rock this skin.
How to get it: Part of the anniversary collection event in 2020, will re release in the 2021 event!
See it in action here:
3. Code red
What makes Code Red awesome?
- Vintage combat uniform aesthetic.
- Recolor of the WW2 themed skin “Bunker Buster2
- Rare! Few players have it.
How to get it: You need to own the “Bunker Buster” skin which is craftable, then this can be purchased using red materials through the ingame store.
See it in action here:
2. Bunker buster
What makes Bunker Buster awesome?
- It's craftable! You can have a unique skin for only 1200 crafting materials.
- WW2 Themed.
- Bonus: helmet has the infamous paratrooper webbing, that's a nice little touch.
How to get it: Craftable under the legend section for 1200 materials.
See it in action here:
1. Blazin hot
What makes Blazin Hot awesome?
- First off, Hotrod flames. Need I say anymore?
- Gibby has a mohawk, that's freaking awesome.
- Bonus: the chest piece of his armour is a front bumper/grill of a car. Keeping with the Hot rod theme.
How to get it: Part of the aftermarket collection event, keep an eye out for a re release!
See it in action here:
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