Want to feel like a Legend in this game?
As someone who has spentover 6k hours on this game and is an expert on this topic, if you follow this tier list, you, too, can have what it takes to win like a true legend in Apex Legends!
Apex Legends is a Battle Royale about winning and keeping up with each season's meta.
Without further ado, let's get on with the Tier List.
Horizon (S tier) 99/100

Many players have mixed feelings about Horizon, aka “Space Mommy.” Some players love her, and some players hate her. Love her or hate her, she's been meta every season since her release back in Season 7. And she's still somewhat meta till this current season. There is a reason why she's a “crutch” legend. So, what makes this “Space Mommy” so meta almost every season?
- Both casual and pro players claim that she's OP even after her nerf
- Her gravity lift is perfect for gaining height on the enemy
- She can heal while floating mid-air with her gravity lift
- Since she's very difficult to buff or nerf, it causes her to keep her meta status every season
- She has a very high pick rate among high-ranked players
- She can shoot enemies mid-air while floating on her gravity lift
- Horizon's Ultimate is a device that “gravitates” enemies towards her; pros will throw grenades at it for easy knocks and kills.
- Her ultimate can be used defensively as a distraction for the enemies.
Revenant (S tier)98/100

Revenant has been in the Apex games since season 4, and at one time, he even had a very low pick rate; due to his low pick rate, he was the first Legend so far to get a complete rework of his abilities in Season 18 that gave him his much-needed improvement for a higher pick rate which means he's more likely to get more wins now thanks to the rework.
Why is Revenant S Tier?
- Revenant has been meta in Apex Legends ever since they reworked his abilities back in Season 18.
- He's been a crucial and popular pick for almost every meta team comp, both ranked and unranked.
- Despite his nerf, he's still a very good pick, and he has a decent pick rate with the overall player base.
- His abilities make it very easy to flank your enemies. He has a passive ability that allows him to climb faster and higher than the other Legends, and he can also crouch lower and make faster and quieter footsteps to easily catch enemies off guard. He also has a tactical ability that allows him to leap into action or to leap out of a sticky situation. Lastly, he has the ultimate ability that gives him extra shield health that acts kind of like a protective forcefield around his body to protect him from incoming damage.
- Because of these abilities, Revenant should always be one of the first people on your team to enter a battle since he's kind of like an aggressive “tank.” Therefore, this is why I rank Revenant a high S tier.
- I'm not just saying this just because I main him either; a lot of streamers and pro players would agree with this as well.
- He's perfect for aggressive play styles.
- He's fun to play!
- It's easy to learn his abilities!
- Somewhat beginner-friendly!
S tier Conduit 95/100

Conduit is a shield healer that is in the support class. She's one of the “must picks” if you need a support legend on your team. She's also one of the newest legends that came out a couple of seasons ago in Season 19. Why is Conduit S tier? Here Are the reasons why!
- She's one of the top support characters
- Can heal your shields and gives temporary shield protection until you get more shields so you can stay in the fight longer!
- Her abilities are really strong
- Passive ability gives her a speed boost to catch up with her teammates
- Tactical ability gives her and her teammates extra shield health (works well when paired with Revenant)
- Ultimate ability allows her to put down a forcefield-like barrier that stuns and zaps enemies if they walk into it and it does damage to the enemy
- The Ultimate is perfect to defend an area.
- Since Conduit is in the support class category, she can easily and safely grab dead teammates' banner cards from a distance using a replicator/crafter to respawn them back into the match.
- As a support class legend, she can open the extra compartments of the support blue bins to give teammates more health items and other survival Items.
Lifeline (S Tier) 90/100

Lifeline is a combat medic in the support class of Apex Legends. She is a must-pick in almost every team especially in ranked. And she is highly recommended for newer players learning this game for the first time. She is the “default” character.
Why is she S-tier?
- Beginner Friendly: She's the first character you start with when creating a new Apex account.
- Abilities are straightforward to learn.
- can heal and revive multiple teammates at the same time.
- Can drop a care package to help her teammates get the items they need.
- Her drone recovers your and your teammates' full health
- Just like I said, with Conduit as a support Legend, she can also safely recover banner cards from a crafter, which is crucial to surviving enemies, especially if you're the last one standing on your team.
Bangalore (A tier) 88/100

Bangalore is an Assault class legend In Apex Legends. Since about around season 18, maybe even a little bit before season 18, she's been meta in both casual play and pro leagues. Pro players like Imperial Hal love To play Bangalore. She’s a very solid choice if you like to fight dirty. here's why she's a high A tier on this list
- With Scan Legends being nerfed and the digital threat scope being recently removed, it's now more difficult to scan her and her teammates through her smokes
- With one of her perks, you can regenerate your health with her smoke
- Her ultimate is an airstrike that spans over A certain area and forces enemies to move to avoid getting hit and damaged by it.
- Her passive ability gives her a speed boost when getting shot at.
- Her airstrike can be used both offensively and defensively
- Her smokes make a decent cover to blind the enemy's sight the only downside is that it Could also block teammates' view if used incorrectly.
- Bangalore Works Well with support healer Type Legends like Lifeline to help cover them with her smoke while they revive/respawn
Loba (A Tier) 86/100

Loba is a thief That will steal your heart and your loot! What do I mean by this? I'll explain here why Loba is high to mid-A tier!
- Can safely grab loot from a distance Using her ultimate “black market”
- Be careful not only that the black market can be used by teammates, but it can also be used by enemies. So, to prevent enemies from taking anything, make sure you close the black market when done looting!
- Her passive allows her to see high-tier loot through walls and other objects.
- She can open support bins
- She is in the support class Therefore, like Lifeline and Conduit, she can craft banners
- She has a tactical ability that allows her to use her bracelet as a teleportation device.
- Although The bracelet is a good way to teleport to another location, you have to be careful of enemies chasing you
- The downside of using the bracelet is that it leaves a trail behind to where you're teleporting to.
- Another downside is that it's kinda slowish and takes some time, and by the time you land in an area, the enemy can shoot you down mid-teleport
- Loba is fairly easy to play and get used to however, the bracelet takes some skill you have to aim it and time it just right
- The bracelet has two Uses: to either enter a fight or to escape from a fight, which is something you have to think about yourself. It takes a lot of strategy.
- Try to place the black market in an area with decent loot if there's barely any loot nearby, there's no point in placing it, and you'll waste the ultimate
- Luckily her ultimate cool down for the black market is fast in charges in about less than 2 minutes!
Ash (A tier) 86/100

Ash is a character from the Titan Fall franchise who was added to Apex Legends in Season 11. Here's why I think she's A-tier.
- Her arc snare is perfect for grabbing enemies and keeping them from running away for an easy knock
- She's an Assault Legend and is perfect for aggressive play styles
- Her passive can scan nearby enemies by interacting with deathboxes.
- Her ultimate is a one-way portal to help her and her team escape or push into a fight
- The Ultimate can also be used to gain height/higher ground
- Can open Assault bins for extra weapon supplies
- The downside of the arc snare is that it can easily be dodged, especially if not aimed and calculated Correctly
- The downside of the ultimate is that if you accidentally land in front of an enemy team, your team could easily get wiped out if you aren't careful.
- Ash is fairly easy to learn she doesn't take too much skill
- Arc snare can also do slight damage to enemies
- Ash is good for solo play, too; she doesn't need teammates.
Fuse (B tier) 84/100
Fuse is an explosive enthusiast expert. His abilities revolve around grenades, and he's obsessed with chaos! But what would make Fuse a B-tier? Here are the reasons why
- Perfect play style for aggressive players
- All of his abilities do damage to enemies (but be careful they do damage to yourself And allies)
- His ultimate Ability, “Motherload,” can create a ring of fire that can burn foes and briefly scan them if they get caught in it.
- He's good at getting enemies out of their “camping” spots. He can do this by spamming grenades, his tactical ability, the knuckle cluster, and his ultimate, the Mother Load
- He takes almost no skill to play. His ultimate might be a little tricky to get right, but other than that, he's very easy to play.
- He's annoying to play against (if he's on the enemy team)
Valkyrie (B Tier) 83/100
If you love to fly around the map and win while soaring high in the sky, then Valkyrie is the perfect choice for you! Of course, just keep in mind that she takes a decent amount of skill, especially with knowledge about when to rotate to a safer area with your team. Here are the reasons why she's a B-tier
- Valkyrie is a must, especially in ranked or pro leagues, if you want an easy getaway
- She can fly (alone or to help transport allies)
- Her flying ability is kind of useless because there are Evac towers and jump towers (balloons) that do her job, but at the same time, they save you from wasting her abilities when needed in case those options are unavailable.
- Easy high-ground access
- Her tactical ability is a missile swarm that is a hit or miss at times, but when used correctly, it destroys doors and gets players out of cover.
- I wouldn't recommend her for a newer player base she is somewhat mid to advanced-level
- She can scan foes while flying
- She's an easy target. Therefore, she can easily risk getting shot down if she hovers too long in the air.
- Must have rotational Skills/knowledge
Catalyst (B Tier) 82/100
Catalyst is a fortune teller who can see the outcomes of your wins. I'm just kidding, but she is one of the top defensive legends. She’s a great defensive pick but not perfect. This is why she ranks at B tier.
- Can lock doors to keep enemies from easily entering your building.
- Can block the enemy's field of view with her ultimate
- Can Set up spike traps that can damage the enemy if they walk into it they take up to 15 damage
- Can rebuild broken/destroyed doors.
- Can scan next ring location (controller legend perk)
- Heavily Used in pro leagues (meta with pro players at the moment)
Rampart (B tier) 81/100
This defensive weapons modder is fun when she's on your team but annoying when on the enemy team. Just like Horizon, Rampart also has a player base with mixed feelings about her as well. Like her or hate her, she is still a decent character to play if you want easy “camp” style wins. This is why she's a B-tier legend.
- her passive is only helpful on LMG weapons.
- Faster reloads on LMGs or while behind amp covers.
- Ampt cover can protect from incoming bullets However, it can easily be destroyed
- Has a mobile mini gun that can be used both stationary and carried on the go
- Fast ultimate charge time
- Ultimate Has a slow wind-up time, but it gets a lot of fast kills and, when stationary, can have unlimited reloads
- Can place down her turret for others to use (enemies can easily take advantage of this) (must destroy/take down your turret to avoid this)
Newcastle (B Tier) 80/100
He’s the perfect combination of defense and support. Although he’s under the support role, he’s got some really good defense aspects to him. He’s been pretty much the same since his release in season 13 not much has changed this is why he is a B-tier legend
- Despite his very low pick rate, he’s still a great choice for a support role.
- He can drag his wounded crew members to safety while reviving them.
- His ultimate is a castle wall that can protect from incoming fire and can be used as cover.
- His castle wall can block doorways
- an energized castle wall can stun foes if they walk into it.
- It has many support perks, just like the other support role legends.
- His pick rate is low because he’s “boring to play,” and his hitbox is too big and bulky, so he can easily be a target.
Alter (C tier) 76/100
Alter is the newest Legend that came out in Season 21. I’ve played her a few times when she first came out, and I have to say I am impressed with her abilities so far despite her “ recycled “ abilities, which are similar to Wraith and Ash. She's still unique enough to make her fun. So what makes Alter a C-tier legend?
- She's a relatively new character as of season 21/22; therefore, she's still "fresh" to play as a new character.
- her abilities feel kind of recycled From other Legends for example, she feels Like the combination of Wraith and Ash
- Just another “portal” Legend
- Her abilities are mid
- Can Create a portal through walls and ceilings to catch enemies off guard
- Her passive allows her to grab one item per death box from a safe distance with her tail (excluding shields)
- Her ultimate ability is a great tool for retreating from a fight
- She is only semi “meta” right Now because she's newish, and people are still trying to get kills and wins with her.
Wraith (C tier) 75/100
Despite being a very popular legend to play with a high pick rate, her abilities are kind of lacking. Even hardcore Wraith mains agree that her abilities are kind of mid. Let me explain why we have to list her as C tier.
- Most people only play her because she's “fun” and “nostalgic”
- She's overrated
- Her portal takes way too long to set up
- She's one of the “beginner” characters that everyone has unlocked when they play Apex for the first time
- One of the “OG” Legends since the game's launch In 2019
- Her passive ability sometimes has delays where it warns you about “nearby enemies,” so by the time you get warned, it's too late; you're already dead. But when it does work, it works well
- Her phase ability is very useful to escape from incoming damage (she takes no damage while phasing away)
- her ultimate ability allows Her to create a two-way portal as a gateway
- Portals can be used to “kidnap”/trap The enemy
- Her abilities take a lot of strategy (especially her portal) (you have to know precisely when and where to use it/place it)
Mad Maggie (C Tier) 74/100
Mad Maggie, the “Shotgun Expert,” She's perfect for close and aggressive combat. She has a similar play style to Fuse. A fun character to play but very annoying to play against. She has unique abilities that could lead to an easy win however, she has some flaws with some pros and cons Therefore, unfortunately, I have to Give her a C tier for the following reasons
- Her drill can do damage to enemies and catch them off guard if they're not paying attention however, the downside is that if they notice the drills, they can easily be dodged
- The duration of the drill can only last a few seconds
- Her ultimate is a wrecking ball that can give her and her team a speed boost while also simultaneously stunning and damaging the enemy if they get hit by it.
- Her passive is only useful with shotguns
- She can run faster while having a shotgun equipped in her hands
- Beginner user-friendly (her abilities are easy to comprehend) and do not require much skill.
Bloodhound (C Tier) 73/100
Bloodhound, the technological Hunter, uses technology to hunt their enemies. It is a recon legend with scanning abilities, and they are excellent for detailed enemy Insights. However, they've gotten a bunch of unnecessary nerfs over the past seasons, which has made their abilities somewhat weak. This is why they have a C-tier rating.
- Having a scan Legend on your team is ideal, but it's not meta, and it's not necessary since there are other ways to gain info about enemies
- Bloodhound is one of the OG legends, which means if they do play them, it's only for the sake of nostalgia or their simple play style.
- They're easy to learn, and they're also the character that helps you learn the tutorial when you first play Apex. Bloodhound teaches new players the basics of the game.
- Bloodhound can scan multiple foes in one room/area with just one click/ press of a button
- Bloodhound has a white raven that can show the direction of where the nearest enemies are
- They can track enemy footprints to get a clue of where they were last seen.
- Bloodhound’s ultimate Beast of the Hunt” can turn their vision black and white and highlight the enemies a bright red to help see their prey better. (You can refresh the time on it after every knock)
- You can scan survey beacons to see the enemies highlighted all over the map, which is useful info to help you decide if you want to push into an area or not.
Mirage (C tier) 72/100
Mirage is a bit of a trickster type of character. He loves to bamboozle people. And his abilities show us this. These are the reasons why Mirage ranks at C-tier.
- He can go invisible While reviving and respawning an ally
- Can Create decoys of himself to trick/bamboozle the enemy (although will rarely work on a highly experienced player)
- Highly experienced players can, most of the time, tell the difference between a real and “fake” Mirage.
- He's a support legend, so he has all the same support class benefits as other support Legends like Lifeline and Loba.
- His decoys can give away an enemy's location.
Wattson (C tier) 71/100
Wattson is a controller class legend with strong defense abilities. Great for players who prefer to play more on the defensive side of this game. Can easily win if you have really good defense knowledge. These are the reasons why she's a C-tier legend.
- Excellent for “camping” and “slow” play styles
- Good at controlling an area/building with her electric fences
- Her pylon can intercept incoming grenades (so place it wisely where it can't be easily destroyed)
- Her electric fence can sting and damage any enemies that run into it
- Electric fences can easily be destroyed if not placed right
- She kind of lacks a passive. It's a very useless passive. All it does is give her ultimate full charge after using an ultimate Accelerant, which is nice and all for an extra pylon, but again, it's not that useful.
- Pylon can help recharge your shields over time (have to stand kind of close by to gain the effects of it.)
- Can win a lot of games with Wattson if you enjoy “camping/ratting” the entire match.
- She's mostly likely to be the last one standing trying to survive in a building with her electrical fence set up as traps for the enemies
- Her electric fences act like “spider web” traps
- Can scan to see the next ring (controller legend perk)
Caustic (C tier) 70/100
Caustic is another Controller class legend with decent defensive abilities. You can have decent winning games with this Legend if ( Similar) to Wattson, you have good defensive knowledge skills, and if you take things kind of slowish. Here's what makes him a C-tier:
- Gas traps. Perfect for blocking an area with gas barrels that, if placed just right, can easily hit enemies if they run right into them.
- The gas traps can do damage to foes over time and can sometimes even give you a free kill (if the enemy's health is low enough)
- Gas grenades, when tossed in an area, can create a huge gas cloud that can periodically do damage over time.
- His passive allows him to see clearly through gas smoke
- He cannot be damaged/affected by other Caustic gases
Ballistic (C tier) 70/100
Ballistic is an Assault class legend that came out during the “Rat” season of Apex, which was back in Season 17. When he first came out, he had a mid-pick rate, and now, in this current season, people rarely play him, but why? Here are the reasons why he's in the low C tier, almost at D tier level.
Learning curve Ballistic is not very beginner-friendly and has a bit of a learning curve.
- Recommended for higher-skilled players
- Can carry 3 guns (instead of the usual 2) (this is hard for some players to get used to) (some players don't like the idea of carrying a 3rd gun.)
- He can shoot enemies with his smart Pistol, causing them to overheat their weapons.
- His ultimate gives him and his team faster reloads, And unlimited ammo for a short period.
- His ultimate ability also turns his 3rd gun into a golden gun For a short amount of time.
Octane (D tier) 69/100
Octane is a speeding “daredevil”; he is a “need for speed” type of Legend. It might not guarantee you many wins, but he's fun to play and perfect for players looking for that “adrenaline rush.” Octane might be a popular pick; however, his powers could use some slight improvements and adjustments. These are the reasons why he's D-tier.
- Despite his high pick rate, his abilities are kind of useless and selfish they don't help out the team that much(except for the jump pad) (it can help rotate a whole team)
- His ability that gives him a speed boost takes a small chunk out of his health in other words, you have to “sacrifice” your health for a small speed boost
- Can regenerate his health (if he takes no damage for a while (so I guess the only plus side is that you can carry fewer health kits)
- He's only popular because of his fast movement.
- Can use his jump pad to help him and his allies escape and “jump” into safety, or it can used to push into fights
- However, the jump pad is very loud and obvious. If an enemy hears it, they can easily chase, hunt you down, and use the jump pad against you.
Vantage (D tier) 68/100
Vantage is a “sniper” expert legend. Perfect for players who like to sit back and annoy other players by sniping all game. She part of the recon class. Here's what makes her D-tier
- Not recommended for players That have “skill issues” with snipers (Which I'll admit that's me, lol)
- Her passive works best with Snipers and marksman weapons or pretty much any weapons that use a scope
- Her passive allows her to see what level shields the enemy has on.
- She can use her pet bat, “Echo,” to gain height, but it is kind of tricky to maneuver.
- Slow and laid-back play style.
- Her ultimate ability is her sniper, which scans basic details of the enemies And can do 50-100 damage to them
- The laser on her sniper is obvious and a dead giveaway that the enemy Is being aimed at.
- Can briefly tag an enemy with her sniper for easy tracking
Pathfinder (D Tier) 67/100
Pathfinder is a friendly robot that slays his “friends.” he is one of the OG legends, which means he was available to play since the game’s launch in 2019. But unfortunately, his abilities don’t hold up very well to today's meta. Here’s why he’s in D-tier despite being an enjoyable and popular character with a very high pick rate.
- His abilities are kind of outdated; it's very difficult to buff or nerf him.
- he’s another “nostalgic” character
- His zipline is very good at transporting himself and his whole crew to another location; however, enemies can use it too, so be cautious.
- His passive ability is almost non-existent. Even with the perks, other legends can still do the same things, if not better.
- At last, the passive can instantly recharge his ultimate ability, so that’s a plus, I guess.
- His tactical ability is a grapple that can allow him to swing up to high ledges to help give him a height advantage; it could also be used to grab an enemy like a “claw machine” to keep them from running away.
Gibraltar (D Tier) 64/100
Gibby is one of the worst support legends in this game. He has decent abilities, but they kind of lack and don’t hold up that well in the current meta. However, his perks do give him a slight boost.
- He has very slow and clunky movement, which is not good in this very fast-paced game
- His shield bubble can help protect against incoming attacks, but it does not last that long. Also, the fact the enemies can just walk right inside it and shoot around it.
- Other legends like Mad Maggie, for instance, can easily counterattack his bubble with her drills.
- His bubble is an obvious giveaway any enemy with eyes can easily spot it.
- His passive is his arm shield that can protect himself against bullets
- His air strike is a hit or miss. It's mostly a miss if not dropped right, but even if it misses, it still helps get enemies out of their hiding spots.
- He’s more “defensive” rather than “Supportive”
- has the same support perks as all the other support legends
Crypto (D Tier) 63/100
A recon scan legend who does his job well but just has some flaws. Far from perfect, however, he has really useful abilities that give out really good detailed information about the enemies to his teammates. This info is very crucial for a chance to win. If his abilities are so good, why is he a D-tier? I’ll explain why
- He has a high skill level not a lot of people play him due to his high learning curve.
- Some players will “sit” in his drone for too long,g causing him and his team to choke on the win and die at the end.
- Can EMP enemies do damage to their shields and their barriers
- can grab teammate banners and revive them from a safe distance with his drone
- can be used as a surveillance camera
- Crypto could easily get a higher pick rating if his kit was easier to learn and if he was more "fun" to play.
Seer (F Tier) 50/100
Seer is the worst scan legend. He’s been nerfed to the ground and is barely useful. He was a strong character when he was first released in season 10, but over time, he got much worse. He’s so bad that almost no one picks him. He is a very easily forgettable character. These are the reasons why he’s the worst character to play and why he’s the only F-tier Legend.
- All his abilities pretty much do the same thing
- his ultimate is just a bigger version of his tactical which just scans enemies and highlights them
- The only plus side of his scans is that they can show the health bar of your foes.
- He takes very little skill, and he is annoying to play as and to play against.
- He has a “HeartBeat” sensor that allows you to hear the hearts of nearby threats.
- Other scan legends can do their job better; you’re better off choosing them instead.
- It’s too difficult to buff him without making him “overpowered”
he was meta for the few previous seasons, but due to his huge nerf, he’s no longer meta. Not many players find use in him
This concludes My Apex Legends Tier List. These are all the best and worst legends to play in Apex, in my opinion, based on my experiences playing over 6k hours on this game from season 10 through season 22 onwards.