Everyone wants to do well in Apex Legends, and with practice, you start to play with some semblance of skill. This game is based on strategic teamwork and communication, often, that doesn’t leave any room for personal vendettas or personal gain. However, that’s where the Legend Finishers come in. These short cutscenes are a unique Legend action that executes a fallen enemy once they have been downed. Typically, each Legend has two to three unique Finishers that they can use when they want to kil their enemy in style.
Each Legend has a “First Finisher” that they can automatically use once they equip it. Any other available “Finishers” must be unlocked by using coins or currency collected by in-game achievements known as Crafting Metals. Performing these Finishers is a high-risk/reward scenario and isn’t always in the user’s best interest. Finishers must be planned and executed when it’s safe to do so.
It can’t be denied: Using a Finisher on a downed enemy is the best way to redeem yourself, looking super cool, and completely refresh your Body Shield. So, in this guide, I’ll discuss the best Finishers for each Legend. These are in no particular order.
Apex Legends Best Finishers for each Legend
#13 - Bangalore - First Finisher
Nothing beats taking down your opponent with skill and grace, but Bangalore makes it look too easy in this clip. At this point, it’s clear that she’s done with her opponent getting in her way. Her First Finisher is undoubtedly the best one. Basically, she fires a rocket straight into her opponent’s face at point black range. Yikes.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
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#12 - Bloodhound - With Honor
Bloodhound is a ruthless Legend when it comes to fighting their opponents, but with that demeanor comes a certain amount of respect. In this regard, Bloodhound’s best Finisher, “With Honor” shows just how ruthless and respectful the skilled tracker can be. While Bloodhound may dispatch his opponents with superb skills and indifference, there’s no doubt that other Legends are people to be respected and admired.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
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#11 - Lifeline - D.O.C
Lifeline has always been seen as a healer, a guardian angel who can literally save you from death. Yet, when I hear people say this about her, a certain quote she often says comes to mind. “They don’t call me Lifeline, just ‘cuz I save a life.” While her D.O.C drone may be able to give life it can also take it away in a shocking manner. It’s no surprise really, the drone must have a built-in defibrillator. In this finisher, D.O.C., Lifeline’s medic robot, will electrocute the enemy to death.
It certainly isn’t the most brutal finisher, but it’s still not a great way to go.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#10 - Octane - First Finisher
Octane has always been known as a high-powered, speedster of a man who’s thrill-seeking antics know no bounds. It should be no surprise that his Finisher shows his pure lack of consideration for safety and simply the pursuit of crazy action. While he can be intimidating while fighting, his Finisher shows just how much he isn’t afraid of anything. And that is truly intimidating. As you can see by the picture, his finisher involves a grenade and his close proximity to it.
In an act similar to when he blew off his own legs, Octane seemingly drops a grenade next to his fallen target, plugs his ears, leans away (but stays close), and the grenade explodes catapulting him on his back. He then jumps up and celebrates in a fashion that only fits with his character.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#9 - Gibraltar - War Cry
Gibraltar seems like a huge teddy bear and a lovable guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Don’t let his defensive playing style fool you, though, he’s not going to mess around when it comes to ending his opponent’s life. At this point, another interesting quote comes to mind, Gibraltar’s is known for saying: “My Shield, My life.” and it speaks to the importance of it in his life. Without his shield, Gibraltar would be an entirely different character. So, it should be no surprise that his “War Cry” finisher uses it.
In this finisher, Gibraltar finishes his opponents off with a blow to the head with his shield in the style of the Maori Haka. It’s final and to the point.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#8 - Mirage - Pound It Bro
Mirage is usually the center of attention, or he tries to be, and better yet, would like to be. So, this Finisher is in no way unexpected, it’s actually expected. While it isn’t a brutal finisher, it’s more of a way for Mirage to congratulate himself and exude his infectious confidence. While it’s certainly annoying to his opponents, it gives the trickster another chance to say “Gotcha!” While doing this Finisher, Mirage employs one of his decoys to sneak up behind the opponent. During the time that they are distracted, the real Mirage shows up in front of them and punches them in the face.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#7 - Pathfinder - Hi-5
Everyone’s favorite robot, the aloof and happy-go-lucky Pathfinder is often oblivious to the destruction and mayhem he causes. He’s doesn’t have a blood-thirsty nature, but he can whip into shape, attack, and destroy before anyone realizes it. Yet, this Legend is always looking for a friend, someone he can share things with since the bot is still looking for his creator and all. When you do something cool or awesome, you look for reassurance from your friends, right?
Unfortunately, Pathfinder is looking for best buddies in the wrong place when it comes to his best Finisher. It actually is pretty cutthroat. He throws his grappling hook at his enemy and forcefully rips their throat out. He mistakes their flailing hands for a congratulatory high five. His innocence is genuine and that’s what makes or breaks this Finisher.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#6 - Wraith - Into the Light
Wraith, an interdimensional traveler, who’s a bit unstable seems to lack the capacity to show human emotions. She’s very closed-off and constantly battling with the voice in her head and the flashbacks of her past. Her tortuous existence continuously haunts her, but with that burden comes her ability to control the Void. That may be contributing to her best Finisher, “Into The Light.” Like an assassin, she is quick, efficient, and disposes of the evidence of what she’s done.
After dropping her opponent, she hits them again with a series of quick punches. Once she’s sure they’re done for, she opens a portal and tosses their body into the Void, never to be seen again.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#5 - Wattson - Electrical Contact
Wattson, an electrical engineer, and quite the eccentric character seems like such an innocent Legend. She doesn’t appear to be capable of fighting against or killing her fellow Legends in combat, but as everyone knows, appearances can be deceiving. It’s interesting to note that Wattson appears to be all innocent and soft, but underneath that, I believe she’s putting up a front. I think her aloof attitude and kind-hearted nature are part of her personality, but also a good way to keep her opponents guessing. She a defensive based legend and with her trusty coil on her back, she traps, blocks, and protects her teammates from grenade spamming and Ultimates from the likes of Bangalore and Gibraltar.
So, it’s expected that her coil would be used in her Finisher as it’s the most important asset in her arsenal. Basically, Wattson floats an enemy into the air. She looks at her hands and then, cautiously, boops the enemy’s nose. They disintegrate into thin air. Talk about a shocking experience.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#4 - Caustic - Last Breath
Caustic, my first Legend and main man is the definition of cold and ruthless. He’s emotionless, and his words are always sprinkled with a scientific purpose. He always seems to be measuring, experimenting and learning from his enemies. His Nox Gas, his ultimate weapon, is dangerous in all types of ways and should be avoided at any cost. If he surprises you, then it’s over, you’re done. Like many Legends, Caustic uses his personal weapon to end his enemies’ life with a certain finality that only he can muster.
In this Finisher, Caustic blasts his opponents in the face, point-blank, with a fierce cloud of Nox Gas. Suffocation seems like a horrible way to go.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#3 - Revenant - Imminent Shutdown
Revenant, the 300-year-old Simulacrum assassin, has decided to take his revenge on the ones who turned him into what he is. He’s a machine, but his intentions are purely human. For a while, when he died on the job, his creators would revive him and make him forget, but after he killed Loba’s parents, he looked in the mirror and saw what he had become. Throughout the years, he has learned to hone his assassin skills into something not seen by the Mercenary Syndicate or anyone else. With his Shadow abilities, he can phase in and out of sight and scare or take his enemies out without a fight.
His best Finisher uses these swift and merciless tactics to end his opponents quickly. It’s ruthless and shows just how powerful this machine-man truly is. This Finisher exhibits his skills as well as his desire to kill for no other reason than to kill.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#2 - Crypto - Drone Scan
Crypto, the expert hacker and encryption genius knows how to virtually hack into anything. That’s how he was able to secure his spot in the Games as a Legend. He uses aerial drones, which he and his dead sister designed for the Syndicate. Unfortunately, because he was too good at uncovering secrets, he found something the Syndicate wanted to keep hidden. He gave up his identity and now seeks revenge. He can’t trust anyone now besides the aerial drone that he keeps with him at all times. It’s become a part of him, his companion in his current struggles. While he competes in the Games, the drone helps him keep an eye on his enemies from afar as well as hack into anything that will aid him.
His best Finisher uses his drone. Once, Crypto has downed an enemy, he holds them up for his drone to scan their face. Then, he catches the drone and bashes them in the face.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
#1 - Loba - First Finisher
Loba Andrade is the newest addition to Apex Legends, and probably better received than Revenant was when he first dropped. It’s truly interesting that the Devs chose to release two characters with such an intertwined past. Revenant was tasked with killing Loba’s parents when she was a child. Long story short, he succeeded in killing them, but that wasn’t the end of the affair. Ironically, the event changed both their lives and proved pivotal in turning Loba into the master thief she is today. What is also intriguing about Loba and Revenant is that they are both seeking revenge.
Loba’s First Finisher is undoubtedly her best and proves to be ruthless and full of flair. This Finisher shows just how much confidence Loba has in herself and her abilities. It also says that when she’s ready to take you out of the game, she can do it with a stomp and a quick twist of her high heels. In this Finisher, Loba downs her enemy then uses her pole to catapult herself into the air while performing an acrobatic stomp on her enemy's neck. She twists her heel, snapping their neck, and walks away in a saucy manner.
How to perform the finisher: You’ll first need to bring your enemy to zero health. After that, you’ll need to walk up to them and hold the corresponding action button: X on Xbox, Square on PS4, and E on the PC.
Youtube link:
That covers it for this guide. What do you think? Are these truly the best Finishers for each Legend or is there a better one instead? In my opinion, when finishing your opponent, it’s important to do it with style and a touch of ruthlessness. After all, you are killing them in the game, there’s really no way to sugar coat that. Just make it look awesome.
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